Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 997: Just three words, not rare

His eyes were dim, and his voice was slightly mute and asked in a low voice: "What compensation?"

The assistant and the driver always feel that the atmosphere is slightly subtle, is it better for them to avoid it?

Bai Chuwei took out two tickets from behind and smiled and handed them to Duan Feihan: "Here, here are the tickets for your second sister."

Duan Feihan: "..."

His eyes wandered over her beautiful face, and his thin lips suddenly pressed.

That's it?

Bai Chuwei raised her eyebrows, and asked, "Why? Why are you disappointed by this compensation? You don't like it? It's because of your face that I gave you the second sister tickets! Eight thousand and eighty, very expensive ."

Temporary Assistant: "..."

Why do you think Teacher Shenxian is kind of a straight girl?

Duan Feihan's expression was faint, and he reached out to take the ticket, "Be careful on the road."


As the biggest benefactor in the entertainment industry, what show do you want to watch without getting tickets?

His slender eyelashes were hanging slightly, and shadows fell, as if he suddenly touched his heart. Bai Chuwei's heart suddenly tickled when he saw it. No wonder the rich woman likes the wolf dog brother.

Bai Chuwei laughed, then suddenly stepped forward and hooked his neck, kissed his cheek lightly, and whispered:

"This is real compensation."

"Snowball and Tunyun** are given to you. When I come back, I hope Xueball has learned the illusion technique."

She retracted her hand in time and decisively turned into the nanny car.

Duan Feihan watched Bai Chuwei leave by car, and his whole body seemed to be able to smell the faint smell of medicine in the air.

The lonely handsome face gradually showed a thin smile, holding the two tickets in his hands tightly.

After watching the babysitter's car leave his sight, Duan Feihan returned to his usual calm, walking towards the Duan's villa with long legs.

When he went, the second sister Duan Xueqin was drinking the energy water brought from O Zhou again. The red water made Duan Feihan frown.

Duan Xueqin is a well-known fashion designer in O Zhou, and she especially likes to use Chinese elements into her clothing design, and is widely respected and loved.

At this moment, she had several pieces of clothes she designed in front of her.

Seeing Duan Feihan coming, Duan Xueqin put down the energy water in his hand and smiled with open eyes: "Old Si, this is the suit I designed for you, as a New Year gift, do you like it or not?"

Duan Xueqin is actually very good to her brother and nephew.

Duan Feihan nodded, he didn't have high demands on clothes, anyway, poor clothes won't look ugly on him.

Duan Feihan handed over the two tickets: "Weiwei gave it to you."

Daughter Xie Yaxin was a little surprised: "It's the ticket for "Super Brain Learning Ba", I heard it's hard to grab. Thank you uncle!"

Duan Feihan nodded, "In addition, I suggest that my second sister visit the neurology department of the hospital."

After all, Duan Feihan took the suit of New Year's gifts and didn't stay here too much. He turned and walked outside.

Duan Xueqin's look is not good, why is the fourth child also talking about neurology?

Xie Yaxin took the two tickets, flipped through them over and over, and said with a smile: "In the future, the fourth aunt will give you the front row position."

"Mom, why don't you go with your father?" the daughter suggested, "Don't waste the kindness of your future fourth aunt."

Duan Xueqin still remembers what Bai Chuwei said before. Thinking of her, she didn't have a good face. Now if she sends tickets to please her, she doesn't like it.

Duan Xueqin casually photographed the two tickets on the glass table, "If you don't go, whoever loves to go."

In O State, she has seen a lot of stars, and she is really not interested in these variety shows.

Just three words, not rare.

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