Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 120 Moon Hotel

Chapter 120 Moon Hotel

Su Lun climbed to the roof of the warehouse, and the eight spider arms exerted their superior displacement ability regardless of terrain obstacles.

crawl, walk, jump

Those men in black were more well-trained than expected. As soon as he got on the roof, the guards outside found him and fired another shot.

Su Lun manipulated the spider legs to run fast on the top of the warehouse, but did not dare to land, but climbed over the pipeline connecting the warehouse and another building.

Fortunately, the eight-legged grasping the pipe can go up and down, and the wire rope in the mechanical glove is used to pull, and it is only then that he jumped into the opposite building floor. He rushed in and finally got rid of the man in black on the ground.

Running all the way, did not dare to stop.

Fortunately, the buildings in the inner city were very crowded. With the superior ability of spider legs to climb walls, he rushed to two blocks away after a while.

Then, he found a remote alley and stopped.

Su Lun put away his cloak, and then took out the hemostatic powder to quickly heal the wound on his calf.

Although he had tried his best to avoid it, at the moment when he was climbing the iron pillar in the warehouse and was stuck, the man in black below shot randomly and hit the calf with one shot.

He quickly took off his bloody underwear, then bandaged the wound, and put on a high-end suit similar to the style of the inner city residents, washed off the smoky makeup on his face, and put on a wig and a wig. Hat, with the brim pressed very low. Then sprayed the deodorant potion all over his body.

After doing all this, Su Lun quickly put the changed clothes into the storage ring.

Then, looking at the thick book called "The Precious New Pearl" in his hand, his expression was a little complicated.

This was when he fled just now, and he slipped it into his arms with a spider spear.

This book cover is naturally a disguise, even if he doesn't read the content, he knows that this is definitely the [Isaac's Alchemy Manuscript].

On the black market, a page of manuscripts can fetch as high as 3 million lisos, and this book has at least 500 pages.

However, it is not that he covets the value of the manuscript.

But whether he takes it or not, his situation cannot get any worse.

The other party came here with the purpose of killing people.

Furthermore, the out-of-town gangster who can escape from the hands of a second-tier professional, if he is the ice magician from before, will definitely not let him go.

More importantly, he broke through and killed the men in black, and he was already doomed to die!

After all, the origins of those men in black just now were not simple.

They are not thugs raised by some chaebol as Su Lun expected, but members of the "umbrella organization"!

Before the war, Su Lun was very confused.

Although there are many professionals in the inner city, it is not enough to randomly kill an outer city gangster team, so there is a second-order professional and a team of reorganized professionals.

After harvesting the memories of the two corpses that were stabbed to death by the spider spear, Su Lun knew the true identities of these robbers.

At that moment, Su Lun had no luck.

The Umbrella Organization was the behemoth that Old Lington could not get rid of the most. When I was in the gang, I heard that others can kill, but the people of this organization cannot.

Kill one, chase and kill endlessly.

Now that they have killed so many, they will definitely pursue the murderer to the end.

What's more, others don't know the identity of the original owner, and the "umbrella organization" of the largest intelligence agency in the old Lingdun definitely knows it.

Get caught and only die.

Oh, and will be hollowed out secrets and then die.

Su Lun knew that this escort was no coincidence. In a way, he was "implicated" by Kay.

Probably the cadres who arranged them to be in charge of this escort were probably smokers.

That guy, trying to get Kai into the inner city

So, the smoker is trying to get Kai to the Umbrella Organization?

This point, Su Lun is also very puzzled.

Since the smoker is an insider, there is a high probability that the escort information this time was also revealed by him.

But how can the smoker be the dark line of the Umbrella Organization?

Su Lun felt that there was something wrong with this relationship chain.

He once speculated that the inner ghost of the Cross Society should be a hostile chaebol in the inner city with a similar "weight" to Mrs. Philo, and it should not be an official department.

Now that I think about it, there are more and more doubts in it.

Is the smoker a multi-faceted spy?

Or, within the Crusades, are there certain factors that make the umbrella organization jealous?

Also, why do people from the Umbrella Organization have to kill people? Wouldn't it be nice to quietly take away the manuscript? Is it just because it's hard to explain taking Kay, or the smoker doesn't want to be exposed? Or do you feel that people who have been contaminated by manuscript incidents must be cleaned up for some special reason?

Too many can't figure it out.

The notes also can't be put into the storage ring. Fortunately, it is not too big, and Su Lun can be tucked into the inner pocket of the coat.

After changing his clothes, he didn't stop in the alley and went straight out.

"The city gate will definitely not be able to get out, we have to think of other ways"

As Su Lun walked, he was thinking about a solution.

His steps were brisk, and there was no sign of impatience. Just like the ordinary residents of the inner city, walking leisurely on the streets, it doesn't look like a fugitive at all.

What he has to do now is to escape from the inner city as soon as possible.

Originally, the Cross Society also had some channels to smuggle out of the city, but now that they know that the enemy is the umbrella organization, and the smoker is an inner ghost, those channels are not trustworthy.

After ruling out several options for getting out of the city, a feasible solution popped up in his mind.

"The No. 7 Research Institute where Danny used to work is on Queen Street in City No. 4. The sewer there is connected to the ancient sewer network. This is the only safe way out of the city."

Su Lun once asked Danny for the detailed escape route, and also knew the precise location of the sewer leading to the outer city.

But the plan was there, and the problem reappeared.

From the fifth city to the fourth city, it is very risky to cross a large city.

Su Lun thought of Danny's super-sense of smell.

He was sure that even in an intelligence agency like the Umbrella Organization, even those without the same ability would definitely have similar tracking methods.

Now that he temporarily got rid of the chasing soldiers, the biggest possibility of the other party is to chase after the smell.

After all, he was shot and bleed just now, and the smell of him was left on the truck. There was no chance of luck.

Su Lun thought as he walked towards the bus stop not far away.

When he reached the bus stop, he stopped for a moment in front of the bus route map and wrote down the general road layout of City No. 5.

Then he beckoned for a taxi and got on it.

He had to get out as quickly as possible before the other side's manhunt surrounded him.

Just a few minutes after Su Lun got on the bus, several men in trench coats hurried to the bus stop.

They were holding an ugly looking dog with a slight distortion in their hands.

The ugly dog ​​sniffed a few times in front of the bus route map where Su Lun stood before, and then barked towards the east street.

Seeing this, the man with the dog picked up the communicator and reported: "All units, please note that the target took the means of transportation and went from east to west from the platform at the west exit of Mailin Road, heading towards City No. 6."

Shortly after the report, a sedan approached, and several people got into the car with their dogs.

On the other hand.

Taking the taxi, Su Lun stuffed the bloody clothes he had changed into the back seat of the taxi while the driver was not paying attention.

Then after only two stops, I got off and went to the opposite street.

Changed to another taxi again and headed in the opposite direction of City 4.

He didn't think that kind of small tricks could go a long way, and only hoped that it would delay him a little longer.

But obviously, that kind of anti-tracking technique can mislead the enemy to track, but it can't stop the Umbrella Organization's other inexplicable means - road closure!

Su Lun took this taxi and saw that he was about to leave the Fifth City, but in front of an intersection, he saw a checkpoint for road closures and traffic checks.

The guys from the Umbrella Organization had obviously taken this into consideration and wanted to trap him in "City Five".

It's a one-way street, and now it's pointless even if Su Lun calls the driver to turn around with a gun.

He saw the sentry now, and the people at the sentry naturally saw him.

A U-turn just exposes it quicker.

Seeing the inspection, the taxi driver was dissatisfied: "Oh, why is the road suddenly closed during the day today? It's too early to check for drunk driving, and it's not those guys from the police department, they seem to be people from the special municipal department. Is it to arrest fugitives? ."

The driver muttered, suddenly thinking of something. Then, out of the corner of the eye, he quietly glanced at the passenger in the back row from the rearview mirror. Seeing him calm as usual, he didn't take it to heart.

Su Lun naturally noticed that the driver's eyes were looking at him, and he didn't speak or jump out of the car, and sat in the back seat as usual.

The vehicle drove past and was stopped.

A few guys in trench coats knocked on the cab window, "Sir, please show your ID card."

The driver took out his ID card, held it in his hand, and the card glowed green.

The prosecutor looked at it, compared it, and handed it back, "Thank you for your cooperation."

The anti-counterfeiting technology of inner city ID documents is extremely difficult to counterfeit.

It's useless to take someone else's, because that thing is bound with biological information, and it will only glow when the holder holds it.

Naturally, Su Lun couldn't take this kind of thing, and he didn't mean to take it either.

His move naturally attracted the attention of the prosecutors, and several people gathered around.

This situation is about to be exposed.

But even so, Su Lun didn't draw his gun, but calmly rolled down the car window, and then asked coldly to the person by the door, "Who is in charge here?"

When he spoke, he didn't show the slightest flinch of being a fugitive.

This question caused the man in the trench coat who was going to show him his credentials to be stunned for a moment. He was stunned by the imposing mind and responded instinctively, "It's Captain Mogos."

Su Lun didn't give him a chance to ask questions, and said in a calm but unquestionable tone, "Call him here."

The man was stunned: "Yes."

Turning around, the man said a few words to the man with a Chinese character at the post who was checking another car.

After a while, Guoziface came over and asked, "Sir, are you looking for me?"

While speaking, he was also looking at Su Lun, and he was obviously stunned by the momentum. Instinctively, I feel that this is a high-level professional with dignity, strength, and a high position.

Su Lun didn't wait for him to think more, and said something inexplicable: "The one who sleeps forever is not the dead. Even death itself will dissipate in the mysterious eternity."

These words made the driver in front of him feel inexplicable. But the man with the face of the Chinese character by the door changed his face suddenly, and suddenly he was awe-inspiring, and he actually gave a salute on the spot: "Comrade Colonel!"


Su Lun waved his hand, and without saying a single extra sentence, ordered the driver: "Drive!"

The driver looked at the people outside the door saluting, and was stunned for a moment, and also knew that there was a big man in the car.

Listening to the "drive" command, he started the vehicle unconsciously.

Although the man in the trench coat felt that something was wrong, before he could react, the vehicle had already driven out of the post.

Su Lun sat in the back seat with an expressionless face, and saw in the rearview mirror that the people at the sentry hadn't caught up, and his hand holding the gun loosened.

If the trick just now didn't work, it should be the time to draw a gun and get on fire.

The incision of this code word was heard when I met the "blind detective" Bill in the cursed space in the basement of No. 88 Ginkgo Street.

He didn't match up at the time, and now he didn't expect it to come in handy.

"So this is the exclusive code word of the colonel of the Umbrella Organization?"

Su Lun had a bit of understanding in his heart. Just now, the Chinese character face reported a position. Obviously, this is the correct way to open the "secret language".

But it will definitely not be so simple, 80% of the time there are any follow-up cuts.

Su Lun didn't know what was going on, so he deliberately didn't give those guys time to react, so he urged him to drive.

The deliberately leaked killing momentum also made that person preconceived that he was a senior official within the official.

But there are too many loopholes in this approach, and it may be possible to pass the test on weekdays. Today, something will definitely happen at this juncture.

Su Lun watched the taxi drive out of sight of the post and stepped aside.

Public transport is unbearable.

At the same time, the No. 5 city headquarters of the Umbrella Organization.

"The headquarters has intercepted the suspect from taking a taxi and found a set of blood clothes. The information was wrong, and the suspect changed to the opposite direction and headed towards City No. 4."

"All units pay attention to the relevant line checkpoints to strictly check every passing car, especially public transportation. The suspect's target is the No. 4 urban area, and the secret file of the smuggling channel is urgently called."

"Just received emergency information. The suspect pretended to be an internal cadre of the organization and used a type A code. Everyone, activate the B code and switch the emergency channel for communication."


One after another news came from the mouths of the agents all over the city to the command center. The huge organization of the umbrella organization started to operate, and an invisible network gradually closed.

Su Lun knew that it was no longer safe to travel by car, but thinking that he had entered City No. 4, he wanted to walk.

But walking on the street, he soon encountered the patrolling security team and the city guard wearing the "frost giant armor". Alone, he was asked for his ID again.

Su Lun was thinking of repeating the old tricks, but the trick just now slipped out of the sky.

But he didn't want this time, as soon as he said the "code word", the other party raised the gun.

A fierce battle, barely escaped.

But also revealed whereabouts.

Su Lun knew that the Umbrella Organization had completely grasped his movements. He was unfamiliar with his life, and it was impossible to go to the "No. 7 Research Institute" like this.

This is almost a desperate situation for anyone. It is not bad to be able to last for so long against the entire city defense system of the inner city alone.

In desperation, Su Lun became more and more calm.

He thought of the last escape method that required luck: the Moon Hotel!

Thanks to 'Taiene' 5000, 'Hundred Nights' 1666, 'Crazy Dance' 1500, '20180118095525270' 1500, 'I Weave Dreams for Book Crazy' 1500, 'Aba Zhu Muyan' 848, 'Crazy Panda 0000' 500 , 'The corners of the mouth are slightly raised with a smile on the eyebrows' 500, 'Wonderful thoughts' 500, 'Return to the night' 480, 'kzzt', 'Mingmen', 'Origin Yy', 'I want your book', ' Mice love cheese', '1986 style', 'Win a pack and charge a piece', 'Accelerating Spring Snow', 'Blue Sky 8210'. Thank you for your great support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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