Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 18 Death Gladiator Competition

Chapter 18 Death Gladiator Competition

Su Lun also didn't expect the underground casino in Green Street to have "Death Gladiator".

This is a very cruel fighting game, there are no rounds, no matter the number of points, the winner or the loser will decide life and death.

Because it is a death battle, the gladiators will fight with all their strength, which is extremely entertaining.

Also because the ultimate move is often an instant, it also leads to a lot of uncertain factors in the outcome, which can stimulate people's nerves and make gambling more entertaining.

Therefore, this kind of bloody gladiatorial competition is the most popular gambling event in the underground world.

Su Lun followed Captain Kai into the fighting gambling stall called "Crimson Bunker".

Gangsters have the card face of gangsters. Whether they recognize them or not, gamblers will unconsciously give way when they see the "cross star" sign on them.

The air was filled with the sweet aroma, a hallucinogenic potion that swells the nerves. "Pharmaceuticals" is the basic skill of alchemists. In the black market, there are people who make these addictive psychedelic drugs and sell them.

"'Skullbreaker' shreds him!"

"Oh, 'The Undertaker', get up the fuck up, I have beaten you 10,000 liso, don't give me a loss!"

"Hahaha, Skullbreaker is going to win! Kill him and kick that guy's head off."


The second basement floor is as big as an indoor basketball court, with a huge octagonal cage in the center.

On the ring, two gladiators covered in blood were fighting to the death.

The rhythm of the battle was fast, and after several rounds of fighting, the strong gladiator named "Skullbreaker" broke his opponent's neck, and there was a tidal wave of cheers in the casino.

Of course, there were also scoldings from gamblers who had lost the game.

And Su Lun's eyes stared at the "grey fog" floating on the corpse in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Before, he also felt that after entering the city, his [Death Reaper] had no room to play. Now, joining a gang seems like a good idea.

Kai looked at Su Lun with a strange look, guessing that he was probably coming to this kind of gladiatorial competition for the first time. By the way, he also introduced to a few newcomers: "This is the hottest way to gamble on Green Street."

As he spoke, he pointed to the private room on the top floor of the auditorium and said, "Did you see it? Many of those private rooms are big people in the inner city. Those are really rich people who spend a lot of money."

Su Lun listened, and his eyes followed to those private rooms with one-way glass.

Behind those black glass, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at everything in the arena.

And hearing this, a newcomer asked: "The big people in the inner city will also come to the outer city? Don't those arrogant guys dislike our outer city is dirty and shabby, and will never set foot there?"

"Haha. There are a lot of people here."

Kai shrugged and seemed to have little respect for the people in the inner city: "After all, there are no such exciting games in the inner city. Those guys want to have fun, and they also get our territory. However, it is also because of these gold owners that we can It is so nourishing to live."

After speaking, he didn't know what he thought of, and he warned a few newcomers: "Although we and those big people in the inner city are people from two worlds, there is a high probability that we will not have any intersection. But if you really want to meet in the future, you guys Don't provoke those guys in the inner city. Otherwise, it will cause trouble for the boss and them."

Su Lun also nodded along with several newcomers: "Got it, Captain."

Kai led the crowd around the casino, making several newcomers familiar with each other.

"Okay, today's task is done. What are you going to do, remember to bring your communicator."

"Okay, captain wise."

"Go away, don't be flattering."

As soon as Kay announced that he was "off work," the old birds scattered in excitement.

He looked at a few newcomers who were still a little confused, and said: "You join the gang on the first day, you can have fun. Just now those tavern flower fields were covered by our 'Cross Club', if you are looking for a girl, There are also discounts.”

As soon as these words came out, in addition to Su Lun, several other newcomers showed eager and ambiguous smiles on their faces.

Kai saw that Su Lun seemed to be more interested in cage fighting, and gave a special advice: "The rest, you can all play. But for gambling, it's best to avoid it. Especially this kind of cage fighting, it's easy to play. Above. With that money, there's a lot to play with little girls."

Everyone: "Got it, Captain."

Kai said, as if he remembered something, and gave a negative example.

He pointed to the only old bird beside him who hadn't left, and said with a look of disgust: "No, it's like Sam's, last month's salary was exported overnight. Now we have to rely on the gang's brothers for meals. Relief, is it shameful to lose it?"

On the side, Sam, who was wounded, looked like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, and muttered weakly: "Originally, I even won a few games and won thousands of them, but I didn't expect a upset, I If you are angry, just add.”

The gambler's mentality is the same in any world.

If you win, you don’t go, if you lose, you want to get back your money. If you lose again, you double up, and then you get deeper and deeper.

Su Lun probably understood by listening that Kai was worried that he would lose all his money in one day.

This captain seems to be a good guy.

Kai rolled his eyes, didn't listen to Sam's sophistry, and waved at Su Lun and said, "Okay, let's go too."

Everyone nodded: "Yes, Captain."

As soon as Kai left, everyone instantly felt that they were no longer bound.

The other three newcomers have long been thinking about the beautiful girls from before.

Being a gangster is not just a picture of a happy life with wine, meat and women.

"Su Lun, aren't you going?"

"No. I want to stay here for a while."


Su Lun didn't go to Fengyueguan with the other three, and his attention was always on the ring.

Reason tells him that compared with women, strengthening strength is the capital to survive in this world.

The [Reaper] talent he awakened focuses on development. As long as he lives long enough, he will have everything he wants.

At this moment, a new gladiatorial match began.

There were two newcomers in the octagonal cage, and the bloody fight to the death began again.

Su Lun squeezed in from the flood of gamblers and leaned towards the cage.

To collect memory fragments, he had to get close enough.

Those gamblers looked at someone pushing in, they wanted to scold with anger, but they immediately swallowed when they saw the "cross star" sign on Su Lun's clothes.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the "Iron Cross Society" still has a great deterrent effect.

Su Lun didn't care either, and squeezed into the channel on the left side of the fighting cage.

If he remembered correctly, this would be the passage through which the corpse was dragged down.

There are at least thousands of people in the casino, noisy and noisy.

No one cares where a failed corpse is dragged away, but Su Lun is also worried that someone will find out about his collection of soul fragments, especially in this unobtrusive corner.

At this time, a graceful girl with a tray squeezed over from the crowd.

She looked at Su Lun with a smile on her face, and asked softly, "Sir, do you want to place a bet? You can't buy this one, you can buy the next one. Blind guessing has an extra bonus~"

"The red square, buy one thousand."

Squeezed to such a front position, anyone would think that Su Lun is a fanatical gambler. Su Lun naturally drew out a stack of banknotes and placed them on the tray.

The girl was squeezed by the crowd and stuck her whole body on Su Lun. She didn't seem to care. She took the money, pulled the bill, and gave Su Lun a wink, saying, "I think Mr. what~"

"Well, I think so too."

Su Lun smiled slightly.

He didn't think that his bald head was so handsome now that he could make beautiful women take the initiative to embrace them.

When he observed it just now, he had already discovered that these betting girls in the casino would take the initiative to please the guests. Because the gambler who wins the bet will not be stingy with the tip. Don't be fooled by those salty pigs' hands, their income for one night is even more impressive than that of most gamblers. This job can make too much money and much easier than the girls in the custom shop outside.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"


Near the cage, a group of gamblers holding their gambling tickets shouted the name of their suppressed gladiator. Although Su Lun had little interest in gambling, he watched the battle with all his attention.

It was also the first time he had seen such a bloody and cruel fight, and a certain suppressed emotion in his heart also became restless.

The fighter in the ring gave him his first lesson in otherworldly fighting.

The fist wind whistled, and the scalp of the person who was so aggressive was numb.

Su Lun brought himself into the gladiators on the field, and he was very touched when he looked at him: "No wonder the Omniscient Pupil's evaluation of my fighting skills is only 'advanced entry', if I face them in the ring, it is estimated that I will face them as soon as I meet them. will be killed."

At this moment, Su Lun saw a huge gap.

The attacking moves of these gladiators in the ring are fierce, as sharp as bullets, like daggers. When they hit the key, they will immediately receive the ultimate move, and they will not give the opponent any chance to counterattack.

One hit kill.

This kind of fighting, there are no fancy moves, everything is aimed at killing.

This is completely different from the fighting in Su Lun's impression!

This world also gradually showed its cruel side to Su Lun, a traveler.

(End of this chapter)

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