Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 836: Did Bai Chuwei fall in love with me?

Don't say that sister and brother are in love, she can accept her younger than 5,400 years old, what is sister and brother love?

Duan Feihan looked at Bai Chuwei, and the coldness in his pupils was gradually dispelled by the warmth.

The boy blushed, pointed at himself in disbelief, and shouted wildly in surprise: "I, I got Bai Chuwei's response? Did she like me?"

A handsome young boy tweeted: "You're thinking about farts! Read your book."

Fortunately, the school bell rang, and the teaching directors of all grades took the feather duster and shouted in the corridor: "All back to the seats, and the class is over! It's you!"

"Ren Bai Chuwei belongs to the emperor, and was the last science champion. Let's see if you work hard! If you want to chase others, can you pass the emperor first? Go back and recite the words!"


The students reluctantly climbed down from the window and turned back to their seats one step at a time, while the students sitting by the window felt happy.

"You are really popular." Duan Feihan and Bai Chuwei walked by the garden corridor, and he spoke in a calm tone.

Bai Chuwei blinked: "Yes, there are so many people who like me, isn't Hanhan too?"

Not to mention the students and children on this ground, under the ground under their feet, there is also a dog emperor who wants to live long because he likes her.

It is a pity that there are so many people who like her, and only one Duan Feihan can make her willing to become a Taoist companion.

After walking through the promenade for another ten minutes, the two of them came to the archaeological site. The surrounding area was full of mud. A super large hole was dug underneath, and the tomb passage could already be seen.

There are also several large sheds next to it, which contain some professional archeological equipment.

Bai Chuwei felt a little emotional for a while. The young emperor who was angered and dressed in fresh clothes is now just buried in the mound for future research.

Archaeological experts are busy discussing, and there is no time to deal with Bai Chuwei, a freshman intern.

Bai Chuwei is a fairy teacher outside. Professors such as the Department of Mathematics and Geology have to follow her for advice. Unfortunately, she is an intern who knows nothing at the archaeological site. She is here to run errands for the experts to learn. No one would confess her as a specially appointed expert.

There are five places in the archaeological major of Emperor University, and the other classmates suddenly smiled when they saw Bai Chuwei coming.

The first place in the test was their professional monitor, a very elegant boy with glasses, who was smiling and wanted to introduce Bai Chuwei.

After all, there are not only the Imperial University but also archaeological students from other famous universities.

"This is A big..."

Bai Chuwei gently curled the corners of her lips, and lightly interrupted with a smile: "Xu Xingchen. I know, no need to introduce."

Xu Xingchen shuddered abruptly, with a stiff smile on his face.

Nima's, it really is Bai Chuwei again!

This catastrophe has indeed come to the archaeological site again, maybe he will be pitted again!

Xu Xingchen couldn't help but glance at those big pits, unconsciously a terrible thought came into his heart.

If it comes to the big night, there is no guarantee that Bai Chuwei, a vicious woman, will push him directly into the pit and bury him.

Xu Xingchen did not dare to look at Bai Chuwei, his eyes fell on Duan Feihan who was beside Bai Chuwei, and subconsciously said: "Four...Duan President, hello."

Xu Xingchen's tone was cold, with a deep estrangement.

Originally he should be called Fourth Uncle Duan Feihan, but... he was not worthy anymore.

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