Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 868: Hanhan couldn't sit still, so came?

"Interesting." Bai Chuwei stared at the computer screen in front of her and sneered.

Snowball invaded the flight system and obtained the passenger list of the latest flight from Haicheng to Zhongzhou. The names of "Liu Jin'er" and "Tong Qingyan" are on the list. The most dramatic thing is that the two are still approaching. Seats.

Seeing the harmonious atmosphere where the two can still sit together, Bai Chuwei's eyes are full of interest, so it seems that the two girls don't even know each other's existence.

Bai Chuwei couldn't help but sigh: "Xu Xingchen, you are on two boats. There is still time to participate in archaeology if the boat does not turn over. Tsk the master of time management."

Have you heard the praise of Xu Xingchen from other archaeologists living in the same dormitory?

Xu Xingchen was busy at the archaeological site during the day and borrowed archaeological books to go back to study at night.

In the middle of the night, he still wants to send messages to the two girls and open videos to connect with each other. He also needs to sleep and rest in the early morning.

This is the real master of time management, and the ancestors are ashamed.

Looking at people, it's no wonder Xu Xingchen is the original actor, this is the son of the Chosen!

"Right? Han Han." Bai Chuwei smiled and closed the computer in front of him.

The man fell from the balcony, his long trench coat was blown away by the cold wind.

Snowball sat up, his blue eyes looked at the balcony, as if a sharp arrow rushed out of the balcony, and shouted: ‘Stupid snake, your master Snowball is here! ’

Duan Feihan walked in with his leg raised, and the cool breeze behind him closed the balcony window mercilessly, "One million sleepy in winter."

Perhaps it is really a baby snake. Although it will not hibernate in winter, Duan Feihan has not brought a million with him recently, who has been lazy.

Bai Chuwei looked at him in surprise: "Can you come alone?"

I eliminated her flying feather carpet before, but now I don’t even need to use a million as a means of transportation, can I come by myself?


Bai Chuwei tut: "I was wrong just now, you are the master of time management."

As the New Year is approaching, Swiss Entertainment is busy closing the annual meeting recently, right? His cultivation is still diligent, he is the master of time management, and his cultivation speed is the same as riding a rocket.

Bai Chuwei approached him with a smile, and said in a long tone: "Han Han watched the live archeology broadcast, so I can't sit still?"

Duan Feihan pulled her to sit on the small sofa in the dormitory, "It's just a dead person."

I've been lying in a coffin for thousands of years. Why can't I sit still?

Bai Chuwei was happy: "The Dog Emperor has indeed been dead for thousands of years, but people have reincarnated."

The reincarnation of the dog emperor, unfortunately, she and Duan Feihan both knew him.

Duan Feihan was startled, and suddenly asked: "Then what is my previous life?"

When Bai Chuwei heard the words, her eyes went dark, and she curled her lips and said: "I don't know, don't ask me."

Everyone could see the past life at a glance, but Duan Feihan didn't see it, but there was nothing tracing his past life.

I want to see if he gets married in a previous life, he won't have a chance to see what kind of wife he marries.

Bai Chuwei knelt down on the sofa with one leg, his arms hooked Duan Feihan's neck casually, and directly changed the subject: "Hanhan, I shouldn't be here just to find me."

A smile flashed in Duan Feihan's eyes, and the little girl... was unhappy.

Without seeing what his previous life was, his little girl felt ashamed of herself.

Duan Feihan didn't expose it, and followed her words: "I received an invitation letter from the He family in Zhongzhou and the Zhou family in the imperial capital. The two are about to get engaged and married."

Bai Chuwei was obviously dissatisfied with the answer, his eyes gleamed, and his Adam's apple rolled: "I still miss you."

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