Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 14 Mechanical Prosthetics

Chapter 14 Mechanical Prosthetics

"Laun, congratulations on your successful inauguration. Your [Windrunner] profession is suitable for a wide range of alchemy equipment. Our main target this time is 'Lightning Lizard', or 'Crypt Horn Dog'. These two There are a lot of monsters in the shallow layer of the burrow. As long as the luck is not bad, the chance of getting the curse materials is very high.”

"Yeah. If you encounter a 'weird-level' aberration monster, you may be lucky enough to extract the 'silver quality' curse material. Then find the gang's mechanic to help you refine it, Deputy Team Lawn, you become a full-fledged professional.”

"Boss, brothers, don't make fun of me. Buying the inaugural materials and the blueprint for the breeding outfit has almost used up all my savings. If I don't get anything this time, I'll be really poor."

"Haha, don't worry, Deputy Lawn. If you become a professional, your combat power will skyrocket. The investment in the early stage will pay off soon, and we will entrust you to take care of it at that time."


This is a fully armed hunting team, a total of eight people.

They chose to camp in the ruins of a building with a dilapidated sentry tower. And the location of this camp also happens to be the only way to go on the Su Lun map.

While chatting, the vigilant team members suddenly noticed unusual movements in the depths of the cave, and snorted softly, "Everyone, be careful, someone is coming over there!"

The speed of travel in the dark burrow is not fast, and it is estimated that it will take four or five days to reach the "city" where the original owner came.

But Su Lun's situation is not very good.

His food is almost exhausted, and if he doesn't have supplies, he will probably try to hunt down some crypt monsters for food.

But drinking water is a big hassle.

Su Lun thought that there was an ecological chain underground, and there should be no shortage of water sources.

After walking in the burrow for many days, he also found several puddles and rock crevices seeping water. However, the identification of the All-Seeing Eye showed that they were all "polluted water sources" of various degrees, which would cause distortion after taking them.

Su Lun also vaguely understood why the water in the bald head storage ring was so turbid, but it was drinking water.

Compared to distortion, haze is also acceptable.

Su Lun originally thought that it would be best to meet some people, buy some drinking water, and ask about the situation. But obviously, encountering anyone in such a desolate burrow is not a good choice to ask for directions and buy water.

But now, he has encountered such a hunting team.

Having seen the cruelty of those bald-headed people, Su Lun didn't think how kind people in this world were.

But he also had to risk contacting the team.

Because those people also found him.

Obviously, the other party also has special abilities who are good at long-distance perception. And even before Su Lun saw them, he had aimed his gun at him.

Su Lun's eyesight was amazing. When he saw that the sniper on the high tower had set up a sniper rifle and aimed at him, he had no intention of resisting at all, and raised his hands to indicate that he did not draw any weapons. move.

And on the waist, where a wooden box is hung, as long as it is slightly touched, the puppet inside can fall out.

Eight men, two snipers, and six more in the camp

Su Lun observed it for a while and had a rough idea.

The range of [Rune Puppet] is only ten meters, and the heart is trembling when walking a distance of several hundred meters.

But if you choose to escape, it is estimated that the sniper on the opposite side will probably shoot him like a whack-a-mole.

As he walked, he shouted loudly: "I have no ill will and just want to exchange some food and water."

"Boss, it's human, not weird."

"Well, it seems like a single unlucky person."

"Hey, the red musket on that kid's waist, could it be the famous gun [Three-Headed Ghost]? Isn't that the gun of the Crow Gang "Iron Head" Ivan?"

"Well, I saw it too. "Iron Head" Ivan is a tough guy."


The team that camped in the ruins of the Ruins Tower was also curious to see a lone human being there, apparently.

After the "bald head" they were looking at didn't do anything dangerous, they let him come over.

Yes, that "bald head" is Su Lun.

How to quickly change your facial features without plastic surgery?

Su Lun has a very recognizable handsome face, and he is worried that the troubles of his predecessor will burn his head.

Going back to the city just like this is definitely not possible.

For example, the purpose of cutting the face with a knife is too strong, but it is more likely to attract attention.

Therefore, he decisively used the physical disguise Dafa - shaving his eyebrows.

If anyone has tried it, they will know that the most direct way to suddenly become unfamiliar with a face is to shave off the eyebrows.

Also, Su Lun has no idol baggage. To be on the safe side, he even shaved his own hair.

Then I applied eyeshadow to myself with oil paint for a smoky look.

He went straight from a handsome gentleman to a punk-looking ruffian.

Judging from the clothes of the bald-headed people before, this kind of dark punk style is not surprising in this world, and it is even a mainstream.

Just as Su Lun saw that there were several people in this hunting team in this dress.

Su Lun walked under the mutilated dirt wall, and at least ten guns had been aimed at his head.

I don't know if it's because I don't know enough about steam machinery. He always feels that although the equipment of these guys is not as sophisticated as the bald gang, it is much more complicated and has a stronger sense of technology.

They are equipped with various long guns and short cannons, strangely shaped mechanical war knives, mechanical shields, as well as heavy metal skeletons attached to the whole body, and backpack-sized steam-powered boilers.

Moreover, what is even more surprising is that the guy who looks like a "captain" has two arms that are well-made steam-powered mechanical arms!

It is not the exoskeleton-type mechanical arm of the previous bald head, but a "mechanical prosthesis" that completely replaces the flesh-and-blood arm.

"Am I guessing wrong, this is not a magical world, but a cyberpunk world?"

Seeing this, Su Lun doubted his previous speculation.

Perhaps, the technology tree of this world has become crooked to the extent that even the extremely technically difficult field of "prosthetic limb modification" has been developed?

The limited mechanical knowledge left him at a loss.

How can these worlds that seem to be steam technology + magic be connected with high-tech prosthetics that can be driven by nerves?

It was a very strong tech mashup conflict, like the lightsaber technology of Star Wars developed by the people of the steam age. In theory, this is technology that is several generations behind.

However, doubts faded away.

There was not much strangeness on Su Lun's face.

At this moment, the guys on the wall seemed to be cautious, shouting, "Stop!"

Su Lun cooperated and stood on the spot.

The captain of the robotic arm asked, "Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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