Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 456 Legendary Barrister Mysterious Judge

Chapter 456 Legendary Barrister Mysterious Judge

The alchemy bullets spewed out of the gun barrel gathered in the air into an exaggerated metal storm. This storm was like a hammer, hitting the three hundred golden heavy-armored knights across the street head-on with a destructive force.

There was no turning back for the knights to charge. Seeing this scene, the head of the knights took the lead in raising the red cross heavy shield in his hand.

With a loud bang, three hundred knights lined up with giant shields. The golden light spear instantly turned into three hundred floating golden shields, protecting the entire knight group.

In the blink of an eye, the Storm Hammer and the Knights touched each other.

What's the sound of a bullet hitting a target with a super high rate of fire?

It's not the kind of "da da da" sound, but like a muffled thunder, rumbling and banging together.

This terrifying sound reverberated in the block, and instantly spread throughout most of Lington City.

The golden heavy armor and the [Absolute Defense] rune solidified on the shield blocked the first wave of the alchemy bullet. But the [Thirty-six Storm Hammer] continued to pour out ammunition, and hundreds of thousands of alchemy bullets hit the light shield. After only two breaths of stalemate, the golden light of the knights was visibly suppressed by the naked eye.

The machine does not need to breathe like a human, as long as it is within the limit, it can fire ammunition indefinitely.

Generally speaking, the power of a single shot of ordinary alchemy bullets is not a threat to professionals above Tier 3. Most of the high-level professionals on the market are still using firearms, and most of them have mastered skills such as "multiple overlapping shots". The purpose is to hit the "point" target with high frequency, causing a momentary break in defense, thereby injuring the enemy. Its principle can be roughly understood as high-frequency impact and shock will destroy the stability of most objects, and will also cause elemental vacuum and energy chaos, and will have structural damage to defensive runes and various energy shields.

And the principle of [36-tube Storm Hammer] breaking armor is here.

The million-level rate of fire per minute, even if the hit rate is not high, the frequency of hitting the same point within the range is definitely not comparable to any gunman's "stacking".

Su Lun watched coldly as the several launchers around him spit out blue fire. In the distance, the Knights charged into the storm, making their progress more and more difficult.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

There are only two endings: either the Knights are smashed, or they rush over and smash the Su Lun fire position!

Although he knew the power of this super weapon was terrifying, it was the first time he had used it against Lu Ying's top knights.

Su Lun is also not 100% sure of defeating the enemy.

But this stalemate was resolved in a split second.

Suddenly, Su Lun's pupils shrank suddenly: "Break the defense!"

The Golden Heavy Armor of the Knights is indeed amazing in defense, but it does not mean that they have the same absolute defense as the heavy shield, and there must be the weakest point.

[Storm Hammer]'s area coverage advantage is here. Even if you don't know where the target's flaws are, it can rely on area coverage to attack and find the target's defense weakness at the first time.

Just expose a "point" of weak defense, and Metal Storm is enough to tear that point apart!

At this moment, Su Lun watched as the horse of one of the knights was running, the armor flicked open for a moment. This kind of flaw, which is difficult for professionals to grasp, has been exploited by countless alchemy bullets.

"Pfft~" "Pfft~" "Pfft~"

In just an instant, dozens of bullets penetrated through the gap, and blood light was seen in an instant.

After tearing a hole, it was like a dyke broke, and the monstrous flood was violently squeezed out of the gap, out of control.

After a stalemate for a moment, the balance of war suddenly fell to the other side without any room to turn around!

The metal storm swept into the Golden Knights, then violently ripped apart from the inside.

Su Lun squinted his eyes slightly, heaved a sigh of relief, and said to himself, "At last, I didn't lose so much money in vain."

Su Lun created this "super weapon", but it doesn't mean he has the confidence to be useful.

Every second hurts.

Just now, in the more than ten seconds that these machines started firing, he estimated the amount of ammunition dispelled, and his wealth had shrunk a lot to the naked eye.

The world price of an alchemy bullet is nearly 10,000 lisos. Even if Su Lun now has his own war workshop, the cost of the alchemy bullet is only about one-fourth of the cost. But still can't afford the consumption of this [Thirty-six Storm Hammer].

This thing has a limit rate of fire of more than one million per minute, which means that a machine theoretically consumes several billion to ten billion lisos.

Even an ordinary bullet of ten lisos would be in the tens of millions.

Su Lun felt like a nouveau riche with no consistent income and simply couldn't afford such a luxury.

It really costs 10 billion a minute, and no one can afford it.

It is purely to smash people's faces with money, and to burn money and play tricks.

If you have this money, you might as well get some other powerful weapons and curses.

All in all very uneconomical.

Overall, Su Lun thinks this stuff is tasteless.

It's almost like a cannon and a mosquito, but only for a few specific conditions.

Just like right now.

The charge of the Golden Knights, Su Lun had no other choice.

If it wasn't for his unwillingness to consume [Planar Crystal], he really wouldn't be willing to give up this thing.

As soon as the money-losing goods are fired, the loss of money is a loss.

He prayed, hoping that the corpse would be harvested later to make up for some of the losses.

Su Lun's own self-made things, naturally know the pros and cons.

But others have not yet understood the taste of this [Storm Hammer].

They only saw the terrifying power of this weapon!

All bystanders saw Su Lun hooked his fingers, and then several machines spit flames.

And then, after just a few breaths

Lu Ying's top knights "Golden Shield Heavy Armored Knights" broke defense? !

This kind of large-scale knights charge that top professionals dare not touch the edge, was actually blocked by several machines?

Not only was the defense broken, but in an instant, it became a one-sided killing field. The metal storm blew across the Knights, and the stumps and arms flew around, and blood rained in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the melon eaters everywhere looked different, but they were all shocked.

Delin Street,

Police Chief "Dulong" Megan Charlize: "Damn it! When did Lington show up such a terrifying weapon smuggled in? Our police didn't get any news at all! Quickly check, which channel did this thing smuggle from? Come, immediately seize the relevant personnel, sources of goods, drawings, etc.!"

fish market street,

Donald Morton, the executive captain of the MI Service: "Immediately arrange for someone to find a middleman to see if we can get the blueprint of this weapon!"

tailor street,

Yekaterina's father Bartolo's eyes were shining: "Oh, this kid has a lot of good things in his hands. Girl, why don't you ask him if he can sell the drawings? Oh, I almost forgot. Now, he's your fiancé. Tsk tsk. Not bad, not bad."

XX reporter: "Super big news! This "Death God" broke 300 heavy armored knights with one move. God, what is the origin of this weapon? This move is even more brutal than when he killed tens of thousands of pirates in the first place."

The spectators from all walks of life are all surprised!

All shocked!

Looking at this never-before-seen super weapon made everyone feel a huge wave in their hearts.

They have a strong sense of crisis that traditional alchemists are abandoned by modern mechanical alchemists.

At the same time, in a certain building, a mysterious man with a golden mask watched the scene unfolding on Parrot Street, and pondered for a long while before he let out a long sigh of heroic twilight.

On the other side, the Imperial Army.

Admiral Nikolai Rostov, with four golden stars on his shoulders, was drinking coffee.

Although he was not there, he watched the battle on Parrot Street through a special crystal ball curse.

At the moment when [Storm Hammer] opened fire, the top figure in the military of Lu Ying Empire stopped the coffee cup by his mouth and stopped, his eyes trembled, and he muttered to himself: "I wanted to see Ba That kid Leiter told me what a person who can bring changes to the world looks like. Now it seems that the times have really changed. Lu Ying, who has always been self-sufficient, really can't keep up with the times. "

The sky was raining scarlet rain with flesh tissue.

Su Lun held up the black umbrella and crackled to the sound of the rain falling.

He looked up and saw that the umbrella was also soaked in blood.

It's a pity that the brave and fearless classical knight collided with the cold spear tip of the mechanical age.

Blade to blade, there must be a fold.

The 300-layer armor actually came fearlessly and left dripping with blood.

On both sides of the Metal Storm, more than a hundred cavalry remained scattered.

The strong wind swept past, Su Lun put away a few [Storm Hammers] and walked towards the long street that had been dyed red, without looking back.

Heavy armored knights who do not charge in groups are no longer a threat to him.

Seeing that he was going to leave, the sixth-order army commander turned back with the remaining knights and started a tragic small charge again.

The knights had been ordered to intercept, so they would not retreat even if they fought one soldier at a time.

Although Lu Ying is rotten, his chivalry is worthy of respect.

They were leaving, and Su Lun didn't plan to kill them all.

But they're coming, and Su Lun won't be soft-hearted.

He now has two armor-piercing weapons, a black sickle and a dragon slaughtering coin. These small golden knights are often cut in two when they come, and the heads and horses are smashed to the side, and their eyes are bloody.

Die as much as you rush.

"You stripped the soul of 'Roja Hughes'"

"You ripped off the soul of 'Len Samuel'"

"You stripped the soul of 'Cleveland Perez'"


The phantom of death shrouded behind Su Lun walked along with an indifferent expression.

Su Lun walked all the way and harvested the souls of the knights.

Just these two hundred riders have gained more alchemy knowledge than the tens of thousands of pirates in the North Sea.

Only then did he discover that the Rodriguez family had been completely infiltrated by the "Monster of Giants".

Su Lun was not in a hurry to digest those memories. He threw off the remaining knights, teleported several short distances, and appeared on the other side of the street.

The "Prism Barrier" covered several blocks, and he had to go a little further to escape the encirclement.

The sound of horses' hooves was still chasing him, and he didn't waste much time. The teleport belt trotted fast, and he quickly walked half a street. This is Manglin Street.

Because of the violent movement on Parrot Street, there was no one in the Manglin neighborhood. The shop owners on both sides of the street were busy closing their doors. Occasionally, a bold one would secretly look at the black umbrella man walking on the street.

Su Lun didn't feel that after breaking the encirclement and suppression of the Golden Knights, his situation would be safe.

Even though everyone is watching the show, the Rodriguez family is the top dignitary in one of Lu Ying's six seats in the council. Killing him and the ancestors will naturally not be the only means.

as predicted.

At this moment, Su Lun heard the black crow on his upper shoulder suddenly croak.

He knew immediately that a master was coming.

"Tier seven? Who will come?"

Su Lun had a rough guess in his mind.

Although there are also a few eighth-order professionals in Lingdun, all of them are powerful people, and they probably have no spare time to participate in this level of containment.

What's more, since the "Shadow Lord" admitted to helping, he would definitely not let such a mortal situation arise.

Su Lun wasn't worried either.

And the seventh-order of the Military Intelligence Department and the police station have not shown their faces until now, and they probably won't show their faces.

So who will come?

His mind was guessing, and at this moment, Su Lun's pupils shrank suddenly.

A deadly crisis locked by someone made his scalp tingle instantly!

Taking a closer look, a figure came out of the fog.

It was a middle-aged woman with a black suitcase in her hand and wearing a smart suit and short skirt.

As soon as this person appeared in the field of vision, she heard her muttering: "Oh, I am defending an important judgment, and it is really troublesome to be entrusted to deal with such a thing. But it is not delayed, Finally caught up."

This woman's makeup is very delicate, although she is older, her charm still remains. One look at the expensive work attire, and you know this is the Lington elite. But her eyeliner is long, her chin is sharp, and her face looks mean and aggressive.

The seventh-order professionals are all big-headed people.

Su Lun recognized who this woman was at a glance.

One of the top ten legendary bounty hunters, "Retribution Lawyer" Aimo E. Claire, a professional in the mystery department, is very powerful.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that the most wanted criminals with a reward of over one billion died in her hands, and she never left alive.

Acting decisively, ruthlessly, and scheming.

This guy is not only a top professional with mysterious methods, but also one of Lu Ying's most famous barristers.

Legend has it that this barrister can help you win any lawsuit and solve any trouble as long as you can afford it. Whether you are actually breaking the law or not.

Therefore, she usually represents the interests of the top nobles.

"It's actually this one. It's a lot of trouble."

Su Lun saw that this woman appeared, and immediately thought of retreating.

This is not a fellow puppet master like Aubrey Grandmaster before. This seventh-order, the death threat is great.

Not to mention that it is not an ordinary seventh-order, or one of the top ten legendary hunters.

There is no simple one that can be rated on the "Top Ten".

Moreover, Su Lun had heard of this woman's wicked mystical abilities. She really couldn't beat her!

Although Su Lun knew that his Qi machine was locked by someone, the moment he saw the person, a layer of spatial fluctuations lingered on his body: Slip!

He is now using the short-range [Teleport] technique, which is as smooth as breathing.

But I just didn't think about it. The moment I raised my foot, the female lawyer opposite seemed to have expected it. She decisively opened the suitcase, took out a dilapidated code and opened it, and said seriously according to the spell on it: "I Code of Punishment Law, Article 11: I rule that teleportation is prohibited here."

As soon as the voice came out, an invisible wave instantly covered the entire block.

Although invisible, a mysterious force enveloped a large area nearby.

Even though he was still 100 meters away, Su Lun felt like the words of an ancient spell were echoing in his ears, and his expression was in a trance.

At the same time, he secretly said that it was bad, and he knew it was not good.

In an instant, he realized that his [Teleportation] technique had actually failed!

Su Lun was not too surprised. He looked at the woman in the suit in the distance, and said helplessly, "I can't leave."

Heard Gui Heard, facing this legendary bounty hunter in person, the sense of oppression of death is not fake.

However, Su Lun didn't mean to take it easy.

In the face of this imposing pressure that made people's breath stagnate, his eyes overflowed with a desire to fight, "Then try?"

It is possible to escape, but he has thought of two more tricks.

Although the comer is strong, it is not to the point where he cannot even resist the will.

Su Lun was forbidden to move for a moment, his body was domineering, his skin was radiant, the ghost of death rose up behind him, and the black crow instantly reduced his dimension and turned into a cloak and draped over him.

In the distance, the woman in the suit was walking over step by step.

Limiting Su Lun's teleportation ability, she was no longer in a hurry, and muttered as she walked: "My Code of Punishment Law, Article 8: I condemn you and deprive you of elemental control."

As soon as these words fell, Su Lun immediately felt that he could not perceive the fluctuations of the elements around him.

He has also seen the legendary "judgment lawyer" method.

This woman fights with her tongue in court, and she also relies on her mouth in battle, and she can talk about dead people.

Su Lun doesn't panic, because he has [Isaac's Alchemy Heart], and it is not a big problem to be stripped of element control.

He watched the woman make two moves, and he didn't sit still. When he raised his hand, the black sickle slashed over.

Quietly, a space crack appeared.


But the woman didn't dodge, but a contemptuous smile appeared on her mean face. She started talking again: "My Law Code, Article 2: Here I am Wudi."

As she spoke, before the words fell, the space crack of the black sickle also appeared on her neck.

But it was this invincible knife, like a breeze passing by, which did not cause any harm to this woman at all.

Su Lun complained in his heart: "This method is really absolute, if other professionals encounter it, one hand is stripped of elements, and the other is Wudi, how can it be played?"

But he also understood something.

The methods of mystery professionals are evil, but they are still within the "equivalent exchange principle".

This woman's various judgment techniques are derived from one of her domain abilities: the judgment domain.

Its essence is to have the ability to "absolutely control" objects that do not exceed her understanding of the law.

Su Lun's left eye flashed, and he didn't see that the entire block was covered by this woman's domain.

That is to say, in this field, whatever she pronounces, the rules must be followed.

This is why the seventh rank is the "big bottleneck" of the profession.

Professionals who do not understand the domain will be very obvious when they go to the seventh rank.

Of course, it had to be something she could understand.

Beyond comprehension, there is nothing we can do.

For example, as far as Su Lun's law of death ability is concerned, this woman can't understand.

If you really want to understand, it should have been deprived long ago.

Su Lun wasn't frightened.

Since he wanted to see how big the gap was, after a knife, he rushed towards the woman!

Most of the Mystery Professionals have shortcomings in their bodies, and this is the only breakthrough he can think of that can hurt the enemy.

How fast is Su Lun?

This distance of 100 meters, even if not teleporting, only with the speed of the body and only two breaths.

Seeing that the black sickle was about to slash her face against her body, the woman did not panic at all, and continued to recite the words on the code: "My code of punishment, Article 5: Time stands still. Sinners, arrows pierce the heart! "

Su Lun still didn't understand what was going on, and his thoughts were normal.

But the time around him seemed to stand still, and he watched helplessly where his body stood still. Not only him, the rain in the surrounding air, the ripples in the puddle, were completely still.

The only thing that can move is the mouth of the woman in front of him.

In the next instant, Su Lun looked at all directions, and suddenly there were Judgment Light Arrows, "whoosh", "whoosh", "whoosh", rushing towards him like raindrops.

His body was still in a state of stoppage, and in the "static state", there was no possibility of evasion at all, so he could only watch all kinds of light arrows shoot over.

In exchange for any other fifth- or sixth-order professional, they would have to be beaten by this woman's combination of punches.

It is space limitation, time stop, WudiBUFF, and there is no solution at all.

Fortunately, Su Lun had a two-way crow cloak on his body, and countless light arrows shot, all of them were reduced in dimension and absorbed in the two-way cloak.

The woman frowned when she saw it, and obviously realized that the dimensionality reduction was so powerful that she didn't dare to let Su Lun approach or touch it.

The most important thing is that she "can't understand" Black Crow's dimensionality reduction ability, so she doesn't dare to try it easily.

The "time-stop technique" also seemed to have limitations. Su Lun felt that he was still for a moment, and then immediately resumed his action.

He didn't care about anything else, he slashed at this woman with a scythe.

Unsurprisingly, the woman was "Wudi" again.

With a sound of "keng", the sickle seemed to be slashed on the metal, and it was impossible to enter an inch.

Su Lun is not surprised. He has long determined that the law level of Hei Jianping A is about the sixth order, and it is not surprising that the "Top Ten Legends" cannot be cut.

If you want a higher output, you will trigger the curse backlash like you used to use the black sickle.

Kill one thousand enemies and injure eight hundred.

As a last resort, there is no need to gamble like this now.

However, even if he couldn't cut it, he was not idle, and continued to wave the black sickle to find flaws.

It was the face-to-face confrontation. According to the outside information, Su Lun determined that this "correction lawyer" Aimo's melee ability was relatively poor.

Not to mention that it can't be done, but the level of melee combat is far from reaching the seventh level.

And this woman relied on her "WudiBUFF", and the black sickle's slash was taken a few times, but it was not a big threat.

Then, the woman made another big move. She recited to the code: "My code, Article 8: Those who are guilty shall be punished by mountains!"

Although the woman called out all the moves, Su Lun was still at a loss because there was no such move in his information.

He also understood why none of the billion-dollar criminals this woman encountered were left alive.

Because most of the bounties are seventh-order professionals, it is absolutely impossible to stop, the means are more exposed, and it is best to silence them.

After all, her "Word Spirit Spell" requires the pre-action of chanting a mantra. The more exposed she is, the less threat she encounters from enemies in the future.

But the black crow didn't call, that is to say, the problem is not big.

When Su Lun watched her expand her moves, her eyes shrank suddenly, and the black sickle in her hand slashed horizontally.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a crimson long dagger wrapped in silk threads hidden under the black sickle.

Zooming in is not a random move. He had just carefully observed the woman zooming in several times, and it was obvious that she had a moment of concentration.

It's like shooting a gun and getting hit by the recoil, that's the only chance.

Although for a seventh-order professional, this "stiff state" is very small, but Su Lun grasped it keenly!

The woman also seemed to sense the crisis, and out of the corner of the eye caught a glimpse of the red dagger.

I don't know if it's because the spell is condensing and the body is too stiff to avoid it, or because she feels fearless because of the "WudiBUFF" bonus, her dodging movements are not obvious.

Almost in an instant, when the operation was completed, Su Lun felt as if his body had been smashed down by an invisible giant. It was like being pinned to the heart by the horns of a bull, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out!

The two-way cloak can reduce the dimension of physical objects, and even elemental spells.

But for this kind of pure invisible force field, there is nothing to do.

But at the same time, the edge of the scarlet dagger in his hand also touched the woman's lower abdomen. The Wudi state, which couldn't even cut the black sickle just now, turned out to be a bloody mouth like ooze.

Seeing that the blood was getting longer and longer, the woman's face suddenly changed. She didn't care to continue to suppress Su Lun with surgery, and she retreated again and again. She was shocked in her eyes, and she obviously didn't understand why the dagger cut through her body without any obstruction, and the realm was not defended at all?

At the same time, Su Lun also got out of the strange position that seemed to be overwhelmed by the overwhelming mountain, and retreated dozens of meters.

The strength loosened, and with a "puchi" sound, another mouthful of old blood spurted out, but there was a bright smile in his mouth.

He is the only one who can hurt the "Top Ten Legends", looking at the fifth-order and even sixth-order professionals of Lu Ying.

At this point, Su Lun tested some of the woman's tricks.

He immediately realized that the [Planar Crystal Nucleus] could not be saved, and he already had the intention of retreating.

[Sigurd's Dragon Slayer's Dagger] has the special effect of continuous bleeding. This knife cuts on the woman's lower abdomen, and the blood stains the white shirt red.

The wound is not shallow, and you can even see the intestines and stomach in the lower abdomen.

For the first time, the arrogance of the lawyer Aimo, who had always had the arrogance of the elite on his face.

She turned another page of the code, and said again: "My code of punishment, the ninth article: I am the messenger of justice, and I am not troubled by evil and pain."

In one place of this spell, a healing green light emerged from the wound on her lower abdomen.

It's a pity that due to the special effect of the dagger's bleeding, the recovery of the injury is very slow.

Su Lun saw a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth.

The best treatment for such cuts is physical sutures. But not everyone is like him, ready to suture wounds with silk threads at any time.

This woman's legal healing method is not very effective.

Moreover, it made Su Lun understand something.

Her Wudi is a conditional Wudi.

All attacks that do not exceed the level of the laws of her domain are Wudi's.

But more than that, you can get hurt.

That is to say, the law level of this [Dragon Slaying Dagger] is higher than her domain law level!

What's more, with this dagger, in the future, if you encounter a seventh-order professional, you can no longer scrape, but have a deadly attack method.

"Tsk tsk. I really found a treasure. I don't know if I can break the [barrier field] of the previous Grandmaster Aubrey. If so, it will be interesting to meet next time."

Su Lun muttered in his heart.

At this time, he looked at the raging anger in the eyes of the woman opposite, and knew that she was going to magnify again.

This time, even the black crow issued a warning.

The woman was obviously ready to get serious, she had already dug out the code, and said, "My code of punishment, Article 1: what I say is justice."

Su Lun didn't intend to physically test the "Top Ten Legends" for any ultimate move, and was always ready to crush a large piece of [Planar Crystal] and teleport away.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to him!

Before the woman could finish her spell, suddenly, a vulgar "Bah!" interrupted her spellcasting!



Not only was Su Lun surprised, but the woman also had an incredible look on her face.

How could someone interrupt her spellcasting?

Then, there was another undisguised sarcasm from the street corner: "Just like you, can you represent justice? Haha, shameless!"

She tilted her head sharply, looking at the corner of the street angrily and cautiously.

When Su Lun heard this voice, he felt familiar.

When he remembered who it was, his face became strange.

At this juncture, that cowardly group of guys dare to show up?

However, even if I can't believe it in my heart, the fact is that the dark-skinned old man who came out of the street fog is not an old cowboy?

Although Su Lun knew that this guy was strong.

But are you sure you have the ability to face the "Top Ten Legends"?

Based on his own experience in various aspects, Su Lun does not think that the old cowboy has such strength.

But since the woman's spellcasting was interrupted, and his life was not in danger for the time being, he did not flee in a hurry.

Seeing this old man come forward, he naturally wanted to "save" himself.

Su Lun was also conflicted in his heart.

I ran away by myself, but now there is someone who "saved" me.

Don't run away, there is a high probability that the opponent will end up with a "Double kill";

Run away, it seems unrighteous again.

Everyone has come to save you, you are too embarrassed to run away?

Su Lun was a 10,000,000 accident. He didn't expect this old cowboy to stand out at this juncture.

Before he could speak, the old cowboy said, "Leave this to me. You go first."

Su Lun listened to her eyelids twitching and asked back, "Can you beat her?"

The old cowboy did not respond directly, but frowned with a complicated expression, and then sighed, "Hey"


Although the situation was urgent, Su Lun couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Old man, what do you mean?"

If you want to fight, Su Lun also plans to try it with the old man.

Can't escape.

But what does this sigh mean?

To fight, or not to fight?

However, before Su Lun asked to understand, a surprising scene appeared again.

The woman on the opposite side seemed to recognize the old cowboy and said sarcastically, "Yo, Your Excellency, I didn't expect you to be alive."

This time, Su Lun was completely speechless.

Although he knew that the old man might have some origins, the phrase "chief judge" was beyond his expectations.

There are quite a few judges in the Luying Empire, but there are very few who can be called "grand judges".

If it's not a nickname, this old man seems to have a high status before?

But such a wretched and cowardly guy can be linked to such a sacred profession as a judge?

Su Lun always felt a little awkward.

But the thought changed again,

A "Barrister", a "Justice".

These two people seem to know each other?

(End of this chapter)

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