May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 360: :No, the hairdresser created the bun!

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"Why talk about life as if you are going to hike?! Do you think this kind of stage talk can open up a new era for you?!" Xin Ba Hao exclaimed.

"But... it's just that the hair has become a bit shorter, right? It's just that the ends of the hair have become neater, right? It can still be combed! There will always be a way to tie it into a bun!" Yin Shit insisted.

With that said, Yin Shi walked to Mao Mao tremblingly, and at the same time rubbed his hands and smiled: "No... sorry, please let me comb it for you again~"

With that, the hair that Yin Shi had gathered up and scattered around gathered into a ball, gritted his teeth, squeezed the veins, and pulled it up vigorously, desperately trying to gather it into a bun again.

"This length is not good at all! Yinsang! It is totally impossible!" Seeing Maomao whose head had been picked up by Yin Shi, Xin Ba Hao quickly reminded.

"No problem! It's just not pulled enough!" Yin Shizie gritted his teeth and said, at the same time, because of the lack of strength, one foot stretched out against the back of Mao Mao's head, and both hands pressed Mao Mao's hair at the same time. Pull back, "A little longer...a little longer!!"

"Wait! It's about to be unplugged! It's about to be unplugged! It's about to be unplugged!" Xin Ba Hao's whole person is not good.

"Don't give up!" Yin Shibai shouted, "If you give up, you won't be able to comb this bun!"

Seeing that his face had begun to deform, tears were oozing from the corners of his eyes but Mao Mao insisted on gritting his teeth without saying a word, Xin Ba Ha hurriedly reminded: "Yin Sang! The general's tears are almost squeezed out! The general is about to break his limit It's impossible to continue!"


"Please stop!" Looking at Mao Mao, who was gritted with tears in his eyes, Xin Bajia was about to collapse.

"Hey! It seems to be combed out!" Yin Shi firmly squeezed the hair that was barely able to tie up the bun, preventing the hair from falling out again, and at the same time whispered a reminder, "Hurry up and tie it up! While I was pulling it! Hurry up and tie it up for me!"


Yin Shi restored Mao Mao's chair to its original posture, supported Mao Mao's backrest, and smiled at the mirror and said, "Yo Xi, it's already combed."

Xin Ba Haw said without hesitation: "No! The look has been completely deformed, okay? The whole face has collapsed! It's like wearing a stocking on his head!"

"Hey, he seems to like it very much, isn't he smiling? It's almost like a resident of the Land of Smiles~" Yin Shizuo bit his scalp and pretended to be disapproving.

"Looks like a head! It's just that the face is pulled up!"

"Hey? Is that angry? Or is it laughing? I don't understand it at all." Gin Shiki asked in confusion, "I can't understand this expression at all."

"At least I can be sure that I am not laughing!" Xin Ba Haw yelled, and then quickly put down Maomao's chair and squeezed out his throat, "I'm sorry! I will help you clean it up immediately!"

"It's really not that way! Yinsang!" Xin Ba Haw turned his head to look at Xiang Yin, and reminded in a low voice, "If he goes back like this, we will definitely be beheaded to show the public!"

But just now after finishing talking here, Mao Mao's broken hair broke away from the clip and scattered on both sides again. At the same time, Mao Mao's expression returned to its original shape.

But when it was too late, it was fast, Xin Ba Haw did not hesitate to gather up Mao Mao's hair, and tied it back with a vigorous operation.


"Anyway, think of a way to fool Yinsang," Xin Ba Haw turned his head and reminded, "The important thing is that as long as you are satisfied with the time, no matter what happens afterwards, let's bear with it now! Fix the shape or something, and then Confused..."

As he said, Xin Baji suddenly thought of something, "Bun! By the way, it's the bun just now! If you get that up, you will definitely be fooled! Yinsang!"

Hearing these words, Kagura rushed to the door, but just when he came to the door, Kagura saw a golden retriever dangling from the hair bun that was thrown out when the silver was just thrown, and running wildly towards the distance.

"New Baji! The big event is bad, Aru!" Kagura hurriedly replied, "The golden retriever took the bun away Aru!"


"Anyway, I'll get it back, and I'll hand it over to you Aru!" Kagura chased directly in the direction where the dog fled.

Xin Ba Hao couldn't stop him, so he could only watch Kagura disappear at the door.

"Damn it! Why does everything go wrong all the time! What should I do?!" Xin Ba Haw muttered to himself frantically.

At this moment, Yin Shi's voice came: "Hey, Xin Ba Chi, how about this?"

Seeing the somewhat swollen hair in Yin Shih's hand that is made up of indescribable things that can barely be called a bun, Xin Ba Hao said in surprise: "Yin Sang! Then...that, how exactly did it do it? That bun! Where did you find it?"

"I didn't find it, but I did it." Yin Shi replied.


"I have no choice but to make one." Yin Shi shrugged and replied disapprovingly.

"You said you made one?" Xin Ba Hao murmured, and then exclaimed again, "It's amazing! Yinsang! I looked at you differently! Like Mr. Wakowaku!"


"Apply adhesive, and then..." Gintoki said as he put the adhesive-coated bun on Mao Mao's head, "Okay, it's done."

"It's perfect! Yinsang!" Xin Ba Hao praised, "In this case, there is absolutely no problem. This is enough to fool you..."

With that, Xin Ba Hao suddenly noticed that the bun on Mao Mao's head was swelling unnaturally.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to be said that this hair bun is to be slightly curled Douyan twitched the corners of his mouth and asked, "Well, can you ask me sorry? What is this bun made of?"

"It's made of the dense jungle next to it." Gintoki pointed to the mosaic somewhere on the lower body of Kondo, who was still sleeping on the side seat.

The new eight:...

"What kind of dense jungle is that?!" Xin Ba Haw is not good, "What have you done?! On the head of the noblest man in this country, he actually put the worst in the world on the head thing?!"

"But didn't he say that the higher-ranking people should understand the following?" Yin Shi waved his hand and replied casually, "Ah, it seems to have said it, and it seems to have not said it. But it doesn't matter."

"You don't even remember it yourself!" Xin Ba Haw frantically complained, "And even if I said the following, I didn't refer to this kind of thing!"

"Don't worry about it, this kind of fluffy looks like a slightly permed bun, it looks unexpectedly trendy," Gintoki replied, and then looked at Mao Mao, who had a tight face. "Look? The general likes it too, are you laughing?"

"So didn't you tell you that he was not smiling?! And how long do you want to make the general's face tense like that?!" Xin Ba Hao retorted, "And the trend you said is fundamental No need! It’s more convincing to say that you like your natural roll before you say that kind of thing! Asshole!!!"

Ignoring Xin Ba Hao's complaints, Yin Shi supported his chin and looked at Mao Mao and complained in a low voice: "Is it angry or happy? Can't I express it more clearly?"

Just after speaking, Yin Shi suddenly noticed that the complexion on Mao Mao's smooth forehead was rapidly getting worse, and at the same time some small pimples burst out quickly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh? Why does it seem that a pimple is coming out?" Yin Shi asked in doubt.

"Wait for me!!" Xin Ba Haw said hurriedly, "What kind of disease seems to have been infected?!"

Afterwards, Xin Ba Ha hurried forward, put down Mao Mao's chair again and patted off the pathogen on Mao Mao's head.

"I'm sorry! I'll take care of it for you now!" Xin Ba Ha squeezed his throat and said with a smile, then turned his head again, and whispered at Yin Shi: "No! Yin Sang! You need to use a different one. Things are good! Is there nothing better to replace?"

"Even if you say so..." Yin Shiz embraced his chest with one hand, while holding his chin in the other hand, thinking quietly. suddenly! Yin Shi's inspiration flashed, he picked up the scissors and came to the front of Gui who was still sleeping while squatting down, "No way, I can only use the hair under the wig."

"So why do you have to use that part of the hair?!" Xinba Haw was a little frantic, "Isn't it enough to use hair in general?!"

"This is for the time being not to be discovered." Yin Shi explained.

"Isn't it exposed with the hair there?!" Xin Ba Hao exclaimed, "Anyway, Guisang's hair is very long, so I won't find it if I cut it a little bit?"

"That makes sense," Yin Shi nodded, then got up and came to Gui and stretched out the scissors, "Sorry, wig, lend me a little bit."

After that, Yin Shi directly cut off Gui's bangs.

"Why does it have to be bangs?!" Xin Ba Hao frantically complains There are so many hairs behind, why do we have to cut bangs specially? ! Wouldn't it be irreversible if you cut it like this? ! Hair style is restricted like this! What should I do with the front bangs? ! "

"It's weird to leave only a little bit in front of this?" Yin Shi said while helping Gui trim her hair, "cut all the front hair neatly."

Click, click, click...

With a few scissors, Gui's hairstyle is more than 99% similar to the hairstyle of the hero in "Little Lord".

"Where is the little lord?!"

"I know, I know," Yin Shi moved the scissors again impatiently, "If the whole is cut short, it will not be conspicuous."

Click, click, click...

Counting the scissors again, Gui's new hairstyle successfully reached a similarity of more than 99% with Miss Haizao.

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