Chapter 467

Su Lun was overjoyed when he heard Mr. Hei's loud shout.

The old man is really reliable!

But after playing for a while, Su Lun asked with doubts without seeing Mr. Hei's message again.

"Mr. Hei, where is the soul altar?"

"not sure yet."

"Then didn't you just say you found it?"

"Cheating that woman."


"She probably felt sorry for her wax figure just now, and she was in a turmoil for a moment, so I said something casually. But the effect was good, and I read more information."


Su Lun smiled knowingly.

No wonder he had to shout it out just now.

In such a serious battle, the old man still has the heart to say a cold humor, indicating that he copes with it very easily.

The old man's combat power is unfathomable.

Su Lun can be considered to have seen the fighting style of the [Learner].

I didn't understand it before, but now that I'm on the same level, I realize that the saying "knowledge is power" is really reflected in Mr. Hei's body.

Knowledge is like a crowbar, as long as there is a suitable fulcrum, it can pry up everything in the world.

The thirty-six terrifying wax figures of "curator" Heideman, if nothing else, are more than enough to match the combat power of fifty sixth-order professionals.

Obviously, there is a huge disparity in combat power between the two sides, but Mr. He Hei couldn't.

The old saying, "One piece of wood supports a dangerous building", is probably what it says.

Su Lun also looked thoughtful.

I really understand Mr. Hei's thinking, which is of great benefit to his own.

Mr. Hei's participation in the battle made the battle suddenly easier.

Su Lun himself knew what he was going to do: to create opportunities for Mr. Hei to see "weaknesses" at all costs.

He controlled the puppet army and rushed towards those wax figures repeatedly.

Although the "mind reading technique" of the second solution can forcibly read the target, it will be very difficult for professionals with firm minds or high spiritual cultivation.

This "curator" Heideman was originally a professional in the mystery department, and he was also a necromancer, and his mental power was very strong.

After she is prepared, if she wants to read her mind, it is best to keep her mental state in a state of fluctuation.

The greater the fluctuation, the more flaws.

The situation outside is still uncertain, and the battle should not be delayed for a long time.

Even without Mr. Hei's reminder, Su Lun himself discovered it, and after destroying several wax figures, Heideman couldn't hide his regret.

For those paranoid art collectors, destroying a lifetime collection may be worse than killing her.

The goal is now clear.

Although he didn't think of a way to break the "curator"'s immortality, Su Lun thought it would be very easy to kill a few wax figures.

The puppet legion rushed to kill repeatedly, leaving a large area of ​​stumps and broken arms in the manor.

It seemed that Su Lun's own puppet legion was at a great disadvantage, and those who were killed were losing ground.

But in fact, the real loss is not too big.

This is one of the biggest advantages and disadvantages of traditional professionals and mechanical warriors-consumption cost!

The mechanical armor was broken. Anyway, most of the materials are still there. They were sent to the war workshop for repair. After splicing and reassembling, it was a brand new machine.

At most, some consumables are damaged, and labor costs are almost negligible.

But cultivating a high-level professional, talent is not only one of the many, but also requires countless resources and many years of time.

And these wax figures cost even more.

It's like a collector's edition figure, unique.

It's gone, it's gone.

Su Lun felt that it would definitely hurt to be himself.

Once they can't help each other, both sides are caught in a war of attrition.

Moreover, as the battle became more and more intense, the battle damage of the horror wax figure became more and more serious.

Even those four-element wax figures gradually began to be damaged.

Energy is conserved after all.

Attack energy consumption, defense energy consumption, recovery energy consumption The more intense the battle, the greater the energy consumption.

Even if it can be elementalized, even if this wax figure space is blessed with some kind of super-fast recovery mysterious power, the energy loss is inevitable.

But this loss was originally limited.

Even if Su Lun's mechanical puppets poured out ammunition, the problem wasn't too big.

But now there is one more Mr. Black.

The old man saw through the inextinguishable nature of the elemental wax figure, and soon came up with a tactic, which was to make the enemy internalize.

He has an "Elemental Hedging" in his left hand and an "Elemental Annihilation" in his right hand, all of which are techniques that consume elemental energy.

And the point is that most of the elements he used to consume were to steal those wax figures.

Hit the enemy with the enemy's ammunition, the consumption is very exaggerated.

These wax figures are like candles lit one by one.

Now, Mr. Hei drew the flames to burn each other, and the wax oil was everywhere.

But unfortunately, in the fierce battle, it had to be burned.

Su Lun was amazed.

He reckoned that even if he couldn't find any flaws, it was hard to say who would win and who would lose.

It's just that the two of them didn't last long, and the "curator" Heideman's mentality really went wrong.

She couldn't kill Su Lun and Mr. Hei in a short time, but the loss of her wax figure became more and more serious.

No matter who comes in this situation, there will be more or less problems with the mentality.

At the time of this violent fluctuation, Mr. Hei read the news he wanted, and said to Su Lun with the communicator: "East by south, 900 meters away, there is a dry well under the dead tree, that is the entrance to the altar. Inside there is a dry well. A space maze, be careful!"

When Su Lun heard this, he immediately responded, "Okay!"

Mr. Black is better at dealing with living people.

To explore the labyrinth traps, Su Lun himself is more suitable with the black crow and the omniscient pupil.

After watching it for so long now, how could Su Lun not know the strength of the old man?

It's not that outrageous and tough, but it's just in line with his original words - "Below the seventh rank, you probably won't be defeated."

Su Lun didn't have to worry about him either, he left the battlefield with a teleport.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared beside the dry well in the southeast.

Seeing that there were no abnormal dry wells outside, his eyes flashed fortunately, and he said, "Fortunately, I found Mr. Hei as a helper, otherwise I would never have found such a place."

The crow on the shoulder is quiet, indicating that there is not much danger.

Su Lun didn't hesitate and jumped down.

After crossing a forbidden barrier in the dry well, Su Lun suddenly found himself in a very eerie empty room.

The identified name is a kind of space restriction, called "Penlos' Endless Grid House".

Su Lun had heard of it.

This is a combined labyrinth ban, and there are 160,000 ways to crack it.

If you rely on blindness, if you want to find the correct method, there are only 106,000 branches in theory.

But Su Lun didn't panic when he saw this restriction.

That probability is for ordinary people, not for him who has comprehend the laws of ultra-high space.

Although, this prohibition also interferes with spatial perception.

But no problem.

The room I was in was about 20 to 30 square meters. There was no light source, and it was dazzling white wherever it entered my eyes. After looking at it for a long time, there would be a dizziness similar to "snow blindness", which interfered with the ability of the senses to distinguish the direction.

Su Lun glanced at the room, each of the four walls, floor and ceiling had another inconspicuous door.

After thinking about it, he left a mark directly on the six paths in the room, and then drew the space coordinate rune of "001" in it.

Then he casually opened a door and walked in.

Unsurprisingly, behind the door is another room that is exactly the same as before.

This ban is not dangerous, and its function is mainly to "treat people".

Su Lun left "Space Marker 002" and opened another room at random.

Then one, another.

A few minutes later, after marking more than a hundred rooms, Su Lun already had a general impression of the entire space layout in his mind.

"Hey, it turns out that the room will move."

He discovered a new pattern again.

[Penlos' Endless Lattice House] The overall structure is like a Rubik's cube, consisting of lattice houses.

But the number is not infinite, just because some grids can move, it will give a feeling of endlessness.

At this time, Su Lun was standing in a room marked "118", and there was already a "rubik's cube" twisting in his mind.

After calculating for about a minute, a relaxed expression appeared on his face: "So, can it be cracked like this?"

For Su Lun, who has mastered the space ability, it is really not difficult.

The "curator" Heideman probably did not expect that an ancient magical prohibition that he had found was broken in such a short period of time.

Su Lun found a way to break the game and didn't take it one step at a time.

With a directional displacement, he appeared in a room that he had marked.

However, on the second visit, an unmarked door appeared in the room.

This means that this is a "new door".

Su Lun walked in without hesitation.

Unsurprisingly, he saw a solitary bathtub in this room.

I walked in and saw a tub of hair soaking in the bathtub.

Apparently, there was a corpse under the hair.

Seeing this terrifying picture, he not only didn't feel the slightest horror, but he was overjoyed and muttered to himself: "It's really [self-drowning female corpse]."

This picture Su Lun is all too familiar.

In the cursed space of [1911 Hotel], he encountered it once when he was a first-order rookie. At that time, I was frightened enough, and all kinds of frightened to find a side door to crack, only to survive.

But now?

Looking at the long-haired female corpse standing up from the bathtub, Su Lun only raised her eyebrows. With a gesture of raising his hand, the gargoyle appeared behind the female corpse that suddenly burst out, twisting its neck down with a "click".

Originally, this [Drowning Female Corpse] was also immortal.

But the moment "grey fog" appeared on the corpse, Su Lun teleported over to absorb it, not giving it a chance to revive at all.

When he was a Tier 1, he could only harvest a few fragments at a time, and it took many harvests to deal with the corpse.

The current second solution harvesting ability directly crushed the spirit body.

Su Lun knew that there were three other corpses in a certain room in this space, [The Faceless Man], [The Hanged Corpse], and [The Big-Headed Resentful Baby].

But he didn't want to look for it either.

Now that a corpse has been killed, the "Four Ghostly Fallen Sacrifice Array" has been broken.

Su Lun contacted Mr. Hei and asked, wanting to confirm his conjecture.

Sure enough, after the formation was broken, the ability to transfer damage from the "curator" Heideman outside disappeared.

The woman was in a fit of rage and rushed towards the latticed house.

Su Lun is not in a hurry, the enemy that can be killed has nothing to fear.

It’s hard to tell if Heideman escaped. He was about to face it, and he would definitely die!

Su Lun looked at the room again, and it was one of several eyes in "Penrose's Endless Lattice Room".

He entered this room, and the pressure of the law of death that he felt before became stronger and stronger.

In other words, he is getting closer and closer to that treasure.

"What is it that can dissipate such a strong force of the law of death?"

Su Lun became more and more curious.

Up to now, he has yet to see that there must be a treasure in the space of this wax museum.

This grid space is not just for hiding an array.

Su Lun found the direction, went through a few more rooms, and then found the center of this cube-like lattice.

Opening the door, it was a dark room.

As soon as it was opened, Su Lun felt the force of the law of death that was thick like paint coming in a tidal wave!

The black crow on the shoulder was even more excited and quacked, and immediately rushed in.


Although Su Lun had expected it long ago, when he opened the door of this room, he was beyond shocked.

The law of death here was so strong that it felt as if he was descending from the river and crashed into the boundless sea.

The power of the law in the house condenses like flowing black water,

But rather,

A dazzling golden light bloomed in the middle of the room.

The center of that light source is a transparent glass box. A rune chain locked the box. But it may also be seen that the box contains a golden scroll.

It is so dazzling, so holy, as if gathering the brightest power in the world.

But it is obviously an extremely sacred item, but it overflows with the most evil power of death in the world!

This intense conflict made Su Lun look full of doubts.

He stared at it, just looking at the golden scroll with some mysterious silver symbols overflowing. But it was strange when he stared at the symbols, trying to see what was written. Those symbols, however, seemed to come alive and slipped away. It seems that I don't want to be seen clearly what is written!

Does the text contain the power of the law?

The law of death in the entire space is the overflow of these words?


Seeing this magical scene, Su Lun guessed something and was surprised and happy: "Could it be the original rune?"

He once saw the original rune on the giant mural, and he also fused a [imitation original rune].

Although he couldn't see what the symbols on the golden scroll were, he could feel the familiarity of the same source.

"No. It seems to be the 'God's language' in the four high-level language families described by Senior Sister? Is it a spell scroll left by an ancient god?"

Su Lun vaguely guessed something, but wasn't sure.

The text of the four high-level language series is accompanied by the power of law, which looks a bit similar to this golden scroll.

At first glance, the eyes are full of asterisk prompts beyond cognition.

It could not be identified, but this did not prevent him from judging that the golden scroll was a super-grade item.

It was the first time that Su Lun encountered such a thing that was completely beyond his knowledge, even the few "forbidden objects" he had harvested in the mirror library before were not as good as it.

"How high is this thing?"

Su Lun's expression became very subtle.

I never thought that the "curator" Heideman would actually have such an exaggerated and frightening thing in his hand.

The all-seeing pupil can't understand the origin of this thing, but the more it is, the more it shows that it is a treasure.

Put it away first!

What the enemy has is his own.

Su Lun glanced at the rune chains around him and saw the doorway.

[Elliot's Black Iron Chain], forged with necromantic black iron, this is an antique with super dark energy magic.

There is almost no need to think about it, 80% of them came from tomb robbers.

Probably because the power of the law of death overflowing from the golden scroll was too strong, Heideman used these rune chains to connect it to the entire space to maintain the energy needed for the space. The escaping breath of death is also the best nutrient for those terrifying wax figures in the Wax Museum.

Only then did Su Lun discover that the archaeological director of the Royal Academy is really a low-key but extremely wealthy position, with access to all kinds of ancient tombs, tombs, and first-hand treasures.

These treasures in Heideman's hands really want to be released to the outside world, I am afraid that the royal family will be jealous.

And when Su Lun was holding the black sickle and was thinking about how to take away the golden scroll, suddenly, a man broke in and shouted angrily: "Damn it, stop!"

Don't look at it, it's the "curator" Heideman who came in a hurry.

This woman was arrogant and calm before she died, and she was hurt.

Looking at the situation, he probably didn't know how he was tossed by Mr. Hei when he was outside.

"You really dare to come?"

Su Lun thought she would escape, but unexpectedly she came.

When he saw this woman coming, he was welcome, and when he teleported over, the black sickle cut him off.

Heideman had seen Su Lun's methods before, and he didn't dare to touch it, and wanted to avoid it.

But Su Lun has also seen the power of the black stick in her hand, so how can she give her a second chance to succeed?

At the same time, there was good news from Mr. Hei: "Su Lun, most of the wax figures are temporarily restrained by me, you must kill her as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, Su Lun pressed the seal with one hand without any hesitation at all, and the technique was completed in an instant: "Hormonal runaway, five solutions!"

Looking at it again, his muscles were knotted all over, and the bursting power instantly transpired with wisps of infuriating energy.

In this small space, the puppet army can't unfold, and close combat is the best choice.

Heideman is indeed very strong, but without his immortality and the pile of wax figures, there is no big threat to Su Lun.


With an air explosion, Su Lun's speed skyrocketed tenfold!

He stepped on the air, and the whole figure was ejected like a cannonball.

He didn't have the confidence to kill this woman before, so he didn't use all his strength. Now is the time to catch the opponent by surprise!

Seeing this, Heideman's eyes were also greatly shocked: How could he have such a fast speed?

The woman didn't even react to her thoughts, she just watched the figure pass by, and the black sickle slashed her leg with a knife.

With the water element body protection magic shield, this knife is still harmless.

But Heideman was screaming in despair at the moment.

Because she knew very well that it was impossible for her to block the opponent's next blow with her own physical reaction speed.

She started chanting a spell in her mouth, as if she was going to activate some kind of undead secret.

But it's too late.

It was the black sickle that cut him off, and Heideman watched as a scarlet dagger stabbed towards his chest.

She saw the trajectory of the dagger and guessed Su Lun's intention, but...

The speed is too fast!

When it was about to arrive, Heideman wanted to swing the black stick to block, but the speed of the dagger was several times faster than hers.

She could only watch helplessly as the scarlet dagger pierced into her body without any obstruction.


A bloody arrow shot out.

Heideman's eyes froze, and his heart was ashes.

She wanted to struggle one last time, the last syllable of the spell had already fallen in her mouth, as if there was still a glimmer of hope.

Of course, Su Lun wouldn't give her this chance.

In this kind of life-and-death confrontation, once there is a momentum of victory and defeat, death is often an instant.

Su Lun drew out the Dragon Slaying Dagger like lightning, then cleverly changed his move, swung the knife horizontally, and cut a blood line on Heideman's neck.

After the two knives were cut, the black stick appeared at the position where the first knife was blocked.

At this time, the vitality in Heideman's eyes has quickly faded.

Without her immortality, her body was as fragile as paper under the Dragon Slayer dagger.

Su Lun watched "Gray Mist" appear for the first time, and was worried that this guy had any resurrection techniques, so he directly harvested her soul and ended the battle completely.

This harvest, a lot of memories rushed into my mind.

"You have stripped the soul of 'Hydeman Elpso'"

"You have obtained a large number of 'law of death fragments', and a small number of fragments of 'law of calamity' and 'law of darkness'"

"You are proficient in the skills [Terrorist Wax Figure Making Skills (Master Level)], corpse making, spirit enchantment, soul control, paraffin sealing soul, maintenance."

"You've acquired a lot of 'corpse-related knowledge': oh, if I can get more advanced corpses, then I can make stronger horror wax figures."

"You have comprehended the relevant professional experience of 'Gravedigger' and 'Archaeologist'"

"You have learned a lot of 'knowledge of undead spells' and 'knowledge of dark spells', and your understanding of the dark power of the world is clearer."

"You have obtained a "Research Archive of the Ancient Red Death""

"You have received a piece of information: The Royal Archaeological Team has dug up the tomb of the ancient necromancer 'Alan Silas' in the southern Stormgarland, and I have obtained this golden scroll from the owner of the cemetery. In the notes, I learned that this is a fragment of a mythical item [Proverbs of a Master], and it seems to record the world's top death spell."

"Mental Power +777"


Su Lun searched Heideman's memory and found a lot of memory.

The expected harvest came with a large number of "laws of death".

This woman was an alchemist who was tempted by the dark power and turned into a necromancer. She often roams in the dark crypts of various tombs, studies various undead spells, and has attainments and comprehension in the law of death that few people in the world can match!

Even Su Lun is inferior to her in many ways!

Harvesting the law comprehension of these decades, Su Lun clearly feels that his understanding of the law has soared a lot with the naked eye, and all kinds of knowledge shortcomings have been raised a lot at once.

"Is this the threshold of the sixth order?"

Su Lun digested those laws and comprehends, and his eyes lit up.

When Augustus was harvested before, the feeling of this seventh-order threshold was not very obvious. But now that I have harvested a Heideman who also took the death route, the feeling became clear all of a sudden.

It was like looking up and seeing the sky. Although it was still out of reach, it was not like before, it looked like a cloud of unknown direction.

The harvest is not too big.

Then there are a bunch of archaeological knowledge, tomb robbing, ancient history and a bunch of practical experience that made Su Lun eye-opening.

But it's a pity that the ability of this guy's "immortal body" is necromancy, and it can't be used much.

It is those scary wax figure making skills, Su Lun thinks that this path can be studied in depth.

Augustus used the power of the undead to pray to the gods to resurrect the corpse, but the alchemist couldn't use it.

But Su Lun has "Rune Corpse"!

The secret technique of waxing can seal the soul in the corpse, giving it some abilities during its lifetime.

Theoretically, Su Lun himself could make a similar living wax corpse?

Wax Corpse Corps?

Thinking about it, the future looks promising.

Too late to think about it.

This direction can be slowly researched in the future.

And what made Su Lun curious about the golden scroll before, after harvesting the memory, looking at the golden parchment again, the identified information is different.

【Proverbs of the Master (fragment)】

Description: Fragment of a magical scroll from the age of mythology, its material is the sheepskin of the golden sheep, which can survive countless epochs and immortality;

Detailed explanation: The ancient god's spell written by the original rune records the death curse, one of the eighteen forbidden magic spells left by an ancient supreme god; you have seen those words, but you can't understand the meaning. Undead Archmage Aaron Silas deciphered the Golden Scroll's crudest expression, a divine whisper, 'The Twelfth Ultimate Magic I Know: After seeing a hanged corpse, I took it from the gallows Put it down and let it tell me all the memories of his life'; with it, the comprehension degree of the law of death +10; when you comprehend the Protoss language, you will gradually comprehend the super-level spells recorded on the scroll, and gradually understand the nature of death;

Although Su Lun still didn't quite understand,

But I was shocked.

He guessed that this was an item left over from the mythical period, but he didn't expect it to be so big!

For those who practice the law of death, this scroll is simply a treasure with a 100% fit!

Then, there is good news.

Because Su Lun knew before that the source of the "Red Death" was Heideman Alpso.

He also deliberately searched for relevant memories.

Only then did I know that the virus was really found by this guy from an ancient Red Death tomb group, and then spread again.

In addition, Su Lun obtained an archive detailing ancient research on the Red Death.

After digesting the content, it makes people feel happy.

Because, in ancient times, there was a cure for the Red Death!

(End of this chapter)

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