Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 942: I'll just call my father

Bai Chuwei blurted out: "I..."

The Cloud-Swallowing Beast suddenly screamed uncomfortably and ran wildly under the Jinglong Lake with its hoofs.

A monk's shout came from Longtan, which immediately interrupted Bai Chuwei's words: "Senior Zhao Tianfang, time is enough! Please be sober, Bai Chuwei should be gone!"

All the monks followed Bai Chuwei's previous instructions, and more than two hundred monks personally protected Bai Chuwei's Dharma, giving Bai Chuwei enough face.

But time is getting longer and longer.

It has been almost ten days since Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan were brought under the water by the beast.

If there is no news from them for ten days, it's time for a dead person to float up, right?

Zhao Tianfang's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and he shouted sharply on the spot: "Let you protect the law, what are you doing out?"

In the name of Zhao Tianfang, the monks in China were still afraid, and couldn't help shrinking their necks when they saw him with a strong expression.

A monk couldn't help saying: "Senior Zhao, is New Year's Eve."

Although they are monks, they also celebrate the New Year!

When the New Year is celebrated by different schools, the taste of the New Year is stronger than that of ordinary people.

The head master will give out red envelopes to the juniors below. Is it possible that they will continue to protect the Fa for Bai Chuwei? It's too late?

The point is that there is no movement at all.

When Zhao Tianfang heard the words, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but look at that Jinglongtan.

Yes, there is really no movement at all.

It was so quiet that he was a little worried and afraid.

It's not that I haven't heard of other people's retreat, but other people's retreat will also make some movement, there is no such thing.

Bai Chuwei won't really have an accident inside, right?

Then not only will Bai Chuwei become a joke, but their group of Chinese monks who have been protecting her for ten days will also be laughed at internationally.

Is this a guardian of the law or is it for Bai Chuwei to guard the tomb?

The surrounding monks were a little unable to sit still, Bai Chuwei was silent, they couldn't wait any longer.

Once someone encouraged, many people were a little eager to move, and the entire guardian enchantment fluctuated a little, and everyone's attention was turned to the Jinglong Lake.

Liu Hong, Liu Jin'er, and Xu Xingchen looked at each other.

There was no one next to this family of three, because they worked with the Super League before, but Bai Chuwei killed the chicken to show to the monkey and killed the pet snake of the Super League Osius first. Who would dare to get involved with this family of three?

Liu Hong was happy, and lowered his voice to Liu Jin'er and Xu Xingchen and said, "There seems to be no signs of life at the bottom of the pool. Not surprisingly, Bai Chuwei and Young Master Dark Ye are worried about their lives. There is no leader in the dark night field, and the other elders cannot seize it. Now is a good opportunity."

Xu Xingchen's eyes flashed, and his heart couldn't help but pounding, and immediately said: "Uncle Liu, why don't you let me go to the Dark Night Realm? Although you are a former elder, after all, you were driven out by Duan Feihan. I am Duan. A nephew of non-cold blood."

Duan Fei was cold, and Duan's huge family business could be handed over to Duan Xingye.

But the dark night realm is such a big industry, how could Duan Xingye's Muggle, who doesn't understand anything, get it into his hands?

He was also a nephew of Duan Feihan by blood, so he inherited it for granted.

Liu Hong looked at Xu Xingchen deeply, and said in a light tone: "You don't need to call me uncle in the future, just call me father."

The son-in-law is also a half son, so he should be called a father.

"Huh?" Xu Xingchen was stunned, "???"


Called daddy?

Xu Xingchen: "..."

Why does he have an extra dad inexplicably?

How many dads does he have recently...

Daolu... Doesn't it really mean getting married?

Xu Xingchen gritted his teeth, it doesn't matter... you can get a divorce even if you get married. As long as Tong Qingyan doesn't know, everything will still look like it didn't happen.

Liu Jin'er held Xu Xingchen's arm and said to Liu Hong, "Dad, I was also a person from the Dark Night Realm. I will go with Xingchen."

With Liu Jin'er as his company, Xu Xingchen felt like taking a pill of reassurance, and got up with Liu Jin'er, preparing to quietly descend back to the dark night realm of Haicheng while everyone was paying attention to Jinglongtan.

Just taking a few steps, the ground under his feet suddenly vibrated as if it was about to split. Xu Xingchen's face paled with fright, and he held Liu Jin'er firmly, but he was still a little staggered.

The entire ground seemed to be turned over, and the calm water of Jinglongtan shook waves of water.

The monks supported each other, almost unable to stand, their expressions panicked.

"What's the matter? Is there an earthquake?"

"Today's New Year's Eve, doing such a big thing?!!!"


Xu Xingchen was almost shocked to sit on the ground, and he had an unknown premonition in his heart...

The voice that almost made him cry came faintly: "Student Xu, so looking forward to the death of your nominal fourth uncle and me, how can you go back to pick up the leak and become the master?"

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