May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 463: : Collecting the golden beads can awaken the dragon who fulfills the wish...

"It seems that this embassy is indeed a big problem~" Jiang Cheng chuckled, stunned the last Mutian Liao star in front of the crowd, and then looked at the one who was rushing here with heavy weapons. Everyone, "There are so many armed forces with heavy weapons, it looks like they are protecting something, is it someone?"

   "I really caught the treasure." Gui smiled easily, "I don't know if it is luck or misfortune, but I did get the treasure."

   "This is really bad..." Kondo's expression became a little serious, "We only rely on a few of us to deal with these people..."

   "Wig, orangutan." Jiang Cheng came to the two of them, holding Kuna in his hands, his legs slightly bent, "Let's go."


   "Leave it to him, let's go." Gui, who realized something, interrupted aloud, "Next is his home court."

   "...Yoshihara's, don't die!" After a moment of silence, Kondo said this.


   After Kondo and Katsura left, Jiang Chengcai slightly twisted his neck while moving his shoulders, then raised his head and glanced lightly at the crowd of matte constellations who had surrounded him.

"Dead? Are these guys?" Jiang Cheng smiled softly, and then the whole cat's momentum changed for an instant, and he said softly, "Domestic cats, although they are also domestic cats, but I and I were kept in captivity. You are not the same, I...but I'm a free-range farmer!"

   After all, Jiang Cheng disappeared from the spot in an instant.


"where is it?!"

   "Find out quickly..."

   The whole corridor became quiet again, and it took a full few seconds before I remembered dozens of plops and the sound of falling to the ground.

   "Cut, it's boring." Jiang Cheng said with a slight sigh, without looking back, he didn't even look at the Mutian Liao star people who fell to the ground who were all stunned behind him in an instant.

   "Then...there are only the annoying mice left..."


   On the other side, Katsuo Heikoma of the ditch mouse team stood between the head of the Mutian Liaoxing Embassy and his little brother, looking at the stacks of cages that hold all the wild cats in front of them.

   "Well, that's all," Kakukoma Katsuo said, "The wild cats in Kabukicho are basically caught."

   "Thank you for your assistance."

The head of the embassy thanked him, turned his head and looked at the old-fashioned dragon bell who was stumbling here on crutches, dressed in an unusually noble dress, with a white coat and purple beads on the neck. Old man.

   "How is it? Is there any material you like?" the head of the embassy asked respectfully.

   "Brother, who is that old cat who is stumbling?" The younger brother on the side asked Katsuo Kuroko in a low voice.

   "Idiot! Don't talk nonsense," Kakuma Katsuo reminded in a low voice, "Want to be eaten as a canned cat!"

  Scarface boy looked at Kurokoma Katsuo with a puzzled expression on his face.

   "It's the king, that's the cat king!" Kakuma Katsuo said with a solemn expression and whispered.

   "Huh?!" The little brother was surprised, "That trembling old man turned out to be King Mutian Liaoxing?!"

   "Idiot! The sound is too loud!" Kuro Koma slapped the little brother directly on the back of the head, and gave an angry reprimand.

   "Why? Why are you in this place?" The younger brother rubbed his head and asked Katsuo Kurokoma in a low voice, "The king came to Edo, this is big news! I have never heard of this information!"

   "Nonsense, there must be a reason to let others know that I came secretly." Kuroju Katsuo closed his eyes, took a sip and answered as expected.

   "The reason why you can't be known by others..." As he said, the little brother looked at the cat king who was standing in front of a crowd of wild cats.

   "Meow! (Hello everyone! the king said.

   It’s a little strange that the king’s call comes with simultaneous interpretation of the female voice, but after all, it’s the king and it’s normal to have some privileges.

   "What's the matter with this old man?"

   "Can you say something about us?"

   A crowd of wild cats looked at the cat king in surprise at the same time.

   "Meow! (I first met, cats of the earth. King Cat said again, "Meow (I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm so sorry to gather everyone together. In fact, I want to ask everyone for help.)

   "Hey, it looks quite taciturn, I can't expect to say something unexpected." A wild cat whispered.

"Meow (Although it comes from a different planet, but for the sake of the same race, listen to my request. King Cat went on casually, "Meow (actually I am the king of a certain planet.) ) Meow. (But at this age there is no offspring) Meow~ (Because my wife is a very serious tuna, no, when it comes to tuna, I still like it because I am also a cat.

   (Tuna girl, has the meaning of [BEEP——] indifferent.)

   "Hey! It was a shock to the person who just met! This old man!" A wild cat couldn't help but vomit.

"Meow~ (I have already said that I don’t have **** with me anymore. It’s basically a state of less mating. I can only self-generate, and self-generating is getting more and more convenient. The faucet type and the normal Too the same self-generation. Now the general mating is complete...

   "Hey! I don't want to know at all! Why do we listen to this old man's XP!" A wild cat struggled to complain.

"Meow (Although I married a new wife, but at this age, that aspect of the function is no longer good. King Cat continued, "Meow (My country is now in chaos for inheritance issues.) Whoa (so I want to ask you all

   "Hey! Is this the so-called pie falling from the sky!"

   A crowd of wild cats looked at each other instantly and whispered to each other.

   "Although I heard that the soul should be removed before."

   "Could this old man do this kind of thing to find successors among us?"

   But at this time, the cat king interrupted the wild cats' fantasy again.

   "Meow sizzle! (Can you please give me the eggs?

"Do not make jokes!"

   "Why did the topic just now suddenly change to this?!"

   A crowd of wild cats were excited and roared with white eyes.

"Nah (there has always been an ancient legend on our planet The Cat King closed his eyes and slowly continued, "Naga Hsi (when the legendary golden **** are collected together...) Meow Hsi (will Wake up the dragon sleeping in the earth) Meow (the dragon sleeping in my body...

  The Cat King opened his eyes and stared at the wild cats in front of him with a pair of cloudy eyes that were so turbid that he could not see the eyeballs, even the white of his eyes were pure black: "Meow~ (Can you please help me wake up?

   "The king," Kuroko Katsuo on the side explained to his little brother in a low voice, "I want to extract the essence of the cat egg and make it into a powerful aphrodisiac, "Kaipi Cat no Omega"! "

   "What kind of **** dragon! You old man!"

   "What a joke! Why do you want us to lay the eggs to wake up your dragon!"

   However, the Cat King didn't react at all. He turned around and walked slowly towards the automatic door on the side. After the automatic door was opened, a crowd of wild cats were able to discover that inside the automatic door is a control room.

"Meow sizzle (your energetic golden ball is very good material Cat King came to the console, reached out and pressed a button, "meow sizzled (but not yet in time) Meow! (your golden ball can still be used) Emit a more dazzling light

While    was talking, all the cages of the wild cats slowly tilted backward at the same time, and the walls behind the cages were also opened. So that when a crowd of wild cats reacted, they all fell on the floor and gathered in the same room.

"here it is…"

   Before the wild cats came to their senses, the iron gate on one side of the room slowly rose with a click.

"Meow sizzle? (Do you know? When will the power of continuation of the offspring reach its peak, not when you find a eroded DVD for the taste, nor when you encounter a charming female cat, but when...

   This time, the Cat King did not wait until the simultaneous interpretation was finished, but couldn't wait to complete the last sentence with his own voice, "...on the verge of death!"

   A crowd of wild cats, looking at the monster that walked in through the iron gate with two giant horns on its head, was huge and looked fiercely like a lion monster, they all stepped back unconsciously.

"When facing absolute death, when the heart is full of fear," standing in front of the control room, the cat king looking at this confined space through the glass window ~ ~ then shouted to the wild cats through the microphone. , "In order to leave offspring in this world, the golden ball will emit a dazzling light!"

   "How... how could..."

   "That old man... Could it be that..."

"Then, be afraid! At this moment, unavoidable death is threatening you!" The Cat King opened his hands and announced with some excitement, "Come on! Let your golden ball shine! Infuse your energy! Please! Don't worry! Even if you die, I won't let your golden **** go to waste!"

As soon as   's voice fell, the big lion roared and rushed straight to the crowds of wild cats, and the wild cats could only escape to the wall behind them.

   But the wall will end after all, and the speed of the lion is much faster than that of the wild cat.

   Just when a backward wild cat was about to be crushed into blood by the lion's raised paws, the lion suddenly raised his head and wailed and stopped his movements.

   That wild cat also escaped.

  At this time, a group of wild cats discovered that Fangichi was biting on the lion's back.

   The bitten flesh and blood lion roared, flicked its tail, and slapped Fang Yi to the ground, just in front of a crowd of wild cats...



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