Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 977: The ancestors don't mind changing to the Lord of Heaven!

Bai Chuwei looked at Xu Xingchen with a bewildered look. What would she do if the hostess disappeared?

Xu Xingchen spoke quickly and eagerly said: "Bai Chuwei, don't pretend, you obviously let my dad go to Tong's family to propose marriage. Where did you get the person?"

Bai Chuwei sighed: "Xu Xingchen, when did I let Duan Xiuhao go to Tong's family to propose marriage? I only said that you solved your lifelong issues in Zhongzhou. Is there a problem? Or am I wrong?"

Perhaps it was because of the shock and fear that Xu Xingchen had eaten six meals a day before. Now he has restored the appearance of his male protagonist. His face tightened when he heard this.

He solved the major event of his life, but the target has become Liu Jiner!

Bai Chuwei smiled and accepted the hot tea brought by the servant, and lightly blew the heat on it with a smile: "Looks are always cheated, yeah."

Xu Xingchen gritted his teeth, feeling that every word Bai Chuwei said was humiliating him, but he couldn't refute it... It was because he lied to Liu Jin'er, so Liu Jiner lied to him to make a bond with the Daoist. This is a bad way. .

But... but he has difficulties!

Xu Xingchen knew how wrong he was now, so he didn't say anything at all, but he didn't mean to leave when sitting on the sofa. There was quite a pompous rogue posture that Bai Chuwei didn't tell where Tong Qingyan was.

Bai Chuwei looked at Xu Xingchen's boring look like a bastard, put her left hand on the sofa, and pinched her slender fingers.

The tea drinking stopped, and Bai Chuwei's delicate eyebrows lightly raised.

Duan Feihan took the tea cup in her hand, "What's the matter?"

Bai Chuwei was amazed: "Han Han, sometimes you really have to admire this thief, God, I have taken it all."

This really deserves to be a dear daughter of heaven, is she still lucky?

Heaven arranged it clearly.

The protagonist in the book will definitely not die if he falls off the cliff, and he will get a strange treasure.

And Tong Qingyan seemed to be picked up by a monk.

She, the ancestors personally changed the sweet pet essay into a sadomasochistic relationship, and the heroine is still lucky. What is this not the girl of heaven?

This spicy chicken Tiandao is still working hard to bring all the plot back to its original state.

Bai Chuwei's expression on Duan Feihan paused slightly. Duan Feihan was the last villain in the text.

Duan Xingye is just an insignificant cannon fodder that has been taken away, and if he lives, he will live.

Then... Does Tiandao still want Duan Feihan, the villain boss, to follow his original ending?

Bai Chuwei's eyes were suddenly gloomy and unclear. If Spicy Chicken Tiandao really dared, then she wouldn't mind letting the Lord of Heaven sit instead!

Anyway, it was supposed to be fair to the gods, but the **** has never been in a straight line!

Otherwise, how could there be war in ancient times?

Bai Chuwei retracted her eyes and smiled at Xu Xingchen: "I don't know don't come to me. If you still don't agree, you can call the police."

It's time for Duan Feihan to say: "Send off guests."

Xu Xingchen flushed his eyes, slashed them both, flicking his sleeves and strode outside.

Looking up at the blue sky, Xu Xingchen clenched his hands into fists and cursed: "God thief!"

It was suddenly dark.


Bai Chuwei only regarded this incident as an episode, and didn't take it seriously.

As soon as he walked upstairs and returned to the bedroom, Xueqiu preemptively shouted before he could speak: "Old ancestor, Zhao Tianfang just sent an email to ask you to visit seniors together."

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