Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 897: The great face given by the ancestors

Many people can't help but look in the direction of the Patriarchs of the Eighth Great Family. Can these Patriarchs resist a little girl jumping up and down?

"Regret, I regret it."

The girl closest to Rong He raised her ears and faintly heard the regretful murmur of Master Rong.


Could it be because of Bai Chuwei being a witness?

The strong gossip mentality caused the girl to move towards Ronghe a few steps in silence, and his muttering became more clear...

"If I were to find a girlfriend a few years earlier, I might not be able to get married this year, or have an ancestor as a witness like He Nana." The muttering voice was full of deep regret!

The old ancestors are witnesses, and there are really few people in the history of their eight great families.

The ancestors are still outside this year, so maybe next year they will return to the mountain to retreat.

Her retreat was probably 20 or 30 years, and he was not someone who could wait like Duan Xiuqi. He was definitely married at that time.

Rong He was envious and jealous of He Nana.

The girl: "??"


[Biquger] This is what you regret?

Regret for not having a girlfriend to let Bai Chuwei be a witness? ? ?

Just when everyone was puzzled by the fact that the He family asked Bai Chuwei to be a witness, Chen Chen’s biological father, Mr. Zhou, recovered from the shock and explained with a smile: “If it weren’t for Miss Bai Chuwei, we don’t even know who was born The son is Chen Chen."

Mother Zhou also smiled: "And I heard that Miss Bai Chuwei is their little matchmaker."

Hearing Zhou Ying said, if it weren't for Bai Chuwei's matchmaking, how could Chen Chen be with He Nana?

In this way, why is it not enough to be the witness of the He family?

Besides, this is an engagement banquet, not a wedding banquet!

Everyone heard the explanations of the two couples of Zhou's family, and they gradually felt relieved, and they seemed to be...justified!

The emcee looked at the time and nodded. Miss He Nana’s engagement banquet officially began. Tonight, the two real protagonists walked down from upstairs. Zhou Ying walked next to He Nana, paying attention to whether her girlfriend would step on it. Skirt.

Everyone gave the He family a lot of face, applauded and cheered.

Especially when He Nana received Bai Chuwei’s blessing, excited tears rolled in her eyes, and she kept nodding and choking: "I will definitely live a happy life like you said."

Bai Chuwei smiled slightly and stretched out her hand to gently touch He Nana's head.

On the luxurious seat not far away, Rong He looked so envious that he wanted to change himself.

"President Duan, do you still have an unmarried sister or niece in your family? I suddenly want to get married." Rong He still looked at He Nana and the others, his enviable eyes were about to make a big hole in He Nana's back.

Duan Feihan glanced slantingly, with a calm expression: "No niece, but one dog nephew, do you need it?"

Rong He: "...You can keep it for yourself."

Duan Feihan set his sights on the stage again. Under the blessing of the Zhongzhou giants, the newlyweds completely became unmarried couples, the biggest highlight of the audience.

Duan Feihan looked at Bai Chuwei, who was in the middle of the room, wondering when he would have today?

Duan Feihan's eyes went dark when he thought that Bai Chuwei said that he would be a hundred years at the earliest.

Suddenly, Duan Feihan thought of a joke on the Internet-"A man is a boy to death."

Oh, it's really a boy to death.

At this moment, Duan Feihan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the gate of the engagement banquet...

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