However, looking at the figures that had already gathered around, Hawkeye Mihawk thought of what he had promised. Now that Yanxing has surpassed him in swordsmanship

, he should do what he promised now!

Now that so many people have paid attention to this strange phenomenon, it is not bad to have so many newspapers come and spread the news.

Thinking of this, Hawkeye Mihawk did not move. With their arrival, hundreds of people directly surrounded Hawkeye Mihawk.

"Lord Hawkeye, was this vision caused by you?"

"Lord Hawkeye, is it because you haven't made any progress in swordsmanship this time that such a strange phenomenon occurred?"

"Mr. Hawkeye, has your progress this time reached the legendary realm?..."


Listening to these noisy words, Hawkeye Mihawk coughed and said,"Ahem! I fought with someone here and lost. This time, the position of the world's number one swordsman no longer belongs to me!"

As Hawkeye Mihawk's words echoed, everyone present was surprised!

Unexpectedly, someone could defeat Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman, and now the position of the world's number one swordsman has given up!

It's really amazing, so who is this newly-minted world's number one swordsman!

It really makes them curious, and the spies of other forces also look thoughtful at this time.

Who on earth can actually defeat Hawkeye Mihawk and succeed to the position of the world's number one swordsman!

One of the newspaper reporters looked thoughtful and said,"So, Mr. Hawkeye, in this situation, who is the new world's number one swordsman!"

Hawkeye Mihawk casually took out one of the bounty orders and pointed at him and said,"It's him!"

After that, Hawkeye Mihawk stepped on the stage and flew away!

Everyone present was a smart person. Looking at the photo in front of them, isn't this the wanted order that appeared in the past two days?

After all, when this wanted order came out, it even shook the sea.

Now that Hawkeye Mihawk has taken out this wanted order, doesn't it mean that the man who defeated him this time is this man?

I really didn't expect that this man who just appeared on the sea did something that made the navy offer such a huge bounty!

Now it has been revealed that he has defeated Hawkeye Mihawk and become the new world's number one swordsman! It is really hard to imagine that this man who suddenly appeared is really unfathomable!

And those powerful people are now quickly preparing to convey this matter. This man has become the new world's number one swordsman!

As for the strength of Hawkeye Mihawk, they are not like those newbies who go out to sea in Hong Kong. They know it clearly. One sword divides the island!

Now, there is another existence of a sword that can cut the sky, becoming the new world's greatest swordsman. It is incredible!

No wonder the navy would come up with such a high bounty. There is really another person with more terrifying sword skills in the world!

The whole sea is about to start shaking because of this man, but this has nothing to do with Yanxing.

At this time, Yanxing's figure stood in the sky, looking at the chaotic excitement in front of him!

At this time, on the edge of Judicial Island, dozens of warships were bombarding Judicial Island with artillery fire!

Watching Luffy's confrontation with them, he finally left Judicial Island with the help of the mermaid!

But even so, Yanxing smiled, and now it was his turn to harvest!

After all, there are many devil fruit ability users in the navy in front of him!

The lineup of this Demon Slayer Order, five vice admirals, tens of thousands of navy!

Now this scene is really surprising!

The Demon Slayer Order, the lineup is indeed powerful!

And there was also a navy admiral in the dark, who did not make any move, but was also paying close attention to the progress of the Demon Slayer Order!

However, Yan Xing stared at at least twenty devil fruit users inside, which was a good feast for Yan Xing!

At this time, Yan Xing's figure slowly appeared in front of him, staring at the Rust Rust Fruit user with a face towel in front of him! He pinched his neck directly and lifted him up!

The man looked incredible, staring at Yan Xing, and stretched out his hand to struggle to touch Yan Xing's arm!

He activated the Rust Rust Fruit ability, but it was useless. In response, Yan Xing directly pinched his neck! At the same time, he directly extracted the ability of the Rust Rust Fruit. At this time, everyone present was shocked and said,"Who are you!" At this time, five lieutenant generals were seen with fear in their eyes. Wasn't this man the one who asked them to hold a meeting in the navy a few days ago?

I didn't expect him to appear, and he also killed them in their navy!

Yan Xing's figure flashed, and he directly grabbed the Bean Bean Fruit user, pinched her neck again, and lifted him up!

At this time, the Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan in front of him roared:"How dare you!"

Yanxing cut off the life in his hand and extracted the power of the devil fruit!

He turned around and stared at the five lieutenant generals in front of him, with a cold smile on his face:"How dare you?"

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