May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 105: : The characters in different comics also have subtle similarities!

   Jiang Cheng stood at the top of the telephone pole and looked at the residence below. Suddenly there is a strange feeling... [Telephone pole], [Night night], [Sneak in], [Ninja]...

  ! ! ! It looks like a brother from the crew next door! Finally, it looked like a ninja game. Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng slightly hooked the corner of his mouth.

In fact, Jiang Cheng always thinks that the current Takasugi is very suitable for the role of Uchiha Itachi. He is also second and literary, and has that kind of cold attitude. The most important thing is the blindfold. Even if Takasugi goes to the next-door crew to play Jiang Cheng did not feel that there was a little violation.

  Think about the scene: Takasugi stands in front of Sasuke, [Hate me, my stupid Odoudou. 】After finishing speaking, pull off the gauze on the left eye directly, and continue with the sentence 【Monthly reading! ] Or [Ama Thea is dead]! There is no sense of contradiction at all!

   "Hey, what are you thinking about again?" Yin Shi on the roof looked at Jiang Cheng speechlessly, "Hurry up, ready to pose!"

   "Ah, there is nothing..." Jiang Cheng awakened from his fantasy, and quickly replied, "I just think the telegraph poles really match the ninja..."

   "It's a good fit! Do you think you are Uchiha's one-on-seven?! Let's see if your old-fashioned sportswear is good! Where does your sense of substitution come from?!" Gintoki roared.

   "No, it's not me," Jiang Cheng shook his head, his eyes burning, "Don't you think that person is suitable to play one dozen seven?"

   "That person? Who is that?" Gin Shizuo puzzled, "Don't worry about so many, they are already here, or hurry up and end this ninja house bar soon!"

   After finishing speaking, Yin Shi was the first to jump up and landed steadily after turning a certain battle, "Team Ninja [Six Ninja Lines]! See..."

   Before the two words on the ginseng were finished, Jiang Cheng took the lead to jump up and flip the silver, "[Six Ninja Line] You are a big one! Don't count me! Give me a repeat!"

   The Kagura and others who had already taken the lead in their poses could only stay still, waiting for Gintoki's next command.

   "What's the look! You sportswear ninja!" Gintoki scolded, getting up.

   "Who do you think is a sportswear ninja! Do you think I wear this suit because I like sportswear?! There is no choice! Soul Dan!" Jiang Cheng said angrily.

   "No, I actually prepared it for you. I'm all forgiven..." the little monkey on the side answered.

"I don't know how to wear it even if I die!" Jiang Geng refused, "Only the wig likes that color. I can't accept it at all! And how to wear clothes that smell of natto? !"

   "Can you hurry up, I've been holding these two plates of curry and staying still, to be honest, it's a bit tired." Gui turned his head and said.

   "Let's do it again! Wonderful full appearance!" Yin Shi had just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng had already rushed down first. With this group of people, Jiang Cheng felt that his IQ was a bit anxious.

   "Hey! Haven't all appeared yet, how can you sneak away!" Yin Shi yelled behind Jiang Cheng.

"I don't need that kind of thing!" Jiang Cheng said disdainfully, "Isn't the task to rescue the uncle in the puppet costume? A quick solution, OK, this chapter has been written to the sixth chapter, OK? Do you still think How long does it take?"

"It's not an uncle in a puppet costume, it's Elizabeth! Make no mistake, Jiang Cheng!" Gui replied, "Moreover, it's only six chapters. If I come, I can write at least two hundred chapters, I Every move and every action of the man is carefully portrayed and described, at least one hundred and ninety-nine chapters and two thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight words!"

   "Hey, do the five of us account for twelve characters?!" Yin Shishi exclaimed, "Is there not a single person with three characters?!"

   "[There are five other people beside Katsura Kotaro]! If you describe it like this, readers will know it all!" Gui explained.

   "Do you still account for four characters in twelve characters?!!!" Xin Ba Hao spit out frantically.

   "Can you guys have peace of mind!" The little ape said uncomfortably, "Let's hurry up too! Or it will be exposed sooner or later!"

   "That's the same, then skip the debut link first and start the mission directly!" Yin Shi nodded and said.

   "What's the kidding! What's the point of holding two plates of curry rice for a long time?!" Gui yelled uncomfortably.

   "That's right, Aru! Where is the meaning of my squatting here for a long time? Isn't it a bit too much to skip before the camera is given? Aru!" Kagura said unhappy at the same time.

   "Don't argue about this meaningless thing, okay! Jiang Chengsang has disappeared long ago, okay!" Xin Baji reminded.

   "By the way, does he know our plan?" The little ape raised his hand weakly and asked.

   The other four people turned their heads away at the same time, looking at the sky and the earth just not looking at the little apes.

But it was only a few seconds, and then Yin Shi took the lead in rushing down, "It's not good! That guy didn't play the card according to the routine at all! Let him let alone Elizabeth, the whole Edo will be demolished by him! "

   "Hey! Really?! Is Jiang Chengsang that violent?!" Xin Ba Ji also rushed down and asked at the same time.

   "It's not violence, it's just a beast." Gui also rushed down and said at the same time.

   "Beast?" Xin Ba Ji was puzzled, "Why do you call Jiang Chengsang a beast? Don't you all have those more handsome-sounding titles? Why use that vague title?"

"That guy can fight uninterruptedly for a week, even if he is exhausted, he can still be a man against a thousand!" As he said, Gui remembered the last battle. At that time, he was tied up. From a high place, watching Jiang Cheng, with only one person left below, fight in the crowd...

   "Is Jiang Chengsang really that strong?!" Xin Ba Hao was completely shocked and interrupted Gui's memory aloud.

"Roughly the same……"

   "Will the incident get worse?!" Xin Ba Hao was completely messed up, "So why do you have to take him! Just let him go home and play games honestly?"

   Gui did not answer, but continued to rush down. The silver time in the front listened to Gui's words quietly into his ears, and at the same time, he was constantly searching for Jiang Cheng's figure.

  Finally, all five people came to the yard of the observant family, but the result was different from what a few people expected. The whole yard was quiet, and there was no one at all!

   "What's the matter? Why is there no one? There is no sound at all? Is it that Jiang Chengsang has already started..." Before the word was said, the little ape walked directly to the grass.

After checking and interrupting Xin Ba Hao aloud, "It seems to be correct, he has indeed taken action." As he said, the little ape dragged out a bunch of sturdy bunches from the bushes on the side. The subordinates of the public.

   Suddenly, a scream sounded, which shocked everyone.

   "Is it still late?" Yin Shi lowered his head and said softly.

   "It's late...You mean?" Before the new eight jokes finished speaking, he heard another scream.

   "There is no time to linger! I have to stop him quickly!" With that, Yin Shi rushed in.

   Katsura, Shinbachi and Kagura also rushed in at the same time.

   Only the little ape was left looking at the fainted cannon fodder, standing still thinking, and then turning around and rushing over. But just as the little monkey left, a piece of paper fell from someone who passed out.

   wrote: [Please! Bring me the roll of paper! If you can, bring a new pair of underwear! 】


   As for who made the screams, let's turn our attention to the men's room of the monk's house.

"That **** wig! It was poisoned in curry! I'm just a little hungry!" Jiang Cheng sat on the toilet with a painful expression on his stomach. It’s great on the pants..."


   "Hey! Brother, are you okay?!" Jiang Cheng patted the clapboard and shouted.

   "I'm already seriously injured...I can't do it..."

  You can hear from the voice how desperate this man's repressed pain is.

   "Hey! You have to hold on! Brother! I'll call you an ambulance now!" Jiang Cheng quickly replied, and began to touch his body to find the phone.

"It seems that I didn't bring my mobile phone today..." Jiang Chengcai, who looked all over his body but couldn't find a mobile phone, suddenly remembered that he didn't bring it when he went out during the and this clothes had already been changed once, "Don't Desperate! Wait for me to pull...I will take you to the hospital after the solution!"


   "Just stick with it! I'll be fine soon!" Jiang Cheng replied quickly, "Don't give up! Think of Naruto now at this time! Never give up!"

"It's not to give up or not to give up... This kind of thing happens to anyone like me... It's really too painful..." Quan Zang curled up into a weird posture, while replied painfully, "This kind of... The pain that accompanies me..."

"Life! What kind of pain will accompany you throughout your life?!" Jiang Cheng was shocked, "Could it be that you got dumped by your girlfriend?! Don't worry about this kind of thing! I know two men who are destined to be virgins for a lifetime, none of them suffers as much as you. what!"

   "How is it possible!" Quan Zang replied, "I just feel that today's work is very easy. I just drank a couple of sips..."

"Take a couple of sips? Is it because you got drunk and was...insulted by the passing punks?!" Jiang Cheng murmured, and then showed sympathy, "Although I can't empathize with you, I sympathize with you very much. Yes! Don’t worry, my mouth is very strict! I will never say anything! You must also work hard to live! Don’t give up hope!"

   "Ten thousand times more serious than that! Bastard!" Quan Zang cursed.

"Ten thousand times!!!" Jiang Cheng took a breath, "Is it insulted by punks ten thousand times! Or is it insulted by ten thousand punks! Is your chrysanthemum okay? It doesn't matter! No! The meeting has no flexibility, right?!"


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