May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 125: : People always go farther and farther on the road to death...

"That's it, that's how it is," Jiang Cheng, who sat down again, had finally figured out what was going on under Kagura's explanation. Jiang Cheng nodded and looked at Hachiro who was patrolling the store in the distance." In other words, that is to say that Hachiro is the son of the eldest aunt. In order to meet a son who has not seen him for five years, he came to this place alone from the countryside. What a great mother~"

   "But that Hachiro..." Kagura finished a bottle of Barbarian Bull in one breath, and then looked at Hachiro who was patrolling in the distance, "It seems that I don't have the idea of ​​recognizing my mother Aru."

"This is understandable. After all, I have made myself into that look, and I don't think I have a face to face my mother or something," Jiang Cheng said, snatching a few bottles of bulls that Kagura was holding. "It's too early! This kind of thing does not help development at all! Drinking more milk, going to bed and getting up early is a lifestyle habit for a girl your age!"

   The new eight jokes on the side looked at Jiang Cheng and Kagura, who were quarreling again and pinched because of the bull, "Insang, I always feel that I will be involved in some strange things again..."

"Huh? What silly thing to say," Gin Shiki said casually, and took a sip from the wine glass on the table. "It's no different from a normal shop if you just drink. But you can't drink, if it is. If you're a bull, I'll give it to you."

   At this moment, the crazy dead man who had just dealt with his own affairs finally came over.

   "It's rude," Kuang Si Lang lowered his head slightly and bent over, "Are you all having fun?"

"It's okay, as long as there are no cowboys, this place looks like a tavern," Gin Shiki said casually, and then looked at Kagura and Jiang Cheng who were still pinching aside, with a serious look on his face. : "Also, a kind reminder, quickly draw a line with that man, otherwise..."

   said, Yin Shi raised his head and glanced at the entire hall, "These decorations are expensive, right?"

   "Huh?" Crazy Death Lang was a little confused, "What are you talking about?"

"Gin-san, you don’t understand the crazy death of Langsang like this, let me come!" With that, the new eight chis gathered to the crazy death of Langsang’s ear and whispered, "Well, the crazy death of Langsang, the smile bar in Kabukicho. ,do you know?"

   "Of course." Kuang Shi Lang nodded, "After all, it is considered one of the best bars in Kabukicho. But some time ago, it seemed that there was a gangster rage, and it was closed for a while."

   When talking about the word [underworld], the crazy dead man looked a little helpless.

   "Do you even think so..." Xin Ba Hao was a little speechless, and then continued with a serious face, "That's not a gangster fight at all! It's all..."

   said, Xin Ba Ji looked at Jiang Cheng who was on the side, "It's all the man's fault!"

   "Hey?! How come?!" Crazy Death Lang was shocked.

   "It's better that you don't get close to that man. Although Jiang Chengsang himself has a good personality, but..."

   The new eight jokes hadn't finished speaking, but two Kuwu had been pierced on Jiang Cheng's head, and then Yueyong's angry voice sounded.

"You bastard! What are you doing in a place like this?!" With that, Yue Yong rushed over, kicking Jiang Chenglian who had not had time to say hello, and kicked Jiang Chenglian with the sofa, and Yue Yong's face was also full of expressions behind him. Bad Baihua members.

   "Anyway, it's almost like this..." Xin Baji continued.

   "Who abducted Jiang Cheng Sama into this place?!" A group of Baihua members fully armed, shouted softly.

"Alara, I am my guest when I came to Takatenhara..." Kushiro smiled slightly and walked forward, thinking that he could handle these women with the skills he had honed in Kabukicho No. 1 Cowboy, but it was obvious... he... thought too much……

   "Huh?! Is that you?!" After a Baihua member looked at the madman, he shouted to the sister behind him, "It's this guy! Sisters, get rid of him!"


   "You guys, calm down!" At this time, Jiang Cheng finally got up, pulled out the kunai from his head and shouted at the same time.

   "Ah~ Sama Jiang is so handsome when he is angry~"

   "Did you take it? Someone took it and share it with me!"

   "I took it!"


   "Pass me a copy!"

   "Pass me a copy too!"

"And I!"


   Looking at the members of Baihua who turned into little girls in an instant, even if they were crazy dead men, they were a little unbelievable.

   "What the first cowboy, I seem to be a little too arrogant..." Kuangshi Lang curled his lips, a little bit of self-deprecation.

   "What kind of cool are you playing! It's just a silly otaku!" Yue Yong cursed, "Didn't you say that you went to buy a game? What kind of game are you playing in such a place?!"

   "Hahahaha, it's all accidents," Jiang Chengmo smirked twice after writing, but then he reacted, "What time is it?!"

   "Ah, nine o'clock in the evening..." Kuang Si Lang replied.

   "My game!" Jiang Cheng was a little mad, and looked at the crazy death man, "Your employees are okay? You won't go to some strange store on the way to buy a game, right?"

   "It's you that you said!" Yue Yong didn't hit her breath.

   "It's okay, those guys are unexpectedly reliable," Kuang Shi Lang smiled and said, "After all, they are the friends who supported Gao Tianyuan with me!"

"Well, since you said that, I'm relieved." Jiang Cheng said happily, and then looked at the members of Baihua who were still aside, "Since I'm here, let's play here, today. It's a holiday in the evening!"

   Looking at the cheering Baihua members, Yue Yong was a little speechless, "How come you have made a decision without authorization! I haven't agreed yet!"

   "What does it matter," Jiang Cheng said casually, "I should just relax occasionally, right?!"

   "Yes!" ×N

   "By the way, you can't drink," Jiang Cheng glanced at Yue Yong and said, "If you are a bull, you can drink it."

   "I'm at the same level as me..." Xin Baji said weakly while supporting his glasses.

   "Why?" Yueyong asked.

   "Do you still want to tear down this shop?" Jiang Cheng said with a curled mouth.


   Seeing Jiang Cheng and the other members of Baihua playing on another deck, Kuang Si Lang was a little bit emotional.

   "It's really amazing, Jiang Chengsang, just a few words can soothe that group... hey, that group..." Rao Shi Lang couldn't find an appropriate adjective to describe the group of Baihua members.

   "Tigresses." Yin Shi decisively said the answer for the crazy dead man, which he did not dare to say.

   But I just finished talking, and the number of kunai came directly from a certain direction...

   "Yin Sang, if you don't die, don't die..." Xin Ba Ji vomited expressionlessly, while helping Yin with expressionless face to pull out the piercing kunai on his body.

"It's really energetic..." Kuang Shi Lang smiled, and then continued with a hint of regret, "I thought that if it was Jiang Chengsang, he would definitely become a cowboy surpassing me. It looks like this. Is it impossible..."

   "It's better for you to dispel this idea as soon as possible..." Xin Baji said helplessly.

   "It makes sense..." Kuang Si Lang smiled awkwardly, and then suddenly thought of something, "Ah, by the way, what do you want to eat?"

   "Oh," After listening, Yin Shi picked up the menu on the table, "Chocolate caviar..."

"I don't need to order those things. I brought food from home." Hachiro's mother decisively interrupted Gintoki's words, and took out a lunch box from behind and opened it on the table. "Look, it's boiled beans. Use it to serve with warm wine."

   "What did you bring," Yin Shi was a little speechless, "This looks very poor! Put it away!"

"Eat quickly, this boiled beans can also cure your irritable temper," Hachiro's mother looked at the crazy death man standing aside, "Hey, the glamorous little brother who is standing there will also come to eat. Right."

   "Hey? Ah, okay." As he said, Kuang Si Lang also sat down.

   "Crazy Death Langsang, I have something to ask," Looking at the crazy death Lang who was sitting down, Xin Baji finally remembered the assignment.

   "Hey? What's the matter?"

   "Crazy Death Langsang is the owner of this store, right?" Xin Baji asked next.

   "Yes." Kuang Shi Lang nodded.

   "When did that huge explosive head start working here?" Xin Baji asked again.

"You mean Hachiro?" As he said, Kushiro's expression softened a lot, and he looked at Hachiro who was explaining something with the waiter in the distance, "He has been with me since the store opened~www. is a good friend of mine. I used to work in other stores. Two years ago, I wanted to start a business independently, so I asked him to help. He was also a cowboy before, but now he is only responsible for some behind-the-scenes work, because Plastic surgery failed before, so..."

   "Surgery failure is that kind of failure? Could it be a laboratory explosion or something?" After spitting out a sentence, Xin Bajia asked, "Well, is it also Ba Lang's job like today's daytime thing?"

"Ah, be it, just like a bodyguard, because the street is messy, that kind of thing will inevitably happen..." Kuang Shi Lang explained, and took the chopsticks to pick up the beans from the lunch box on the table. The whole action was very elegant. "If you want to keep your head down here, it's impossible to have clean hands and feet."

"Although I am the No. 1 Cowboy in this Kabukicho, I have lost more than I got..." As he said, the crazy dead man put down his chopsticks, still with the somewhat lost expression," said It's really embarrassing to look up. The people here are the ones who have no face to meet their parents..."

   Looking at the mad death man with his face full of loss, Xin Baji just wanted to give some comfort, and a loud noise accompanied the screams of the customers.

"It seems that the idiot must have caused trouble again..." Yin Shi sighed and then looked in the direction where the sound was made, but at this glance, Yin Shi realized that he was wrong... However, things seemed to be more complicated... …



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