Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 313: Hanhan, see you tomorrow night

"It tastes good, Hanhan. If your company is robbed and you are driven out, you will sell sweet soup on the street. I will take care of your business every day."

Bai Chuwei held the white porcelain bowl and drank the sweet soup contentedly. The sweet taste poured into his throat quite soothing.

Duan Feihan: "..."

No matter how desolate he is, he will not live on the streets to make a living selling sweet soup.

When the words came to his lips, Duan Feihan suddenly changed his words: "Well, since you like it, you come every night and I will leave you a window."

Bai Chuwei held the bowl and saw a few red jujube floating in the bowl, looking at Duan Feihan with some shock.

When did this future villain learn Duan Hoshino's climb up the pole? Invite her to come every night!

She just said hi!

Coming over to climb the wild man's window every seemed to be cheating.

The mobile phone placed on the dining table vibrated, and Bai Chuwei glanced at the message.

Xueqiu: ‘My ancestor, I’ve helped the salted fish video to be repaired. ’

As soon as Bai Chuwei saw this, she held up her white porcelain bowl and drank the rest of the sweet soup. She got up and walked towards the window, then suddenly looked back and smiled: "Then... Hanhan, we'll see you tomorrow night."

Duan Feihan was startled, Bai Chuwei Qianli's figure had disappeared from the balcony...

Also, really promised?

Come every night.

Duan Feihan suddenly remembered Duan Xingye's words-"Sixth Uncle, you have a thick skin."

"Don't feel embarrassed, as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed!"

"There is no chance to know how to create opportunities by yourself! As long as your mind doesn't slip, there are more methods than difficulties!"

Some truth.

Duan Feihan looked at the empty bowl on the dining table, with a slight curve of his lips, he half leaned on the table, took the phone, and made a call.

There are hundreds of employees up and down in Xianyu Video. Now more than half are working overtime in the company, and all the programmers are in the department.

As soon as the manager in charge saw that it was Mr. Duan's call, his legs were soft, and he hurriedly supported the table beside him, his hands shaking with his mobile phone.

President Duan again!

I’ve never seen Mr. Duan caring about salted fish videos so much before. Why are you always calling now?

Calls are fine.

Thinking that their salted fish video just broke down, the manager looked at dozens of equally nervous bald apes without tears.

There was another accident in the salted fish video. Mr. Duan had a bad temper. It is estimated that some people will be fired this time. The worst is the deduction of bonus, right?

The person in charge answered the phone with trembling, "President Duan, hello."

Duan Feihan bluntly said: "Your background program crashed again. It took nearly half an hour to repair this time."

The person in charge felt that he was not here to inquire about the crime. He took off his head and played football!

The tears of a group of programmers will come out. If it weren't for someone secretly helping to repair it, they would definitely not be able to repair it in half an hour...

Duan Feihan: "Very good."

The person in charge felt cold and suddenly felt that he might be demoted. He couldn't help but want to explain, but he swallowed again when he spoke, because -

Duan Feihan’s magnetic voice is clear: "The collapse is very good, and all bonuses are doubled."


Beng...Beng well?

Damn it-is President Duan being confused and telling the truth? Is doubling the bonus serious?

Duan Feihan never talked nonsense and hung up the phone.

Duan Feihan looked at the porcelain bowl of sweet soup, his lips gently curved.

Well, if the software doesn't crash, Bai Chuwei probably won't come tonight.

The Bund is indeed just in time.

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