Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 116 Haven't You Noticed Any Changes In Me? (Subscribe)

Chapter 116 Haven't you noticed any changes in me? (Subscribe)

Su Lun successfully created a living corpse.

But he had another idea, and that was whether he could give himself an injection.

Su Lun carefully read the book "Research Diary of Living Corpse", and found some experimental records of "X Serum" injection by living people from it, which made him hesitate again.

Even if there is a "distortion inhibitor", the success rate of fusion serum is only 80%.

The remaining 20% ​​means a mutation, distortion in an unknown direction, or direct explosion and death.

Moreover, the side effect that the skin will turn blue for a long time is also a big problem.

He doesn't have any idol baggage, after all, the smoky style without eyebrows and bald head is acceptable, and the blue skin seems to be uglier.

But ordinary people don't know what it means to look at the skin, but people with discerning eyes know that this is a side effect of "X medicine". Once discovered by inner city people, there will definitely be a big problem.

He didn't know how long the blue skin would last, and he didn't dare to try it rashly.

Anyway, there seems to be no reason for him to take the risk of using serum these days. Su Lun plans to wait a while to see if he can find other ways to increase the success rate.

Su Lun lives in the basement every day, fiddling with corpses, puppets, machinery, exercising, and learning alchemy

He felt that he was so busy, that he was busy with multiple tasks, and even the help of eight spider arms was not enough.

It's been nearly a month, except for a small gathering of high-level professionals in the black market, and almost didn't go out.

He also inquired about the news from various sources. It seems that there was not much movement in the follow-up investigation of the robbery between him and Kai.

After all, the lab has exploded, who cares about a lost batch of supplies?

In this way, Su Lun successfully took part of the stolen goods and exchanged some hard currency in his hands.

However, the more money you get, the more you worry about it.

Su Lun now not only wants to buy the "spiritual power secret method", but also [the Cursed Hair of the Weeping Witch], and now he has a second-order advanced material that can awaken the ability of space.

In the words of Mr. Black, the first two are still possible to buy. After all, many people don't know the secret technique of spiritual power, and they can't use it, and they can pick up leaks; and the material of hair is almost only used by puppet masters, and it can be bought at a reasonable price.

As for the curse material that can awaken space ability, it is almost impossible.

The rare advanced materials that can awaken "spatial ability" are in short supply, and even the treasure houses of the major chaebols in the inner city have never heard of them being in stock.

Not to mention that a hunting group has found it, will it be digested internally.

Even if it is sold, those chaebols in the inner city who are not short of money are the best buyers.

Su Lun felt that if he really wanted it, he could only try his luck on the wild hunt.

There are more and more good things in the black market.

As the excavation of the "Dawn City Ruins" gradually deepened, more and more people also participated in hunting out of the city.

Of course, the casualty rate has always been high, and many small hunting groups have not even seen the remains, and they have perished on the road.

But the harvest is really amazing.

Judging from the news that came back, the ruins were not an empty city, but were destroyed as if some terrifying disaster occurred.

A large number of ancient cultural relics have been preserved in the city, and too many S-level and T-level cursed spaces have appeared.

Su Lun was not in a hurry after hearing the news.

After all, Mr. Hei has assessed that the ruins will not be fully developed in ten or eight years without taking a lot of human lives.

But because the harvest was so tempting, the major chaebols in the city also organized famine hunting teams, and the death squads went underground.

And the three major gangs in the city have also heard the news. Even within the Cross Society, there are several Pathfinder and Wilderness Hunting groups that have already left the city to set foot on the spot.

After Su Lun heard the news, he also had some thoughts.

He now has a living corpse that can manipulate a sickle in his hand, and has a certain ability to protect himself. If the time is right, he also intends to follow.

After all, gang members, Su Lun and Kai, the two Green Street loners, had to work after all.

Others may forget these two salted fish who have not shown their faces for the whole month recently, but Qiantiao knows very well that the two have backbone talents.

On this day, Su Lun rarely went out and rode a motorcycle to the "bearded mechanical repair shop" to wait. After chatting with the boss Wright about mechanical maintenance experience for a while, at half past six, Kai arrived on time by bike.

Kai greeted: "Go."

Su Lun followed, "Captain, why did you call me out?"

Kai said: "The new venue on Norton Street opened tonight. Sister Qianjo asked us to go to the station. Listen to Sister Qianjo, we may go to hang out with her in the future."


When Su Lun heard this, a hint of surprise appeared.

Before Green Street was destroyed, the Cross Society has always wanted to rebuild an entertainment street.

I just happened to hear that the fighting in the inner city seems to have subsided recently.

The Mrs. Fino stood firm in the turmoil, and the Cross Society began to develop and expand again.

Some time ago, I heard that a new entertainment street is being prepared, but I didn't expect it to be built.

And that new street is in the Norton neighborhood of Qianjo's jurisdiction.

There is still plenty of time, and the two of them are not riding fast.

Kai looked very excited, riding a motorcycle like a winning rooster, with his chest raised and his head raised, he asked with a wink, "Brother Su Lun, didn't you notice any changes in me?"

Su Lun glanced at him, and naturally found something.

I haven't seen this guy for half a month.

Kai's body was obviously bigger, and his leather jacket was bulging. The arm holding the handlebar pinched, the muscles rolled in knots, and there seemed to be meat worms rolling under the skin, which looked very visually striking.

Seeing the guy's deliberately slutty movements, Su Lun pretended not to see it, and asked him cooperatively, "Ah, what's the matter?"

Kai let go of the motorcycle with one hand, showing off his huge biceps, "Look, what's this?"

Su Lun couldn't help but cry.

He felt that he should be shocked, but he couldn't really be shocked, so he could say "oh".


Kai rolled his eyes, knowing that he was asking the wrong person to show off, and he seemed very boring.

But he also knew Su Lun's temperament, and it would be good if he could say "Oh".

It didn't affect Kai's mood, and he said excitedly: "I said brother, the body refining potions you found for me on the black market before are amazing! I've been exercising this month, and I feel good Better than the previous year's training. I feel great now!"

"Oh, it's useful."

Su Lun listened and smiled.

Of course he knew what the potion was about.

[PTX Berserk Amplification Potion] and [Leicester VI Blood Cell Enhancer], he is using it himself.

He bought so many second-hand instruments for Danny, making money is secondary, and first of all, he has to ensure his own pharmaceutical needs.

Now that the previous input has produced output, these two body refining medicines are also the highest priority to produce.

Last time, under the pretext of selling the stolen goods and sharing the money, I gave Kay a few.

"Brother, if nothing else, this potion has really helped me a lot!"

Kai said excitedly: "If it weren't for the huge fortune I made with you last time, I wouldn't have the money to buy such an expensive potion."

He knew very well that the last time he intercepted the shipment, it would not have been possible without Su Lun.

After a pause, there was something called hope in Kai's eyes, and he said with emotion: "With such a good body refining potion, I can see the hope of becoming a second-order professional in this life."


Su Lun listened and smiled.

In fact, a vigorous and courageous professional like Kai has always worked hard.

But in fact, it seems that the strength is quite satisfactory among professionals.

In fact, the most critical gap is the gap in resources.

Whether it is breathing method, alchemy equipment, or various martial arts training, they are all poor.

Professionals of the Melee Department do not have enough high-quality supplements, and the training efficiency will be very low, and they will also accumulate dark injuries. It may not matter in a short period of time, but when it grows, it will burn the root of the disease and affect it for life.

This is also the most important reason why it is difficult for professionals in the outer city to advance to the second level, and it is more difficult for professionals to advance to the second level.

After all, body refining potions are long-term needs.

Like the two medicines that Kai is using now, the cost is nearly 500,000. Not to mention the "controlled medicines" in the inner city, he can't buy them at all. Even if he can buy them, he can't afford them at all.

Having said this, Kai said again: "After a while, I feel that I have reached a bottleneck. I plan to apply to follow the gang's hunting team out of the city to hunt the wild. If you exercise, maybe you can make a lot of money."

After a pause, he said mysteriously: "Hey, have you heard that a large ancient ruin was discovered underground, it seems to be very powerful."

Su Lun knew that he was probably talking about the ruins of Dawn City, and the information on the bottom gangs really lags behind a lot.

He said casually, "Didn't you say that the ruins are dangerous?"

"The danger is going too!"

With an indifferent expression on his face, Kai made no secret of his admiration, and told the legendary story he heard in the gang, "Back then, the boss of the angel was hunting wild areas outside the city and encountered danger, and he became strong because of a blessing in disguise. Successfully integrated the Silver Colony [Thousand Killing Wings]."

But at this point, the words suddenly stopped.

Kai suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at Su Lun who was riding side by side, and pursed his mouth in a dull manner.

The rest of the gang were excited when they heard the story of the boss of the angel, but he knew that Su Lun would definitely not.

Because he knows very well that this guy's breeding outfit is definitely more than silver!

But when I thought about it, I never asked.

At this time, Su Lun saw that he did not continue, and smiled: "There will be some in the future."

Thanks to 'Running Snail'3000, '20210827013838340'1500, '20191114150150286'1500, '20191114150150286'500, '0 Jinjun 0'500, 'q Star God'500, 'sLNA', '2017112408344569', Kichijoji Road Three' 、'20210117134409652'、'20180615171001404''20200712203524161''罗毅'、'钢芯'、'20170210043654605'、'淦梨凉'、'202008191213415862''2019040419474334'、'151019010802790'、'爱辉''我是撒Do you accept coins?','Moligood''Dusk Rich','*GGQ*','Tree Fengyunlie''Eternal rainy season'. Thank you for your rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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