Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 149 [0s Of Silk, Big Lion Song]

Chapter 149 [Thousands of Silk, Big Lion Song]

If it was a steel wire, such battles would have been broken countless times.

Unfortunately, Su Lun now has enough witch hair in his hands.

Injecting dark spiritual power into an elemental state, this transparent thread is not only undetectable, but even if it is blocked by an obstacle, there is a gravitational force between the threads that is like a magnetic force that is enough to control the actions of the puppet.

It was this finger-pulling action, and a space crack instantly appeared on the bodyguard's neck.

The guy just seemed to wake up from the trance, and the arrival of a fatal crisis made him instantly change his color. But before he could react, the black space crack silently cut off his neck.

"Guru", the head fell to the ground.

Su Lun watched this scene, a smirk overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But he didn't dare to be careless, and his ten fingers grabbed and pulled again, which once again affected the abominable living corpse outside.

Because at this time, the "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus" Toynby, who had been hit with the curse spell before, also woke up.

Toynby endured the severe pain in his head and rushed into the shattered building.

Just in time, he saw the scene where the bodyguard's head fell to the ground.

Then the guy watched Su Lun bend his fingers again, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

I have seen this action several times before, and every time, a master of the same rank was killed inexplicably.

Toynbee originally planned to come in and capture Su Lun, who had been "powerless to resist", and to share the credit.

But seeing this, the thought dissipated in an instant, but it scared the soul.

Watching the headless corpse act as a human fountain, his instinctive crisis response made him unhesitatingly remove the power accumulating valve in the steam boiler. He didn't dare to dash forward, but a jet of air flew him backwards.

Fortunately, Toynbee reacted fast enough, and at the same time that the jet device flew out with his body, a one-foot-long space crack appeared where he was standing just now.

It was supposed to cut into the crack in the chest, because the body flew out and didn't die.

A mechanical leg fractured smoothly and fell to the ground.

Although the mechanical prosthesis is broken, it will not hurt, and it still has the strength to fight.

How could Toynbe dare to rush into the ruins again?

In the process of flying upside down, seeing the indifferent expression on "S-Tong Su Lun", and the gesture of flexing his fingers again, he was even more frightened and his face turned pale.

Without any intention of confrontation at all, he quickly hid his body behind a building.

But even so, it was another space crack that made the hair stand on end.

Fortunately, he chose to avoid and escape in time just now, otherwise, this tricky two consecutive stabs would definitely kill him!

In addition to being fortunate, Toynbee also scolded angrily: "Who the fuck said that this guy can only be cut with one knife at most?!"

Now he just watched as Su Lun killed Young Master Danze's bodyguard with one knife, and then slashed himself twice. It looked like he could slash more?

"This guy won't have a curse backlash when he uses that forbidden item!"

In addition to cursing, Toynbee was even more terrified. There was no black sickle who cursed back, who could stop it?

He had lost his fighting spirit, and he didn't forget to hide his body more tightly, restraining his breath, for fear of being perceived by Su Lun and slashed again.

"Have you escaped? Phew. Your body has reached the limit."

Su Lun gasped heavily, not chasing the steam party cadre who flew away.

The injury of the broken sternum was cut three times in a row, and it has almost reached its limit.

The killing energy loosened for a second or two, and then he felt that the blood circulation, which had been stagnant after being hit, had returned to normal, and the whole person could regain his energy again.

"The inner city is really too strong for any bodyguard to come here."

Su Lun looked at the headless corpse on the ground and murmured something.

Without any delay, he took off the bodyguard's storage ring and harvested his soul. Then he didn't forget to throw an incendiary bomb to burn the blood he spat out.

Unfortunately, those outside are too late to deal with.

Su Lun had heard the movement of someone chasing, and controlled the eight-armed spider spear to continue fleeing toward the depths of the ruins.

"Seven second-order pursuers, two dead, two broken legs, and three more"

Su Lun ran all the way, and all the way, he also wanted to find a terrain and kill the rest.

But thinking about it and not sure.

One is that the body is severely injured and cannot withstand high-intensity battles;

The second is that although the most threatening melee professionals have been eliminated, it is only the "Sword King" Geiger who has the talent of [Sixth Sense], and he is not sure to kill it with the black sickle.

Moreover, now that he has slashed three times in a row with the black sickle, Su Lun can't guarantee that the next backlash, the abomination of the living corpse will definitely be able to hold up.

Now that he has basically gotten rid of the chasing soldiers, there is no need to take the risk to ambush again.

Su Lun looked around and felt as if he had come to a very dangerous area in the Ruins of Dawn because he was being chased in a panic.

He didn't run very far, and the chasing soldiers behind him gradually disappeared, and his speed slowed down.

The fog in the air was getting thicker and thicker, and then, he saw a low broken city wall.

Only then did Su Lun realize that he had come to the black area in the wild hunting map - "Dawn City Central Area".

The fog floating around had made the visibility extremely low. He didn't dare to go deeper, and he didn't dare to look back. He happened to see a building that looked like a bunker, so he plunged into it.

After a while, the fog in the air became thicker and thicker, almost reaching the point where you could barely see your fingers.

Su Lun did not dare to leave the bunker.

There is a word-of-mouth experience among wild hunters, saying that the more foggy the area, the more active the high-level aberration monsters are.

Fortunately, after listening intently for a while, I didn't hear any movement from the chasing soldiers.

Su Lun was also relieved.

Only then did he carefully observe the bunker where he was hiding.

This bunker is not big, about ten square meters.

It looks like a wartime fortress.

The walls are exceptionally strong and thick, nearly a meter thick. When he came in just now, he also noticed that there were many irregular damage marks on the outer wall, which looked like large aberrations beat and trampled. No chipping, enough to prove solid.

After looking around, Su Lun breathed a sigh of relief without seeing the excrement of the aberration monster. At least there were no aberration monsters active here on weekdays.

Doors and vents are also small, and a little blockage can prevent aberrations from coming in.

He felt that it was safe enough here, and immediately decided not to go out for the time being.

With this thought, Su Lun used the deodorant potion to eliminate his own smell. I took out the bulletproof plate and mechanical skeleton again, and made a simple and sturdy one-way door at the door, and then I settled down and rested.

I didn't want to sit and feel like my ass, but when I turned the dust, I found something good: an ancient long sword whose quality was comparable to the famous swords on the market.

In the ruins, the things that can be preserved over the years are mostly valuable.

To put it on the market, this weapon is worth more than one million.

It's a pity that I searched again, except for some broken porcelain, I couldn't find other valuables.

Su Lun rested against the wall of the bunker, slumped down.

Gently pressing the injury on the chest, there was a burst of stabbing pain, it was the feeling of the ribs shattering and bone spurs piercing the flesh.

Fortunately, there are Spider Lances running as legs, otherwise normal people will be severely injured by this, and they can't even walk, so they can only wait to die.

However, things are improving.

Even without taking the healing potion, Su Lun clearly felt that the stinging pain eased.

The injury is recovering quickly, not aggravating.

The super-high self-healing ability brought to him by "X Serum" is playing a huge role at the moment, and the super-strong cellular activity is rapidly repairing the severely wounded body like filling a hole.


Su Lun let out a long breath.

The wound healed on its own, no need for him to do anything.

And when he stopped, he was free to count his previous gains.

The biggest gain is naturally to get materials in the [White Monastery].

Su Lun didn't even want to come out this time, and directly solved the problem of "silk thread" completely.

Those guys in the Oliver family stimulated the witch into a second-stage lord state, and as a result, they directly produced a very rare "dark gold material".

[Head of the Weeping Witch]

Detailed explanation: Dark gold curse material; this is not only a head, but also a source of complex curse spells, with a complete structure and natural magic patterns; as long as the energy is sufficient, it can produce witch hair indefinitely.

Looking at the information identified by the head, Su Lun's eyes trembled slightly.

Not only the hair, but also the source of making the hair, all in one step.

With these strands of hair, he felt like a puppet master.

Of course, there is also the [Alice's Tears] that gathers the magic power of the Weeping Witch's body.

But Su Lun hasn't thought about how to use this material, which has been identified as "very rare" by the All-Seeing Eye, so he didn't read much.

Then there are a few storage rings, as well as the breeding outfit and inaugural materials obtained from murder.

Killed two first-order field control warlocks in the space, and a second-order battle knife regiment head Bloom.

Both warlocks have decent outfits and inauguration materials. The one who controlled the thorns burst out the inaugural materials of a silver professional [Thorn Warlock]; and the slow light warlock's ability comes from talent, and the breeding equipment and inauguration materials are also normal legal systems, and they are also damaged.

And Bloom's second-order planting equipment and inauguration materials are black iron, but they are very valuable. The black iron planting equipment of the Limin system [Magic Muscle of the Storm Lizard] and the [Dagger of the Wind Spirit] required for inauguration.

Although the bodyguard just now was also a Tier 2, there was nothing special in the storage ring.

Packed together, probably also sold for a good price.

And what attracted Su Lun the most was the decapitated alchemist puppet and storage ring left by Lloyd the "Juggler".

Now that he was free, he took out the alchemist puppet that looked exactly like a real person and studied it carefully.

At a glance, it turned out to be an ancient alchemy product from a thousand years ago.

The skin of the alchemist puppet is very similar to the bionic skin on No. 19 that Su Lun had seen before, and it has high resistance to both physical and magical. But obviously the two are completely different in terms of materials and production techniques.

This puppet is hollow, and there is a place just enough for the dwarf to control it, as well as some complicated control parts.

Su Lun tried it, and thought that he might be able to become a android puppet in the future.

Then came the surprise!

In the pile of books in the storage ring, Su Lun found a lot of puppet master's exclusive books.

Moreover, a golden box that looked very important was also found. When I opened it, it contained a blueprint of a second-order gold alchemy outfit—[Qiansi·Big Lion Range]!

Looking at the description of the function of the blueprint again, it is impressive that it is the ability of the previous "Juggler" Lloyd to have silk threads all over his body. Displayed, like the mane on the neck of a lion, disheveled

The blueprint of the golden colony is almost something that the top chaebols in the inner city regard as forbidden.

Su Lun felt that if he had to rely on his own luck, he might never find such a golden blueprint for a puppet master in his life.

"It's really developed now."

Su Lun looked at the loot, and suddenly felt that it was worth it after being chased and killed just now.

He also guessed that whether it was the [Head of the Weeping Witch] or this blueprint, it was probably an advanced item prepared for that young Master Denzer Oliver.

Right now it's in his hands.


Sure enough, hunting down professionals of the same class is the best shortcut to find the same class materials.

If there is a better shortcut, it is to hunt down fellow professionals in the inner city.

Besides, there are also some exclusive books for puppet masters that cannot be bought in the market, such as: "Puppet Manipulation Skills 1 and 2", "Three Lines Technique", "Silk Line Control Field Manipulation Skills".

Su Lun said that he was an inaugural "puppet master", but he was actually a half-assed person, only knew a little about making puppets, and didn't understand other professional skills at all.

In terms of professional level, it is far worse than his sub-professional "Gunman".

All the puppet manipulation skills were developed by themselves, no one taught them, and there were no soul fragments to peel off.

It's different now.

With these exclusive professional books, you don't have to go through all the obstacles to open the way, these books are the smooth road

If he really had to digest the contents of these puppet books, Su Lun felt that his level of manipulating puppets would go up several steps, and he could be regarded as a real entry.

"Unfortunately, the dwarf's famous puppet mystery [Puppet Theater] is not in the storage ring"

Su Lun muttered in his heart, feeling a little bit of a fly in the ointment.

Thinking of the next encounter, I must ask the puppet master for advice.

While Su Lun counted the spoils, he kept an eye on the movement outside.

He thought that the guys from the Oliver family would catch up, but after an hour or two, they still didn't wait.

There was not even the movement of a crow flying in the sky.

He guessed it might have something to do with the thick fog outside.

Instead of feeling lucky, he was even more careful.

No one from the Oliver family dared to come, indicating that there is definitely a great danger in this dense fog.

Thank goodness for such a sturdy little bunker.

Su Lun didn't want to go out either.

Then, while waiting, a little accident happened.

Su Lun looked at himself, and suddenly crow feathers grew.

Looking at the panel again, there is a [Curse Technique, Crow Feather Parasitism] on it.

Su Lun frowned, guessing that the blood he left on the previous battlefield was used by the "Blood Raven" Longfellow to fiddle with the curse.

But only frowned.

Then, he began to pluck his feathers.

Without "X Serum", he would probably die.

But now. Except for disgusting people, this level of curse is of little use.

Su Lun just stayed in the bunker, the fog outside was getting thicker and thicker. Then he found that the dark spiritual power in the air also became violent.

make up. Thanks to 'jacky68' for the reward, I owe more +1=2;

(End of this chapter)

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