Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1430: The ranking of the top rankings has been updated and revised! Han Han, where are you?

The 5,000-year history of China has never been recognized internationally, but it is recognized here.

In this great archeological event that can be recorded in the annals of history, the archaeologists who participated in them are enough to be recorded in the annals of history, and have left a name in history.

And all this is just a small act of Bai Chuwei donating the snake eggs!

In other words, the person who really should be thankful is Bai Chuwei!

Perhaps it is because one million is really related to this matter, and now the focus of global attention is on the only one million viper.

Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan discarded one million of the highly anticipated "star pets", left the Double Temple in a low-key manner, and returned to the mansion in the Sky City.

Looking up at the sky in the mansion, the large-scale space artifact Yun Shang Qing Que exists in different dimensions in the sky, and it seems a little looming.

Duan Feihan was silent for a while, he had personally complained about Bai Zong's poor aesthetics, red and green racing shit...

Forget the past.

Bai Chuwei held back a smile and pulled Feihan's hand.

The sad and angry Snowball rushed out of the bedroom carrying the laptop, "Old ancestor, the host of the underground forum is looking for you."

Bai Chuwei heard the word and took over the computer.

Xueqiu looked around and suggested: "Old Ancestor, can you find me an identity in "Shan Hai Jing" too?"

Bai Chuwei is not polite: "No."

After the computer voice call came through, the magnetic voice of the host of the underground forum came from the other end, and said in a cold voice: "If you don't contact for a few days, Fellow Daoist Bai has done another great event. It is gratifying."

Soon there came the voice of reading the booklet, and the altar master entered the subject: "Friend Bai Dao, you were looking for a talented monk in the spiritual world, I will notify the second batch I found? Do you continue to screen?"

Xueqiu was very touched by hearing it. Seeing that one million people have made their global debut, and the host is so powerful, he unilaterally declared that the host is his good friend.

Bai Chuwei glanced at Duan Feihan, who was sitting on the side in thought, and smiled lightly: "No, I found it."

There was a sudden stop in the voice, and he blurted out:

"found it?"

Bai Chuwei squinted slightly.

The host of the underground forum soon reacted, coughing lightly and laughing: "Then congratulations to Fellow Daoist Bai."

"Since Fellow Daoist Bai has found someone, I will first..."

Seeing that the voice call is about to end, the ancestor leaned lazily on the back of the chair, with one hand lazily resting on the armrest, and the tip of his tongue gently pressed against the upper gum and whirled, like a smile but a smile. stand up:

"Little another, I've always been a little curious about something."

The young man at the computer twitched his mouth, and the other...

It's just that this is not the focus of attention, he has a hunch that Bai Chuwei's words will make him unable to sit still.

Sure enough, Bai Chuwei spoke the next moment.

Bai Chuwei: "Come on, tell me. On the top of the list, why is there no Duan Feihan's name?!"

Tianbang, the benchmark of spiritual practice, is announced by underground forums.

Bai Chuwei previously suspected that the forum host was the little fox she had raised before, and she didn't like the people around her now, and it was possible to make such a move.

But now, the host of the underground forum is someone else. The speculation before then does not exist.

So why?

Duan Feihan's current cultivation is enough to enter the top ten, but he is not on the list.

Since the altar master and Duan Feihan have no grudges, it is because of others doing it.

Since Hanhan is the reincarnated creation god, there is only one guy who will miss him, and only one guy will dare to miss him——

God's way.

An intriguing smile appeared on Bai Chuwei's face.

There was deathly silence on the other end, so quiet that Snowball almost thought that the call had been interrupted.

at last,

The host of the underground forum: " Bai Daoyou wait a minute, I made a statistical error before, so I missed something. I will update the revised ranking tonight."

After cutting off the call, the young man on the computer side gently wiped the thin sweat from his forehead, feeling lingering in his heart.

What a smart woman!

You can understand everything with a little detail, and she has an extraordinary power of insight into the human heart.

Perhaps the plan was wrong before. Among the two of Bai Chuwei and the creation god, Bai Chuwei would not be the one who is easy to talk!

At the end of the call, Bai Chuwei twisted her waist slightly, and the revolving chair under her turned slightly, facing Duan Feihan in front, and asked with a smile: "Hanhan, oh no, brother, you guessed it, new Ranking on the top rankings, where will you be?"

As for the "omissions" in Xiao another's mouth, believe whoever is stupid.

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