May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 144: :1 Isn't it a try while eating popcorn and watching a movie? (Red Sakura...

   Edo Wharf.

   "The sky is completely dark Aru." Kagura followed Dingchun, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, then stopped, yawned and stretched out.

"Dingchun, if they don't go back, Yinjiang and the others will be worried," Kagura shouted at Dingchun, who was still sniffing and walking, "No, probably not. He must be fine with the wig, Aru! He won't. It’s just like that, so let’s go back today! Come back tomorrow and keep looking."

   But as soon as Kagura finished speaking, he noticed that Dingchun stopped in front of him, sitting on the ground and staring straight ahead.

   "Dingchun, what's the matter?" Kagura stepped forward, came to Dingchun, and then asked, "Can you smell the wig from here Aru?"


   At this time, Kagura realized that there was a houseboat not far from the sea in front of him.

   "What is that ship?"

   Kagura was puzzled, but as soon as he finished speaking, he heard footsteps and voices in the alley beside him. Without hesitation, Kagura decisively pulled Dingchun into hiding.

   Then, Kagura saw three ronin walking out of the alley next door while talking...

   Langren A: "Hey! Have you found it?"

   Ronin Second "No, it must have relapsed from the last illness, Mr. Okada. He always feels that after Mr. Okada's trip last time, his mental state is getting worse and worse..."

   Langren Ding: "I met someone a while ago and said that he had cut off that gui. If that person did it, our preaching wouldn't work for him..."

   Langren A: "It’s not to blame you for not keeping an eye on him! Finally let him take [It] out, in case someone else knows the existence of [It]..."

   Langren Ding: "All in all, let's get back to the boat now..."


   Watching several ronin go further and further away, Kagura finally walked out of the dark. After resting his chin on for a while, Kagura finally made up his mind.

   saw Kagura take out his phone, edited a text message in a very short time and sent it to Jiang Cheng, and then put the phone in Dingchun's mouth.

   "Dingchun, take your mobile phone to Yinjiang to Aru," Kagura touched Dingchun's dog's head and exhorted, "Even if you see Kawaii's bitch, don't make a detour."

   "Wang!" Dingchun responded, turned and ran away.

   "You can't go up and ride her!"


   Watching Dingchun run further and further away, Kagura also turned around, raised his umbrella, and looked at the house-shaped boat not far away.

   "Yo Xi, come on!"


   set the time back ten minutes, on the other side.

   "Jiang Cheng, this guy is your fan." Yin Shi yelled, and at the same time he looked at Jiang Cheng on the bank of the river.

   Look at this...

   "I didn't expect you to carry so many things with you, it's amazing, Q Taro." Jiang Cheng sat in the stove and praised Elizabeth, who was sitting across from him.

   "Ah, it's Elizabeth, that's amazing." Xin Bajia said with emotion, and kept adding vegetables to the hot pot on the stove, "I even brought the hot pot, it's really amazing~"

   [Do you want beef or pork]

   Elizabeth raised the wooden sign.

   "Beef?!" Xin Baji was shocked, "Do you carry such high-quality ingredients with you?!"

   [Last time when Gui Sang was evading the chase of Shinsengumi, one of them was blown to death by a kid holding a bazooka. I thought it was a waste and put it away...]

   Then, Elizabeth put away the wooden sign and took out a huge piece of beef from her big mouth. And use the knife in his hand to cut the beef slices three times.

【please! 】

   "Ah, eating hot pot on the street in the middle of the night does not mean something~" Jiang Cheng said with a slight emotion, and then looked at Elizabeth again, "Excuse me, is there any sesame paste? Or chili and sesame oil will do."

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【let me find it】

   Elizabeth raised the wooden sign, and then began to rummaged in her mouth.

   When I saw the silver in this scene, I just felt that I wanted to send these **** to **** by myself.

   "Is it time to eat hot pot?!" Gin Shiro shouted with eyes open.

   "New Bajiao, what is that person talking about? Why don't you hear it clearly?" Jiang Cheng looked at the Xin Bajiao who was aside suspiciously and asked.

   "Maybe to leave some for him," Xin Baji replied, and then waved at Yin Shi under the bridge and shouted loudly: "Don't worry! Your share is left to you!"

   "Hmm! Thank you!" Yinshi replied loudly, but the next second, "I'm big! Isn't it time to say this?! Yinsang still has a monster on my head!"

   "What did he say?" Jiang Cheng looked at the Xin Ba Ji who was aside again and asked.

"It seems to be saying, let us eat slowly, and he will get rid of that monster." Xin Ba Hao replied, and then looked at Yin Shi with a gratified expression and murmured: "I can't think of Yin Sang also like this. The reliable side~"

   "You can definitely hear it! Absolutely! It's just pretending to be a fool!" Ginshiro roared.

"Why the expression is getting more and more fierce?" Jiang Cheng murmured while looking at Yin Shih with a piece of meat in his hands, "Does he want this piece of meat too? There is no way, so few pieces." Keep the meat for him!"

With that said, Jiang Cheng took an empty bowl from the side, filled a slowly bowl of beef and set it aside, and shouted at Yinshi again: "Yinshi, your share has been reserved for you! No need! worry!"

   "Okay, leave him alone, let's start eating," Jiang Cheng greeted Elizabeth and Xin Ba Hao quickly, "If you cook it longer, it won't taste good."

   "Beef hot pot, I haven't eaten it for a long time~" Xin Ba Hao looked at the hot pot in front of him and said with emotion, "Then I'm welcome!"

   Immediately afterwards, the three of them...No, it should be said that the two of them started to solve this rich beef hot pot as soon as they petted them, and they did not care about the countless blue veins on their faces under the bridge.

   "The farce should also be over..." Okada Shizo smiled sadly at the entrance of the cave, then jumped down and said that he waved the red cherry blossoms in his hand.

   Only a bang was heard, and water splashed everywhere.

  Gintoki decisively rolled and dodged Okada's slash at that moment.

"it's here!"

   Okada Nizo got up extremely fast and swung the sword in the direction of Gintoki, but just raised the sword but suddenly swung it in the other direction, "This is right!"

   Boom! ! !

   "Isn't it?!" Okada was shocked, "Obviously should be here! I clearly feel your murderous intent coming from here..."

   "So, if you choose to close your eyes, there are a lot of things that you are destined to miss!" Gintoki said, standing behind Okada Sizo, and at the same time he slammed his wooden sword forcefully.

   "Wow!"...Boom! !

   Okada Nizo did not react after all, and was heavily drawn on his back by the wooden sword. The huge body flew out like a cannonball and plunged straight into the wall on the side.

   "Bye bye, monster." Yin Shi said and swung down the wooden sword again.


   "So, didn't you say it, it was [us]!" Okada Shizo laughed.

  At this time, Gintoki found that his body and the sword were all wrapped in mechanical tentacles. Ginshi finally realized that these tentacles had been hidden under the ground from the moment he knocked Okada Nizo away.

   "It should be me this time, goodbye, Lord Shiroyasha..." Okada Nizo stood up, and before the silver reacted, he waved the red cherry tree in his hand...


   "That's it." Jiang Cheng stood in front of Yin Shi, holding his umbrella with both hands, and resisted a blow for Yin Shi. Immediately afterwards, he began to exert his strength and lifted Hong Ying away.

   turned slightly and kicked, kicking Yin Shi to the other side of the river.

   "You should rest first..." Jiang Cheng said without looking back, and stared at the monster-like Okada Sizou in front of him, "Then, change me next!"

"Cough cough" Yin Shi buckled himself out of the wall, and cursed, "Resting your head! You will be kicked and seriously injured if you don't get hurt! New Baja, come and help me, I feel myself His waist is about to break... The ribs should have broken several... By the way, is there any beef... I feel like I need to add some protein..."


"Hahahahahaha..." Okada Shizang smiled madly, "Unexpectedly, I finally have a chance to fight with you. With this sword, I can stand in front of you one day! I...I am so lucky. Up!"

"Huh? What silly thing are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng asked in doubt, but then he reacted, "Are you really my fan?! But I'm so sorry, I have never encountered this before. Circumstances, this is the first time for me to sign or something."

   As he said, Jiang Chengbian took out the banknotes from his body, signed his name on the paper with a swipe of a pen, and handed it to Okada Nizou.

   "Uh..." Okada Shizo who was laughing wildly was suddenly choked.

"Hey? Can't you do this?" Seeing Okada's expression, Jiang Cheng was puzzled again, "But I really don't have much experience. Oh, yes! I have been seeing idols holding handshake meetings and so on~www that a handshake?"

   As he said, Jiang Cheng stretched out his right hand and rubbed his clothes on his clothes, and stretched out in front of Okada Nizo, grinning, "Come on, don't be shy!"

   "Hey, that guy has committed another natural stupid problem..." Xin Ba Hao on the bank spit out speechlessly.

"Don't care, don't care," Yin Shi rubbed his side waist with one hand while pinching the meat from the hot pot, "Really, it was not killed by that monster, but it was almost killed by another monster. Ask him for medical expenses!"

   "You might as well be killed!"


   "Alala, I was really underestimated~" Okada murmured, and raised the red cherry again, "Actually, I want to fight the other you, the one who didn't abandon the sword!"

   As he said, Okada Nizo swung the knife down, and at the same time, countless tentacles rushed towards Jiang Cheng's body.

   "You will die..." Jiang Cheng murmured.

   "Is it dead in your hands? It's a great honor."

   "I'm not talking about this..." After that, Jiang Cheng finally moved...

   Boom! ! ! !



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