At this time, Enel was beaten up by Usopp and Chopper!

Although he still had the power of his heart net, his physical strength had been consumed a lot when Yanxing extracted the power of the Thunder Fruit. Even if the power of his heart net was still there, he still couldn't avoid it.

Moreover, Enel lacked physical training because of the power of the Thunder Fruit. So after losing the power of the Thunder Fruit, he became like this!

Chopper looked at the wounded Enel in front of him, and said to Usopp with a sigh:"Okay, we have already vented our anger. If we continue to fight, we will probably die!"

In this regard, Usopp stared at Enel's miserable appearance, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and agreed:"Okay, anyway, my hands are sore now!"

At this time, Enel stared at Yanxing with resentment, and Yanxing noticed this look. A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:"It seems that you are quite unconvinced! Is the power of Thunder useful? Unfortunately, it is mine after all!"

At the same time, Yan Xing changed his tone, and his words were full of murderous intent:"But I am a person who will avenge my grudges on the same day. In your current situation, it is better to send you to the west. Otherwise, I will be upset if you keep jumping in front of me!"

As Yan Xing spoke, Enel's eyes showed horror:"No, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

But Yan Xing's mouth curled up a cold smile:"What a joke, I can kill anyone I want to kill!"

Yan Xing's slender fingers trembled, and in an instant, an inexplicable force emerged and gathered, directly invading Enel's body.

Enel's figure was stunned in place, and Usopp, who was beside him, looked at Enel's stiff body.

A puzzled look appeared on his face and he reached out to touch it. In an instant, Enel's body suddenly weathered and turned directly into powder and dissipated!

Usopp stared at Yanxing in shock, with an incredible look on his face. He hadn't seen him do anything!

But now he became like this, which was really confusing for him!

At the same time, Usopp also decided not to offend Yanxing. After all, if such a strange method was used on him, he would be wiped out!


However, Luffy's stomach growled, breaking the heavy atmosphere!

Luffy put on a bright smile and said,"Sanji, I'm hungry, let's have a party!"

Sanji began to pack up helplessly and said,"Okay, wait a minute!"

Just as they started the party on Sky Island, they saw the sea 10,000 meters away.

On the coffin-like ship, there were flickering candles on the four corners.

When the Flame Star Sword slashed the thunder just now, he had already noticed the extreme sword intent.

Although that kind of sword intent was transmitted to the sea and had been weakened a lot, it still made Hawkeye Mihawk feel its power!

Hawkeye also felt that the sword will was tricky. It also made Hawkeye Mihawk's eyes show excitement.

After all, after he became the world's number one swordsman, he hadn't met a high-level swordsman who made him go all out for a long time. hand, Red Hair was one of them before!

But since Red Hair lost his arm, he hasn't tried his best for decades.

How can he not be excited when such a master appears on the sea now!

Although he doesn't know where this great swordsman is now, he will definitely find him.

At the same time, in the meeting room of the Navy Headquarters, Admiral Sengoku, Navy Hero Garp, Navy Chief of Staff Crane, and Admiral Akainu were all sitting in their seats!

The four of them all looked solemn, and Sengoku was the first to speak:"It seems that the man is standing on the opposite side of us after all!"

In response, Akainu frowned, and firm words came out of his mouth:"No matter what, since he dared to kill the Navy Vice Admiral, he is the enemy of justice! Evil must not be allowed to exist!"

At this time, Crane said with a heavy face:"Want him!" Sengoku nodded and said:"That's true, but how much is the reward?"

He said solemnly:"You can't deal with his strength. I think he is at the admiral level, and he also has the strange ability to deprive devil fruits. No matter what, we must find out what's going on. As for the bounty, let's set it at 10 billion Baileys!"

As He's words rang out, Zhan Guo looked solemn at this time. Although the navy had never set such a high bounty for the first time issuing a wanted order!

But with his ability and strength, this bounty is not excessive, so Zhan Guo directly decided:"Then set a bounty of 10 billion Baileys!"

Zhan Guo looked solemn. What secrets did that man have? Why could he deprive the devil fruit ability? Where did the deprived ability go? Was it contained by himself or transferred to other places?

But no matter which one it was, we need to take it seriously!

After all, if it was the former, then we don't know to what extent that man's strength will expand!

Maybe he will become extraordinarily powerful, but if it was the latter, then he will create a legion of devil fruit ability users in a short time! Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Event time: April 29 to May 3)

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