Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 962: Specially hired Bai Chuwei to repair the dragon veins

The Cloud-Swallowing Beast was tired of staying in the car. He couldn't see Duan Xingye and couldn't find the bad woman. Several experts were careful about it. They were afraid of knocking when they slept. They stretched their legs and feet for fear that it would break. .

The little guy was young and had a good temper. He watched all of them enter the small house and left it in the car.

Annoyed, the little guy kicked the car door and rushed out.

Experts are scared of it!

Fuck, is this Cloud Swallowing Beast so fierce?

Looks quiet, lovely and loving, like a lady, so violent?

Qi Yue and He Nana were so scared by the sudden little guy that the girls screamed, and they turned their bodies sideways to give way.

Bai Chuwei was calm and composed. As soon as she stretched out her long hand, she grabbed the corner of the little guy's head and reprimanded: "What are you doing?!"

Don't just be so presumptuous because of your good looks, and she will not miss any bad things.

The Cloud Swallowing Beast was startled by Bai Chuwei's chilly eyes, his ears drooped unconsciously, and he took courage when thinking that she was a bad woman, put his head aside, and snorted proudly.

Lessons owed.

It's a cloud swallowing beast!

The little girls in Qiyue's eyes widened and looked straight at the little guy.

I have seen it on the Internet, and this is the first time I have seen it really, and it is really a small beast with superb looks.

"I heard that such a cloud swallowing beast has been found all over the world. It's so good-looking, but it has a little grumpy temper." Qi Yue exclaimed.

In the crowd, a monk scratched his jaw, murmured in his heart.

This Cloud Swallowing Beast is not the only one in the world, right? He seemed to have seen him before...

In the live broadcast room, people kept asking Bai Chuwei to confess, so please don’t show off your wealth on the first day of the new year. Can you give a solution to the cloud swallowing beast?

Bai Chuwei really dare to hide it privately?

Zhao Tianfang watched the little beast recover, and waved at Xiao, asking for something that looked like a certificate.

In front of everyone, Zhao Tian cleared his throat and looked at Bai Chuwei with full anger and said: "Miss Bai Chuwei, since the cloud swallowing beast is a cub, you can't live without you for the time being, and you have the qualifications of a zoology expert. This is a letter of offer for you to be the nurse of the cloud swallowing beast."


What the hell? ! !

Everyone almost thought that there was a problem with their ears, so they hired... to hire Bai Chuwei as the nurse of the cloud swallowing beast, or to hire them specially? !

If it hadn't been for the big red seal of the Animal Institute in the lower right corner of the letter of appointment, everyone would have thought that the old man had made it up.

[So... Bai Chuwei is now legally raising cubs? ? ? ]

[It seems like this, I wipe it. I've seen young cubs temporarily adopted before, but they need to be released into the mountains as adults. ]

[Let me go, I think Bai Chuwei has known this day for a long time, so she has always been so confident. Specially hired nurses, this position is awesome. ]

Bai Chuwei patted the cloud-tunnel beast's head and accepted the offer.

She still thinks that this guy is a pet for her. When she finds it, her parents will send it back to Zhongzhou.

Pets, they still have to be like snowballs...

Zhao Tianfang continued: "Since the cloud swallowing beast consumes too much, these are the supplies to raise it and the salary for Miss Bai."

Several whole trucks, all of them!

And the rest is thanks to repairing the dragon vein this time!

Everyone looked dumbfounded again.

[I'll go, it doesn't matter if she can raise the Cloud Swallowing Beast, or is it publicly funded? These are all gifts? ? ]

[Can swallow a cloud beast every day, and still have a salary? This treatment...I knelt down to Bai Chuwei, do I need to shovel the **** of the little guy? As long as I include food and accommodation, I don’t want salary QAQ]

[Envy, envy, sour! ! ! I saw Bai Chuwei’s calm look before, and I thought she must have a way to keep the little guy, but the fairy teacher was much better than I thought. Not only could she keep the Cloud-Swallowing Beast in an upright manner, but she could also get so many more. wage! ! ! ]

Just this job, just ask if you envy or not? ! Are you jealous? !

Bai Chuwei smiled slightly, and did not refuse in the slightest: "Thank you for that."

It should be!

Just repairing the dragon veins would not be an exaggeration even with another ten trucks of gifts!

Zhao Tianfang beckoned, and the young monk who was accompanying him began to unload the supplies and gifts on the truck, dazzling everyone.

Gradually...the people present noticed something wrong.

Everyone:? ? ?

How to unload the young guys, are all handsome guys?

Whether it's the appearance or the faintly exposed figure, one by one is good, and the temperament of the person in the practice is even more extraordinary, not inferior to the male stars in the entertainment industry, and it is no problem for these people to make a group debut.

This group of young guys unloading up and down caused the little fans in the live broadcast room to scream and glance at Bai Chuwei from time to time.

Bai Chuwei: "..."

Unnatural Administration, what do they want to do?

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