Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1457: From then on, Bai Chuwei, a countryman, is unparalleled!

Chapter 1457 From then on, Bai Chuwei is an unparalleled countryman!

"Old ancestors, you have also received the Nobel Prize, and the Double Temple is gone. Kunlun Academy wants to know when you will go back?" Xueqiu handed over the Kyushu Forum to the programmers of the Unnatural Administration, curious Asked Bai Chuwei.

Kunlun College always felt that the emperor didn't want to return their deputy dean Bai, so he came to remind them every two days.

Bai Chuwei is at ease: "Don't worry, I should still have an award that I didn't receive."

Snowball was a little confused, and searched it on the computer. Are there any major awards in the world in recent days? Are there other awards besides the Nobel Prize?

Butler Li knocked on the door and came in with a lively expression on his cheeks with excitement.

He was the steward of the ancestors. I didn't know that when he saw the big boss who came to visit, the archaeologists almost surrounded the city of the sky last time. He was calm, and he was so excited at this time!

Butler Li's eyes were full of light, and he shouted excitedly: "Little, miss, outside...the honorary hall came outside! I hope I can chat with you."

Hua Guo Honorary Institute!

This... this is not a simple award...

Xueqiu wants to hold his face and scream: Old ancestor Niubi!

He has lived for five thousand years and is the only **** in the world. Can he win this award even though these are still unknown?

This is the biggest award in China, there is no one!


The Bai Chuwei Museum was officially opened next to the Imperial University. The principal said that he really gritted his teeth and took out his private money to update the teaching equipment for the students.

The dean on the side looked dullly at the workers laying the foundation. Several pits were more than ten meters deep.

The principal is really playing, really planning to build the Bai Chuwei Museum, the foundation is more than ten meters!

"Principal, your funds are really not enough."

The principal frowned, feeling that the dean finally said something useful, that the money was really not enough to repair the museum, and his private money was replaced with new equipment, and he couldn't fund it.

You have to know that it takes a long time to apply for funding from the top to the time it is allocated. If you want to apply, hurry up!

With the idea that one day earlier would be a day earlier, the principal immediately took out his cell phone and made a call. After finding that the connection was available there, an old face couldn't help but blush: "We are not planning to build a teaching building here. We plan to build the Bai Chuwei Museum. The foundation has been laid, so... I still want to apply for some more funding."

The other side was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed and scolded: "You old fellow, is the news better than us? The Xiubai Chuwei Museum is good, very good. It is estimated that another billion will be invested in it."

The principal was dumbfounded: "???"



The Xiubai Chuwei Museum is indeed good. The principal feels that his decision is okay, but why is it so refreshing?

There are hundreds of thousands of millions in the repair of the teaching building. Why did it turn around a hundred times?

The principal thinks this is a bit untrue.

"Old Tian, ​​are you old fellow still unconvinced that I played chess around and won you? What are you talking about?" The principal was upset, "I'm talking about business."

"I'm telling you business too! You old guy still pretends to me? You have rebuilt the Bai Chuwei Museum in advance. You haven't heard the slightest noise before? When I am a three-year-old child?"

The principal and the dean looked at each other in confusion, what's the situation?

What's the wind?

Could it be that Professor Li himself leaked the news? Exploded Bai Chuwei's true age?

The principal's face changed, and he lowered his voice: "Do you know that Bai Chuwei has lived for four..." Hundred years?

"Bai Chuwei has become a scholar of the country, and the Hua Guo Honorary Institute personally handed out the medal! The CCTV 1 channel live broadcast, dare you say you don't know?"

Country, national scholar?

The principal and the dean immediately looked through today's news, and gasped on the spot. They were shocked to the point that their legs began to weaken, and one hand supported the big willow tree on the side.

The headmaster digested it for a long time, then his lips whispered: "...I don't know what it is."

There are less than ten Chinese scholars in the Chinese nation, and all of them have passed away except Bai Chuwei.

The Nobel Prize is easy to win, a rare Chinese national scholar! It is not a person who has made an epoch-making contribution to China.

Bai Chuwei repaired the dragon veins, founded the Kunlun Academy, established the Kyushu Forum, opened the prelude to the age of immortality, and allowed China to be at the forefront of the age of immortality in the world.

She is worthy of the word "Guo Shi"!

From then on, Bai Chuwei, a countryman, is unparalleled!

(End of this chapter)

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