Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 470 Desecrate The Crown

Chapter 470 Desecrate the Crown

What other prophecies, disasters, kingship, wisdom, healing, magic, war, death...etc.

Although he knew the news before, Su Lun was still a little surprised.

Regardless of their appearance or temperament, the two are outstanding. This is a pair of newcomers that others will find a good match at first glance.

In the next sentence, Ekaterina completely explained all Su Lun's doubts.


There was a chill in her calm tone, "It's just that power has a fatal temptation for many people. Compared with the temptation of the throne, the death of millions of civilians is not worth mentioning. My teacher said that it was just a greed. Just an old lady of power."

What's more, Su Lun and William's feud was before Ekaterina met.

This means, most top professionals can't do it.


Besides, I have heard of the treasure now.

In the street stood a golden carriage, drawn by eight steeds of bright white fur. This is an antique from hundreds of years ago, and only important members of the royal family are eligible to use this carriage to participate in the celebration.

Su Lun listened at a loss, not knowing why she suddenly said such a thing.

Like Qianjo's "Juggernaut", and the "Poetic Saint" in front of him.

That is, it is really necessary to infer from the perspective of ultimate interests, only when the young master of William is dead, the marriage of the Lance family will maximize the benefits!

The most reliable shortcut is to "enlightenment".

At this moment, hundreds of reporters from Lu Ying's dozens of newspapers have been waiting for a long time at the gate of Mecherseth Manor.

Su Lun also felt that this statement was reasonable, and added: "But... the Red Death will inevitably kill a lot of people. The Queen can tolerate this? Those aides in the royal family shouldn't have found the problem, right?"

Hearing this, a strange color flashed across Ekaterina's face, and she said bluntly: "Regardi used to be the Mafa royal family, and they have a special heritage sacred artifact - [Desecrated Crown]. It is said that this crown has masters. The extraordinary characteristics of all things have the effect of blessing the imperial power. And more importantly, it is a special curse that can super-improve the perception of the professional field. Because of this heritage sacred object, all generations of Leijia landlords Almost all of them can successfully advance to the seventh level. Very few people know this secret, and I only learned it from the teacher."

When the evil god's conspiracy breaks out, the political enemies will most likely become followers of the evil god, and it will be a life-and-death battle.

But it also confirmed that this poetic approach is not something he can delusionalize.

Hearing this, the helplessness on Su Lun's face disappeared, and the gentleman smiled: "Yes."

"Not found"

"Crack", "Crack", "Crack".

This made Su Lun feel a chill in his back when he walked on the blade.

But the problem is, whoever kills that William is going to be in big trouble.

Those who drink the potion will become the minions of the evil god.

Ekaterina obviously knew something and said: "Before the restoration of the Bona royal family, there was a mysterious force behind it. Now it seems that it is the 'Giant's Priory'. And there are various signs that the reason why Her Lady Queen passed The Freedom of Belief Act, most likely a secret deal with that Outer Gods sect."

There are countless extraordinary laws in the world, and if you grasp one of them, you can go further.

It's like a fairy tale that most of Lu Ying heard when they were young. The beautiful princess married a handsome prince, which brought a bit of romance.

The court guards I encountered were at least Tier 4 professionals, and a few royal guard captains felt that they were all Tier 6 professionals. In the depths of the palace, there seems to be more than one top professional.

Su Lun still didn't understand what he just said.

The two returned to the golden carriage, and their next destination was to go to the "Alchemy Sanctuary of Zosimos" for a ceremony.

Can imagine this road is very difficult.

She still had a smile on her pretty face in response to the pedestrians on the roadside, but said in her mouth: "Currently it is the sixth level. But because I entered the holy realm through the 'poetry' pathway, I can enter the seventh level at any time. It's just that I don't have enough insight into the field. Perfect, I didn't plan to rush to advance."

Su Lun inexplicably heard a look of contempt for the world from her words.

Only then did Su Lun realize what big ambitions his fiancee had!

With the first disciple of the royal family enshrining Master Pierre by his side, Su Lun felt a little less dangerous.

In the end, either the opposition will kill all the supporters of the faith, or the faith will kill all the opposition.

Brothers fighting for the throne and becoming enemies, this plot has long been familiar to the aristocratic circle.

The calmness and depth in her crystal eyes made Su Lun feel like he was back when the two of them played chess just now.

Su Lun is very clear, but if the Lance family really wants to plot against themselves, there must be more covert means to lead to the same purpose.

The red death is rampant, and the top dignitaries are not ignorant of the threat of the outer gods, but have their own ghosts.

He thought that he belonged to the kind of professionals with great opportunities and talents. But now there is no hope on the seventh-order threshold, and it may even be stuck here for a lifetime.

Walking into the palace all the way, he saw too many magical restrictions. Those dangerous and subtle restrictions can keep the vast majority of illegal trespassers out of the wall. Even if it is a teleportation of space, there are voids everywhere. The palace was wrapped like a hedgehog by various defensive restrictions, and hardly any flaws were seen.

Both Su Lun and Ekaterina walked out of the room.

Ekaterina obviously guessed what he was thinking, and explained: "Remember the time we met at the Emerald Holy Land of the Daru Tribe? That time, I saw the complete poem volume of [Esang's Poems], and I didn't know what to do. Gradually understand the true meaning of poetry. As for your relationship with Mr. Su Lun, because Katyusha wrote you in her poems."

In the car, Su Lun was still thinking about what he saw just now, but he couldn't understand some questions.

Turning his head to look over, he happened to look at the beautiful face and responded with a faint smile, "You will know later."

Not only outsiders, but even most of the Lance family is the first time they have seen their young lady dressed up like this. It was the first time I saw that Prince Fick.

Su Lun listened with puzzled eyes.


Since a major turmoil is doomed, the major families are thinking not only of protecting themselves, but also seeking more benefits after the political situation is reshuffled.

Su Lun was full of question marks.

Another one is "Fick".

But Ye said it straight now.

It seems that they have reacquainted with each other in the room before, and the atmosphere of the two in the carriage is good.

Su Lun was overjoyed and asked the right person.

Just make sure that people in your camp don't drink it.

The golden carriage stopped at the gate of Frederick's Palace.

Even if William is really killed, Fick will become the only heir and will not suffer any backlash.

Su Lun feels that Catherine will definitely be a very good leader in the future.

The last time she was in the city-state of Moros, her mysterious technique of falling meteors directly destroyed the Temple of Agapanon, which was a masterpiece.

But the hours in the carriage were really boring, and I had to find something to talk about.

The carriage drove unhurriedly.

It can be said that before the seventh-order professional, it is like looking for gold in the sand, with pieces in the east and pieces in the west;

Both Su Lun and Ekaterina were tasked with appearing on the streets in a carriage, waving at people and grinning.

This comprehension does not depend on oneself, what does it have to do with others?

Without waiting for Su Lun to answer, she said directly: "I will cut it off without hesitation."

Su Lun has a classic aristocratic military uniform with extraordinary appearance.

Su Lun frowned slightly as he listened.

As Su Lun walked, he felt and released all his strength, and his left eye was also shining brightly.

But it seems there is something to be said.

"It's not that great."

As soon as the two appeared, they were amazed by all the onlookers.

Su Lun seemed to understand something.

However, even if there is this thing, I feel that I can't get it.

this moment.

Aristocrats, they come and go with power.

Half an hour later, the two walked out of the palace.

The carriage galloped down Lington Central Avenue and passed the Lington Iron Bridge in a short time. All the way, there were people in various costumes to welcome the people, the red carpet was paved, and the streets were surrounded by gorgeous flowers.

But it doesn't matter.

Thousands of thoughts flew in Su Lun's mind, and it turned into a sincere sigh: "Miss Ekaterina is amazing."

After talking about this, Su Lun and Ekaterina looked at each other, saw the calm smile in her eyes, and smiled knowingly.

White walls, sapphire blue spires, this is a magnificent building complex.

Ekaterina seemed to have guessed his doubts, and suddenly said, "What are you thinking?"

Su Lun frowned slightly and whispered softly, "Katyusha."

But, only "Fick" will not.

From the first move, she seemed to have thought about the chess game after many moves.

Although they didn't say it, they knew each other.

Catherine, like a qualified new wife, put her arms around Su Lun's arm and said, "Let's go, get off the bus. It's time for us to go to the palace to receive the queen's blessing."

Hearing this question, Ekaterina thought for a while, and then said sternly: "A giant tree has decayed from the root to the branch. If it continues, it will inevitably collapse and die. But now there is a chance to cut off a branch. , to give it a chance to regenerate, what would you do? Of course, some innocent good wood will be hurt in the process.”

But the fact is, she chose "Fick".

When Yekaterina heard this, she had no intention of concealing it.


He then asked, "Miss Ekaterina, what state are you in now?"

Ekaterina paused for a moment.

This move made all distrust turned into a cloud of smoke.

Just like when she was playing chess, she looked at all the problems on the chessboard from a bird's-eye level.

It doesn't mean that they have the kind of trust between them, it's just that Ye's emotional intelligence is so high that you know she may have other motives, but you can't feel any disgust in your heart. She must give more than you get.

Whoever dares to kill him will inevitably lead to devastating revenge.

It was so high that it seemed that everything was out of her eyes at the moment.

It turned out to be the heritage relic of the Rhaegardi family.

The Legardi family is not easy to provoke. Apart from the two imperial families of the two empires, they are the strongest old-fashioned nobles.

Su Lun gently helped Ekaterina into the carriage, and he followed suit.

I am used to walking in the dark, but suddenly encountering bright sunshine, it seems that it is not the same world.

At least in her eyes, the wedding was the same as Su Lun's, it was purely a process of achieving a certain purpose.

I asked Mr. Jing before, and she also said that some curses do have this effect, but they are extremely rare.

Hearing this, Su Lun immediately understood why she hesitated just now.

Ekaterina obviously felt his cautiousness, she gently took Su Lun's arm and smiled understandingly.

How to describe it.

Su Lun also saw it, Yekaterina had a higher level of pursuit in her eyes.

One is the eldest son William.


At this moment, he didn't have any good feelings for the rotten Bona royal family.

Su Lun also found that with the several previous meetings, he actually got along quite happily with Ekaterina.

The two had to take a golden carriage to go around the main road of Lington City, and then go to Frederick's Palace to receive the blessing of the Queen, and then go to the "Alchemy Church of Zosimus" for the ceremony, followed by Reception, Appreciation Dinner

When the Red Death was discovered before, the evil god had already penetrated so widely that it could not be reversed.

Thinking about the background of the old-fashioned nobles of the Lance family, maybe there is, or maybe I have heard of it.

Watching the two come out, all kinds of cameras snapped at them.

"Any shot is the most beautiful photo. Oh, how lucky I am to be invited to such a fantastic wedding."

He pondered for a moment before asking, "What do you think of the Red Death?"

Before I asked Mr. Jing if there was any shortcut to advance to the seventh level, she said yes.

As a result, this person said that "at any time" can be advanced?

Su Lun finally understood what happened to Lu Ying's strange political situation.

As for the [Scarlet Potion], they couldn't stop it, and to some extent they didn't want to stop it.

Su Lun is really curious about Ye's strength.

All in all, the whole day was packed.

It just so happened that the carriage stopped.

Obviously, from the point of view of interests, it is more in line with the interests to marry the first-in-line heir.

In the original words of Master Pierre, the only way to cut grass and root is to wait for him to be fully exposed.

The two accepted the Queen's blessing and walked out of the palace smoothly.

This is a deeper understanding of the laws of all things beyond appearances.

After entering the holy realm, with the domineering ability to control all things, you can almost 100% comprehend your own "domain" and advance to the seventh level.

Although as a qualified tool person, he has long been enlightened, but the feeling of being so much attention made Su Lun feel a little uncomfortable.

Surrounded by a group of people, the two slowly walked towards the palace.

"Princess Ekaterina is more beautiful than the legends, my God, they really match up so well."

Before the Wuyue coup, the Kingdom of Rhaegardi was implicated, and several collateral branches of the family were at odds with each other, so that only two sons survived in the family of Patriarch Kelsen.

Ekaterina's words just now are simply expressing: go and kill William quickly, and only by killing can you get the treasure.

What does this mean, really?

As a royal family that once ruled Mafa for hundreds of years, Rhaegardi's heritage is no worse than that of the Luying royal family. Some special treasures are too normal.

"It's also a political gamble," she said. "In the end, the Ying Family takes all."

And in perception, there are too many masters in the palace.

At the beginning, everyone probably wanted to make profits, but gradually, they probably did not expect that the "giant monastery" had a great plan, such as the Rodriguez family, which completely became the believers of the evil god.

Ying Family takes everything.

His voice was soft, but loud.

The temperament of the superior?

And after the seventh order, it is to recognize the direction of the ore veins, and really grasp that extraordinary law.

Therefore, she hesitated just now.

This potion will divide the political camp.

Su Lun has absolutely no interest in politics or anything.

And the understatement of the word "sanctuary" in Yekaterina's mouth made Su Lun envious.

After all, he was now a mortal enemy with the Priory of Giants, and he had also killed several archbishops. Unsurprisingly, there should be a top powerhouse of the Giant Priory in the Bona Royal Family.


There was a moment of silence in the carriage.

Ekaterina seemed to have thought of something, but there was no fluctuation in her eyes.

Hearing this, Ekaterina seemed to have thought of something, and smiled slightly: "And thanks to Mr. Su Lun. Because I met you, I was able to enter the Holy Land smoothly."

This is an ambitious woman.

Although the original owner's surname is "Regadi", Su Lun's relationship with those guys is not a good one.

And like several other congressmen in Congress, the Raphael family, the Lance family, and the Roberts family, they have formed a political alliance.

It's all for profit after all.

She and the Lance family behind her have big plans, how could it be possible to marry a second son and be satisfied?

Su Lun said: "I was thinking, since the Queen is not a believer, why would she allow various Outer God sects to spread in Lu Ying?"

Before Su Lun came to the wedding, he felt that the most dangerous part was coming to the palace to meet the queen.

(End of this chapter)

Hearing this, Yekaterina hesitated, glanced at him, and asked, "Do you really want me to tell?"

But obviously, there are hidden things.

Shrugging, he asked casually, "Does Miss Catherine know of anything that can help you understand the foreign objects in the realm?"

There wasn't much to talk about, and it happened that the two were alone, so I asked for something interesting.

That's probably how it feels.

Su Lun got out of the car first, and took Ekaterina's slender hand to welcome her down.

Su Lun's expression changed slightly.

He said, "Of course."

But no, there is no danger at all.

The marriage procedure of the top aristocrats is very cumbersome.

Ekaterina wore a black diamond dress with a beautiful appearance and an extraordinary temperament.

No matter how you look at it, whoever wants to make trouble here will die!

Regardless of whether it will benefit the third-party fisherman, if he has the chance, he will definitely kill the William who murdered him twice.

Because, if you say this, people will die.

Poetry is also one of the ways of law that can unite the Godhead.

Although there must be a lot of twists and turns, Su Lun also wants to understand a little bit.

In any case, Lu Ying's political situation has undergone a great change.

The Queen Charlotte was a grizzled old lady. Although she looks a bit mean, Su Lun has personally confirmed just now that she is not a believer of the Outer Gods.

It's a tedious process, and it's going to last for hours, with a face-freezing laugh.

Su Lun has absolutely no interest in kingdom inheritance. Instead, he is thinking about when he will have the opportunity to identify the attributes of the [Desecrated Crown].

Simply perfect.

Their tone, as if there was a third person in this shared experience.

The most heard is the rhythmic stamping of eight horses.

Speaking of this, Ekaterina changed the conversation and said directly: "However, this crown is only qualified to touch by the owner of Lei Jiadi, or the first-in-line heir."

Moreover, what is more subtle is that Su Lun now knows that Ekaterina is not as simple as an ordinary princess of the Lance family. She is one of the most ambitious and powerful people she has ever met.


But thinking about it, another strange thought popped into his mind: he only agreed to marry, but he didn't plan to play any power game with them. After killing William, how should the Lance family seize power?

Even though Su Lun had a deep understanding of the law of death, he had not yet touched what that illusory "holy realm" was.

"Wow, His Royal Highness is so handsome!"

The wedding of the prince and the princess is bound to attract the attention of many people, and this is also the blockbuster news that will definitely appear in the headlines of major newspapers tomorrow.

Ekaterina seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. At this time, she said a meaningful sentence, "I will only marry this time in my life, and I will only have one man. So in the future, if you have If you hear any news, don't be too weird."

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