Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 912: From today, we are Taoists

Since being kicked out by the archaeological team, Xu Xingchen has lived with Liu Jin'er. Liu Jin'er's father Liu Hong also came a few days ago, and he was rather dissatisfied with his cross-brows.

If his daughter hadn't been for this man, he would not have been driven out of the Dark Night Realm by the young Master.

Duan Feihan is now twenty-four years old, even if he is invincible in business, he is no different from a milk doll in the spiritual world.

As a result, their Liu family was completely expelled from the Dark Night Realm. The remaining four elders of the Five Great Presbyterian Church didn't help him intercede after hearing that he had moved something in the forbidden land.

This time I went to Zhongzhou to mine spiritual mines, which was my last chance to gain a foothold in the world of practice.

When the people from the O Continent Super League arrived, they were ready to set off.

Xu Xingchen sat in his bedroom, holding his mobile phone to send text messages to Tong Qingyan perseveringly. This card was a new card he exchanged, and Tong Qingyan did not block it.

As before, there is no reply.

Xu Xingchen looked a little discouraged.

Liu Jin'er knocked on the door and came in. Xu Xingchen immediately asked: "Jin'er, are you going to leave now?"

Liu Jin'er's eyes flicked across Xu Xingchen's cell phone, and the cold light in her eyes quickly returned to calm. She was a little embarrassed: "My dad and the people from the Super League... don't seem to want to take you there, for fear that you will be delayed."

Xu Xingchen felt a little bit in his heart, don't take him?

Liu Jin'er continued: "If you don't do this, you first make an agreement with my Taoist couple, and they should have nothing to say."

Bai Chuwei was right, she couldn't lose her wife and break down.

Xu Xingchen was a little hesitant, and Liu Jiner added gently: "I can feel the danger for the first time you are in danger."

Hearing these words, Xu Xingchen no longer hesitated, and nodded to Liu Jin'er: "Okay, let's make a bond with the Taoist couple."

The ritual for the two Taoists to make a bond is very simple, just read the spell of the bond together and drip the blood from the palm together.


At this moment, the sky, which was clear and clear just now, suddenly thundered, and the thunder was louder than ever, and the thunder and lightning flashed above the sky, making people terrified.

Another Lei Shengsheng hit the dead tree in the small yard where they lived, and the dead tree made a faint scorching smell with a few "cracking" sounds.

Thundering again!

Xu Xingchen was already physically afraid of Thunder, extremely afraid that the lightning struck him.

"My God, that thunder smashed the roof of the house!" a foreign woman who was watching the ceremony yelled in surprise.


Xu Xingchen felt that the thunder was directed at him. How could it be a coincidence? Dao Da Lei slashed in his direction!

Could it be...Bai Chuwei? !

Yes, except Bai Chuwei really can't find a second person who will strike him with lightning, it can't be the Lord God, right? He hasn't done anything that hurts the truth.

Xu Xingchen trembled with fright, and said quickly to Liu Jin'er in fright: "Jin'er, let's hurry up and perform the ceremony. From now on, we will be the best partners on the path of cultivation."

Liu Jin'er showed a gentle smile: "Well. From today on, we are Taoists."

Although she was kicked out of the dark night realm, at least she got it.

The sky was still persevering with lightning and thunder. At the moment when the two fast-tracked their relationship, the thunder stopped and everything returned to normal. The clear sky just now was a bit gloomy.

Xu Xingchen let out a long breath, Bai Chuwei gave up.


Bai Chuwei stood in front of the He's window sill with her hand in her hand, looking up at the blue sky with interest.

Ah... Now that Tiandao wants to scold Xu Xingchen for his mental retardation, right? So many thunders, Bai reminded him.

Oh, this time, it really changed from a sweet pet to a deep sadistic relationship.

The ancestor who eats melon online said: The plot has changed very well.

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