Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1383: No regrets in this life! Bai Chuwei forcibly broke into the forbidden area of ​​the d

It's a pity that I don't know what Bai Chuwei is doing for personal affairs. A group of archaeological experts thought about it in their hearts and stopped leaving!

Just stayed at Duan Xueqin's house, and had to wait for Bai Chuwei to return.

The expert who couldn't live there turned around and went to the nearest hotel, ready to rush over as soon as he heard that Bai Chuwei was back.

Bai Chuwei took the snowball all the way to the direction of Demon. She claimed that she did not make a debut, let alone a big star, and she didn't wear any sunglasses or equipment.

Along the way, fans were all around holding the Collector's Edition of "Mountain Moon Records", asking for signatures.

Fans who got the autograph were moved to tears in their eyes while holding the book, and they almost choked up and said: "I didn't expect to get Mr. Bai's signature in my lifetime...I will have no regrets in this life."

This is not just the first of the classic Chinese classics, Mr. Bai’s signature, Bai Chuwei is also the number one in the underground world, the first representative of the entire world of spiritual practice!

Her signature? There are not many monks.

Just walking all the way, Xueqiu was still chattering on the side: "Old ancestor, the dead fox is too hateful. He caught your favorite Xuebao before, and he didn't let me know the specific location of the Demon Realm!"

"Just shut me up in the villa and attacked me with all kinds of sugar-coated shells! Your Xuebao really suffered a lot at that time." Snowball grabbed Bai Chuwei's sleeves and cried angrily.

Bai Chuwei glanced at it, and the little guy's round face felt that it would open its mouth to talk nonsense.

Wuming is indeed not a good fox, but he definitely feeds snowballs to fat mice!

"What are you doing? Who are you? This is the New World forbidden area and no entry is allowed!" Walking to the entrance of the lush forest, the monk shouted sharply.

In a radius of tens of miles, there is not a single person around except them!

This is the Gatling Forest State, the most talked about place in O State. Rumor has it that everything in the forest here is still in its original state and has never been developed.

Everyone knows that this is not a good place, and ordinary people have to drive around.

This is the forbidden area of ​​their Demon Realm. Once ordinary monks set foot, the domain master will let them know how terrible it is for Demon Cultivation to make mistakes.

"Hey... is Bai Chuwei? Senior Bai?!"

As soon as the person approached, the eyes of the few demons who were guarding outside the forest were surprised.

Bai Chuwei, who had only won three Nobel Prizes, suddenly ran to the forbidden area of ​​their Demon Realm to do?

Bai Chuwei is the first in the sky list, and their domain owner is the second in the sky list.

The first and the second, have always been extremely jealous when they met.

Is this to provoke?

A few magic repairs are completely bad. People ranked first in the ranking list. He has lived for more than two hundred years. The cultivation base is not enough to serve Bai Chuwei.

But if you don't guard and put them into the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Realm, it will be a death if you fall into the hands of the domain master.

What can I do about this!

Bai Chuwei glanced slantingly, and said quietly: "I don't want to do it, so get out of it all."

A group of demons almost cried, aren't you embarrassing people?

Behind him came the sound of footsteps, and several shift guards saw the savior and cried out: "Domain Lord! Miss Ball! Senior White and they are going to break into the forbidden area of ​​our Demon Realm!"

Bai Chuwei looked back and saw that Su Qiuqiu had already thrown off the nameless and ran all the way towards Bai Chuwei.

A pair of beautiful fox eyes, staring at her staringly!

Su Qiuqiu jumped and shouted in a hurry: "Sign your signature. You have signed many people, and I want it too."

Bai Chuwei glanced at the gentle nameless, and asked casually: "Where do you want to sign?"

Su Qiuqiu shouted excitedly: "The sign is in my heart!"

Bai Chuwei: "..."


Snowball: "...Oh, real soil."

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