Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1396: Mr. Duan is so green, with green light all over

Duan Feihan has lived for twenty-six years. In his previous life, he never thought that one day he would be green, and everyone knows that he would be green, and billions of people around the world know it:)

Duan Feihan held Bai Chuwei's slender waist possessively with one hand, while holding the mobile phone in the other, looking at his WeChat with a cold expression.

It's all on WeChat, the friend who made him mourn. Bai Chuwei was the green one. If this is another woman, these friends will definitely help Duan Zong support the scene!

[Hoshino Liaoyuan:? ? ? Fourth uncle, is it true? ]

[Hoshino Liaoyuan: Fourth Uncle, in fact, for the better, you are also the main house, and you can be regarded as adding Ding's import. ]

[Duan Feihan: Your card was stopped. ]

Duan Xingye: "???"

Duan Feihan suppressed his anger. This dog nephew couldn't vomit ivory. He first mentioned that he was green, and then said that he could not make her pregnant.

I have to let Duan Xingye know how great it is!

The card was really stopped by Duan Feihan, but Duan Xingye was not worried at all, but was a little bit happy.

He learned this from his fourth uncle-eating soft rice.

He was finally able to eat Su Ruan's soft rice openly. Let's take it for a month.

Duan Feihan looked at WeChat and text messages blankly, and simply turned off the phone.

Chuwei is still communicating with the host of the underground forum.

The host of the underground forum was embarrassed, and he did not expect it to be like this.

In the past, these news would only spread in the underground world. For a while, he forgot Bai Chuwei's popularity. As a result, it was spread ten by one, and everyone knew it. The more and more it spread, it indirectly led to Mr. Duan being "green".

The altar master coughed in a low voice, and said in embarrassment: "Friend Bai Dao, the matter is beyond salvation, why don't you first check if there is anyone you are looking for among those monks?"

"The big data survey of the underground forum has sent invitations to all the cultivators who have been screened and the talented monks." The altar master paused and couldn't help but smile, "Bai Dao is friendly, and these monks are very positive about invitations. , I should see you soon."

As the saying goes, you don't hit the smiley people by reaching out.

This altar master was originally to help with things, even if the ancestors wouldn't let him work in vain, it would not be too harsh.

Bai Chuwei cut off the contact between the two, and went straight to the Imperial University with Duan Feihan, vaguely hearing the students' low voices: "President Duan is so green, and the whole body is green."

Duan Feihan: "..."

Bai Chuwei looked around, slightly surprised, and randomly pulled an emperor university student and asked, "What's wrong with the emperor university recently?"

The lucky student who was selected flushed with excitement, and said hurriedly: "Student to Patriarch Bai, you haven't returned to the emperor for a long time at Kunlun College, maybe you don't know."

"Because of your praise, the school allocated a lot of money. The principal put aside the back mountain and built a statue of Ms. Bai in the back mountain. The ribbon-cutting was done in these two days."

Bai Chuwei raised her eyes and looked at the back mountain, and she could faintly see a statue on the back of her head...

"Old Pai and Pai, many cultivators have come to our emperor. I heard that they have received your invitation letter and are here to participate in your selection?" A student ran over from the gate, breathing slightly to report.

Bai Chuwei's eyes flashed, and it was estimated that the monks with extraordinary talents who had sent letters to the underground forum altar had arrived.

But it came a little bit sooner.

Bai Chuwei nodded: "See you."

As soon as the word was uttered, Duan Feihan obviously felt that the eyes of the surrounding students had changed and became sympathetic--!

Duan Feihan looked cold, but the blue veins on his forehead jumped out one by one...

He is not green!

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