Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 862: Old ancestor that woman has no heart

Old lady Liu, an expert on restoration of cultural relics, said with emotion: "The staff has cleared out a total of 431 letters, all of which are related to'Wei'."

Some girls in the live broadcast room were moved and cried, and wanted to know if there was any reply?

They want to knock the ancient version of the empress cp!

They want to knock this candy that spans thousands of years!

Bai Chuwei stood on one side with a sneer on her face.


Go dreaming!

Sugar is impossible, absolutely not.

Old Mrs. Liu carefully sorted out the information, and said in surprise: "I really have a reply!"

Duan Feihan raised his eyes, suddenly put down the black brand-name pen in his hand, and looked at the live broadcast room deeply.

The girls in the live broadcast room squatted guarding, having completely forgotten the fairy teacher, quietly waiting for the candy.

The experts look weird, this reply...

——"Don't come to the Observatory, the National Teacher's Mansion will not open at night, and dogs will be released.

——"Don't think about eternal life, the ancestors are alone and don't want to be with you."

——"I'm going to travel around the seven-star dragon vein array. You will marry the queen concubine and give birth to dozens of cubs. If I am in good spirits then, I can be your son as the crown prince."

There are very few replies, and the only reply is all such words.

Indifferent, ruthless, cruel.

Everyone in the live broadcast room: "???"

What about sugar?

This Nima's daring love is unrequited love!

[I finally understand why I'm still single...The emperor of Nima can't catch up with the girl. Isn't it normal that I can't catch up? ]

[Ma Ma, this Weiwei is so sassy, ​​the affectionate emperor can refuse, as beautiful and sassy as the fairy teacher! ]

[...This emperor is so miserable, these replies seem to be sorted out from the lacquer box? In other words, even if they were rejected, they still cherished them and brought them into the underground palace and kept them in a paint box? Didn't he see those hundreds of letters in the lacquer box? Distressed and choked. ]


Bai Chuwei stood aside boredly playing with her fingers, eating candy doesn't exist.

She still has many such suitors.

Of course, the Emperor Duan Jing Dog impressed her not only because he really likes her, but also because...

Bai Chuwei's eyes darkened when she thought of something.

At this moment, some of the archaeological staff who were divided into several pairs ran back to the main burial chamber with excitement: "Professor Ge, the design of the underground palace is very strange. There is a burial chamber at the back that is twice larger than the main burial chamber. We checked it. The funerary items were initially determined to be artifacts used by the woman, and there was no coffin inside."

This is the emperor's own underground palace. As a result, the tomb in another place is bigger than his tomb...?

In the live broadcast room, the audience cried and shouted "Vi" that the woman had no heart.

Professor Ge was trembling with excitement, and the number of cultural relics to be unearthed may have broken historical records. "I'll go, I'll go and see!"

Professor Ge was so excited that Bai Chuwei and some other staff were about to rush in.

An emperor female intern on the side gently pushed Bai Chuwei, and asked, "Are you not excited, Bai? With the tomb owner's love for that woman, the female cultural relics in another tomb may shock the world! I am already excited. My whole body is hot."

Bai Chuwei: "...not excited."

According to her boudoir built by the National Teacher's Office a thousand years ago, what's so exciting? She is more familiar with the structure inside.

They were about to walk inside when Professor Sun's voice suddenly came from behind: "Hey, this is not right."

Everyone stopped and turned their heads to look at Professor Sun.

Professor Sun wears a pair of reading glasses, squatting next to the unearthed letter and holding a magnifying glass to study. He frowned and said: "How do I feel that the words in this'wei' reply... are similar to those of Bai Chuwei?"

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