Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 934: Bai Chuwei rides the beast fire all over the net, the snowball is cool

Duan Feihan glanced slantingly, the little beast staring at Bai Chuwei with beautiful big eyes.

He thought it was unhappy with the little girl in his arms...

Bai Chuwei didn't think much, and patted the cloud-swallowing beast's head gently: "Okay, let's go to the center of the formation."

She glanced back at Qing Xuan, and exhorted: "Everyone should follow my previous instructions and protect the law in accordance with all directions!"

Come on!

Take a look at Bai Chuwei's ostentation. He has to ride this little auspicious beast, and more than two hundred monks are needed to protect her.

The monks walked on the snow, looking at the picturesque figures of the two.

A group of elders looked anxiously, staring straight at the figures of Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan, for fear that the little beast would go crazy.

Qing Xuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Senior White is never unsure of things."

Qing Xuan almost blindly followed Bai Chuwei, trusting 100%.

Large paper cranes carry live footage, waving their wings and flying in the sky to follow them.

In front of the desk, Snowball gulped at today's after-dinner fruit, looking up at the live broadcast room from time to time.


The old ancestors soaked men on the front line and repaired the Seven Stars Dragon Array by the way. His Snowball master perfectly managed the underground forum live broadcast room at the rear, and he could also eat the exquisite food prepared by He's family, which was very good.

Snowball was quite satisfied, his white hair was covered with red dragon fruit water, and his azure eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the advertisement popped up by the handheld computer.

Why is the picture... so familiar?

A girl whose face was slapped and couldn't see clearly, sat on the white noble little beast gracefully, and one foot of the shoe slipped to reveal the smooth and jade instep.

Snowball: "..."

Suddenly, Xueqiu felt that the dragon fruit in his hand was not fragrant.

The snowball tremblingly clicked in and took a look, really an ancestor!

The monks are afraid of death and know the rules, and will not spread the practice of cultivation to the world of ordinary people, so what is going on?

Is it possible that ordinary people have entered the live broadcast room of the underground forum?

No, when it invaded underground forums, it quickly filled the loopholes.

The uncle and aunt in WeChat reposted articles on the official account crazily, up to 3 million reposts.

There are also young girls in their twenties who claim in the circle of friends that if they want to have a daughter like an ancestor in the future, their life will be complete.

Some people took that photo to paint an oil painting, saying that they were going to compete in an international oil painting competition.

This photo can be said to be the most explosive picture on the entire network today!

Damn! ! !


The ancestors confessed to it, it seems to have messed up.

Snowball's chubby body almost rolled off the desk in fright, and murmured in horror: "If the ancestor comes back and knows that I messed up, and... I'm still eating fat again, she wants to clean me up. ? ’

The ancestors went with Duan President, Duan President's stupid snake did not come to sleep at home, Xueqiu did not expect anyone to respond to it.

However, a cool breeze blew from the window, and a man's soft and smiling voice came from the empty room: "So, you follow me."

Snowball: "???"

Snowball just raised his head, his chubby body was grasped by the man, ‘it’s you--’

Wuming smiled slightly: "Shhh."

The man's other hand stretched out a long hand, and a long thin finger pressed the palm computer to close it.

In the few seconds before closing, the frantic voices of the monks suddenly came out in the live broadcast room!

"Senior White!"

"Young Master Dark Night!!"

The little beast, who was walking docilely just now, suddenly went mad, carrying Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan and rushing towards the deep pool in front, directly stunned all the monks.

Everyone in the live broadcast room mentioned their throats. At this moment, the camera went dark and the live broadcast room closed.

The live broadcast room is at a critical juncture, why is it gone?

Is Bai Chuwei really pretending to overturn the car? So the live broadcast room was closed urgently?

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