Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 488 Alchemy Witnesses The Miracle Of Creation

Chapter 488 Alchemy Witnesses the Miracle of Creation

But at this time, he found that the world in his eyes was obviously different.

without any breath,

But apparently, Pestoya is not affected at all right now.

But these innocent civilians are mostly old people, children and pregnant women.

Even if Maria is a seventh-order legend, she must not be cautious when facing the four-element wax statue, and she has gathered her own domain defense.

With it, almost all physical means are not much of a threat.

The explosive power of the Corpse Explosion Technique is not strong, but the flesh and blood penetrates the ground strangely, lighting up a mysterious nine-pointed star magic circle.

She had also been hiding in the rune umbrella just now.

Although the rank is not enough for [Sea Giant Clarence], some methods are not inferior.

Because I haven't seen her for a long time, and I have never seen her use any fighting ability, Su Lun regards her as a talkative ghost lady.

Su Lun looked relieved, too.

In this way, Su Lun knew that he could master the field of death, and Pestoya helped a lot.

But in a short period of time, neither of them had the ability to kill each other.

The stele gathers the super terrifying power of faith, which is poison for humans, and the best supplement for her.

Pestoya said: "Because my sister said to wait."

Mr. Mirror bears the great ambition of the rise and fall of planes and civilizations, and he must master some means to deal with the outer gods.

It's not good to be too famous, all kinds of information are known.

Mr. Mirror is probably the most experienced alchemist in this plane to fight against gods.

The situation seemed to be deadlocked again.

The moment Pandora rushed into the church, a majestic power of faith erupted.

I've been fighting with tense nerves, and I almost forgot about Pestoya.

At this moment, in the bleak teleportation array, the situation of the stone tablet seemed a bit embarrassing.

Su Lun's body has instinctively entered a state of defense.

The blood of the red moon in the sky is getting lighter and lighter.

This is not a magic shield in the conventional sense, but a protective layer of high-density belief power, which cannot be teleported by teleportation!

The body of the flame giant turned into a chain of cold fire chains, locking the ugly monster on the spot.

Su Lun already had a very clear idea in his mind at this moment, and even a wonderful thought popped up in his heart: Sir Isaac once captured the real god, could it be the ability that the alchemy demigod left to his daughter? , there is "the method of slaughtering gods"?

The closer you get, the more dangerous it is.

Mr. Mirror + Pestoya + Pandora = Slaughter God?

But in the duel between high-level professionals, any moment of hesitation is a fatal flaw.

The sound waves, which were completely invisible before, were now embodied in the form of ripples, and the threat was instantly reduced by most of them.

However, the sharpness of the Dragon Slayer Dagger is a pure physical attack and must be approached.

At the end of his life, Pierre, a warlock who stood at the pinnacle of the plane, recalled the memory when he entered the field of alchemy when he was a child and recited this incantation representing truth and belief for the first time.

Wind blades are like knives, everywhere.

A deadly crisis struck his scalp, and he teleported out of the sanctuary like lightning.

This sentence seems to have magic power, it allows each alchemist to find a way to guide when faced with confusion.

Su Lun thought of a compromise between killing and not killing.

Before he could come up with any way to break the game, at this moment, the four or five hundred farm residents in the sanctuary looked at them blankly again, and opened their mouths to sing again.

This is the great god of the moon reading who specializes in stealing beliefs.

This hand directly paralyzed hundreds of people on the spot.

At the same time, the mirror light flashed, and a figure appeared outside the Alchemy Sanctuary.

The indescribable terror was approaching, and Su Lun's scalp felt numb.

Su Lun also had some headaches.

For the first time, I experienced the defense blessing of the death field, and it felt great!

The outer god is using his last resort to prevent outsiders from approaching.

"The curse of flesh and blood in the blood of black witchcraft?"


On this point, He was originally incapable of being destroyed by ordinary people.

Su Lun sensed the familiar soul fluctuation and immediately knew who was coming.

"What kind of domain did I realize, it's so strong?"

It really means that when you reach a certain height, the world you see in your eyes is different.

She seemed to be listening intently to a concert, enjoying herself. From time to time, she was envious of Maria's body, and guessed that she was thinking about how to make her a doll.

When Su Lun saw this, how could she get her wish, Warlock Yin pinched her, and her whole body teleported over at the same time.

Unexpectedly, a red light suddenly appeared on the stone tablet, and a magic shield was rapidly formed.

At this moment, a high-pitched singing voice came in again.

The best response is to ignore them.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom". A series of explosions sounded.

Master Pierre condensed the last spell and moved forward: "Divine Art, Forbidden God Chain!"

But now that Su Lun can stand firm, this silly bird has also learned to be smart, Erxiang turned into a cloak, hid in Su Lun's death field, and never came out.

The first time in the confrontation, Su Lun didn't lose too much of a disadvantage, and Su Lun didn't rush to teleport away.

Although the four-element wax figure is four independent existences, their qi and qi are already connected as one, and the elements are also interdependent.

He was mentally prepared to be hit and fell to the ground, but an unexpected scene happened again.

Just as Su Lun approached the stone tablet, a hurried warning from the members of Dawn came from the communicator.

"Follow the law of equal exchange of all things, praise the glory of the original creator, and use alchemy to witness the miracle of creation"

There were a few crisp sounds of robes breaking, and the muscle tissue was torn.


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But she can destroy the teleportation array so easily, why didn't she do it before?

Originally, this stele was also fatally dangerous, and it contained the power of the terrifying Calamity Faith of the Outer God.

In the gap between manipulating the puppet and fighting, Su Lun suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thought of something, and asked, "Pestoia, have you always been confident in dealing with this woman?"

Alchemy is great.

Not only those believers, but the body of the tentacle sea giant also worked hard.

Su Lun looked at him from a distance, and his eyes were full of respect.

No wonder Pestoia "just happened" at the moment when he thought he was going to die, so it was.

Behind "Master William", the phantom of [Void Servant Wind Witch] rose up, with astonishing power. As soon as the Domain of Wind opened, there was a gust of wind whistling around the entire sanctuary.

As soon as Su Lun heard it, he knew that there must be something hidden in this matter.

Su Lun had several possibilities in his mind before.

He couldn't run away, he was just a lump of stone, with no hands or feet, and Su Lun couldn't do anything about it.

Su Lun knew that the woman would never let go of such an attack, and had planned to resist the attack.

But don't pay attention, these people will "sing" again.

Soon, he knew why Mr. Mirror let Pestoya delay.

This sentence is not a mantra.

Pandora teleported over and went straight to the stone tablet in the sanctuary.

The old man's candle burned out, bringing the last light to the world.

The darkness was expelled, and the frightened faces gradually filled with hope.

Unfortunately, with precautions, the threat is much lower.

"What did the sister say?"

Seeing this, Su Lun's eyes twitched, as if his thoughts were stuttering.

Therefore, Mr. Jing's "backhand" is definitely not just himself.

While Su Lun was controlling the group of people, an inexplicable thought flashed in his mind, and the silk thread was quietly pulled, changing the angle of several pieces of glass in the Alchemy Sanctuary.

Only then did people know that the dawn had come.

Now looking at the destruction of the teleportation array, the space gem "floated out".

However, Mr. Jing and the others followed closely.

You just deducted the core space stone of the teleportation formation?

Su Lun subjectively assumed that she was not good at fighting, and didn't expect to be able to help.

It's no longer the complete and traceless ultimate move before, this rhythm technique swayed in circles of ripples visible to the naked eye in the air.

She's an alchemist cyborg, and she doesn't look the least bit affected by the curse.

"Sure enough, I can use the domain of wind."

In addition to the sound wave method, these top ten legends also have a flying needle killer that controls sound-sensitive metals.

The four-element puppet also failed to maintain its solid form for long, and it collapsed into an elemental body.

When did you say it?

But just now, just a few sharp syllables penetrated the field like sharp knives and pierced the rune gold body.

Where are the legs faster than space teleportation?

Now that the threat was not too deadly, he immediately had the idea of ​​giving this "Song Witch" Maria a try.

In the field of vision, a large-scale sound wave struck again.

In fact, from the very beginning, he felt that something was wrong.

But his expression is also a little strange. This ghost miss has no physical objects, even the clothes are illusions, let alone a communicator.

The two sides came and went, and the fight was lively.

In the predicament, suddenly saw the dawn of breaking the game.

It desperately wants to get close to the church, to regain its "godhead".

(End of this chapter)

The bloody world disappeared, and the people who survived the catastrophe seemed to be separated from each other.

Without Su Lun thinking about what happened, he just watched the ghost lady float out of the window with a huge space gem in her hands.

Although his own life is safe, but in the same way, Maria can't kill, so the stone tablet can't help it.

Given his current physical fitness, what kind of big deal is a few stabs?

I have to say, Maria's voice is really good. It is the kind of wonderful experience that can make people resonate with the soul and feel happy physically and mentally.

At this moment, Su Lun suddenly heard someone chanting a mantra.

Not just puppets, ordinary silk threads can easily collapse in a sonic environment, and only a few black threads lingering in the field of death can be used normally.

As soon as the domineering moves, the black "field" that lingers around the body automatically lingers around the body.

One is immortal, and the other three are also immortal.

Pestoya seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and said directly: "I sense that my sister thinks so."

This song is a big move, can't listen to it.

This is the last resistance of the stele, and the power of his faith is being stolen and quickly collapsed.

Being attacked by a sound wave before was like being thrown into a meat grinder, crushed in all directions from the soul to the body.

Maria's face changed suddenly, but she also knew that this was the end, and the guy in front of her had to be killed first.

All the means were used to stop this woman from outside.

Crisis strikes again!

Su Lun's pupils shrank sharply when the black crow on his shoulders screamed.

Because at this time, an acquaintance appeared out of thin air in the perception.

The mirror on the glass reflects the main battlefield far away.

Su Lun stood on the spot, looking at himself who didn't fall down, also full of doubts.

Since this woman's sonic domain is not fatal to her, it's hard to say who must be higher than the other by other means.

Because the trajectory of robbing gems has been predicted, it is already inevitable.

At the same time as she was shocked, the murderous intent in her eyes was like a lightning bolt, and she rushed over with a swoosh, trying to regain the gem.

This is the power of the gods that human beings simply cannot bear.

And she also understands the law of fate, so she would never imagine that the Faith Stele would escape.

The shield light was piercing like a ray of light, forcing Su Lun not to get close.

The ultra-long-distance space teleportation array is still the energy body of the level of transmission of the Outer God, and the space gem required is the treasure level. Even in the treasure house of Lu Ying's royal family, there is no second gem of the same kind!

From the first day of apprenticeship, everyone learns to recite this more oath-like mantra from their teacher. Since then, they have embarked on the road of seeking the truth of this world.

Su Lun looked at it and muttered to himself.

As long as you can stand up, what is there to fear?

Just the moment I teleported out,

Su Lun controls the elemental puppets, all kinds of siege.

After thinking about this, Su Lun finally felt that the breathless pressure on his heart had dissipated.

Su Lun rolled his eyes: "."

When Pandora began to absorb the power of belief in the stone tablet, the outer god on the battlefield in the distance was completely crazy.

This legendary hunter just changed his tricks, and opened his mouth to sing a sharp ballad.

That teleportation array is protected by top-level magic restrictions, and top-level professionals can't break it for a short time!

He had been besieged before, and this Outer God saw that he had no advantage at all, so he was almost always in a defensive posture, trying to consume Master Pierre to death.

He couldn't help the stone tablet, but this one can!

Pestoya blinked, "Yes, after merging with Shenhuo, I can perceive some of the thoughts of the people around me. Although I'm not very skilled, it is still very smooth to communicate with my sister."

The old and distant chanting resounded throughout Lingdun City.

After that, no one could stop Pandora from stealing the faith.

Su Lun asked in surprise, "Telepathy?"

Or, killing them is also some kind of trap?

In the face of the outer god of civilization disaster level [Sea Giant Clarence], it would seem a little too playful to say that senior sister's backhand is only her own little sixth-order.

Even if a top professional comes, under the attack of this power of faith, he will instantly hear indescribable whispers and cause a mental breakdown.

A few hundred meters away, Su Lun saw the blood-filled sanctuary in the distance, recognized the origin of the technique, and frowned slightly.

Su Lun's pupils shrank suddenly, he raised his hand, four terrifying wax figures and a bunch of puppets were already protecting him.

The only one that remained intact was the wind element wax figure that was stuffed into William's complete soul!

This is an eighth-order curse technique.

As soon as Pandora appeared here, all the clues were connected.

Seeing this, Su Lun wasn't too surprised.

At this moment, when he looked at the stone again, his eyes gradually became unkind.

He watched helplessly as Pestoya floated out, and then the ghost lady floated towards the Alchemy Sanctuary as if no one else was there.

Su Lun turned his gaze to the ghost lady who suddenly floated out.

He ignored the woman, and a teleportation had already appeared inside the Alchemy Sanctuary.

People with a little bit of conscience can't bear to let go.

Then, the incredible picture was staged!

Even the hard body of the gargoyle is like plasticine, and the body of silver has various wave deformations.

Thoughts flashed in Su Lun's mind, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

Seeing this, "Song Witch" Maria dashed away, trying to stop her.

Su Lun looked into the distance, and a red parasite rolled in like a torrent.

And various news came from the communicator from time to time, the Outer God was desperate, and the battlefield moved quickly here.

"Puff puff".

It was the last goodbye made by the great alchemist to this world.

But because of Pestoya, this belief attack has no effect on Su Lun.

Ask for a monthly ticket~

There, the night of the flares was like day, and several tall figures were still fighting fiercely.

And Su Lun also has two-way crows.

This is just the common belief of all alchemists.

This is very likely.

Looking at the two red moons in the sky in the distance, it was still dazzling, and the one on the battlefield over there was naturally a mirror copy of Pandora.

Su Lun's puzzled expression also froze on his face.

At this moment, the battle has entered the most tragic stage.

"She destroyed the space array?"

"Su Lun, it should be coming at you, be careful!"

As a legendary hunter, Maria has a variety of methods.

Although Maria couldn't see Pestoya, she could see the huge space gem floating in the air!

After a rough estimate, the damage has been reduced by more than 90%!

Uncle Crow also collapsed several times with Su Lun before.

Su Lun has experienced it before.

As she said that, she added a little playfully, "I can also sense Mr. Su Lun's thoughts. So, you'd better not have any strange thoughts in normal times."

Su Lun listened and laughed heartily.

If it was so destructive, it would have been destroyed by teleporting in just now.


One-handed sound wave control, one-handed flying needle pierces the brain, almost sure to kill.

The seventh-order spell hit him, but it just stinged?

A figure emerged from a mirror.

Not long after, the evil god's will finally dissipated completely.

It's not that I got caught by accident.

Su Lun estimated that if he went in now, he would probably turn into a pool of pus and blood.

Su Lun once saw Mr. Mirror use this trick in Puerto Caldera.

Just this thought flashed, and Pestoya obviously understood it again, and said, "I could have made a move earlier~ But my sister told me to delay for a while, and I also know that Mr. Su Lun, your understanding state just now is very rare, just I didn't bother you."

"Everyone, be careful, those Outer God believers are crazy and start to break through desperately!"

Because of this, he wants it to continue to be brilliant.

Su Lun thought that he had understood the field of death, and it was time to show his skills.


Now even if they wanted to sing, they couldn't open their mouths.

Before, the main body couldn't stand in the sound field, so I didn't have the mind to fight head-on.

Looking at Pestoya now, he understood everything.

And usually top professionals do not leave too obvious shortcomings in their own fields, and this field of rhythm is also fatal to the spiritual body.

In that instant, hundreds of people in the room exploded, blood flying.

He also guessed that Maria O'Casey had brought this group of civilians, probably because of moral kidnapping?

Ordinary puppets exploded into powder.


Su Lun felt that he didn't need to worry about the stone tablet.

Suddenly, he thought of Pestoya.

You can magically control their minds, and I can physically control their bodies.

He was even more surprised to find that after Pestoya entered, the spatial fluctuations disappeared immediately and completely!

But when he heard these words, his mind suddenly became active, but he thought of other things.

Why is she still so calm?

Knowing that there was no delay, Su Lun pulled out the Dragon Slaying Dagger and wanted to stab the stele.

Instead, he was amazed that he was tricked, and he was still standing?

Unbelievably, at the same time, his eyes lit up with radiance, and he said with joy, "I blocked it?!"

But at this time, a dramatic scene unfolded.

Pestoya glanced at him and responded, "Yes, this sound wave has no effect on me."

The "mountain flood" stopped the coming, and the flame giant's breath was getting lower and lower.

"Then why didn't you take action before?"

He clearly saw the "fluctuation" of the rhythm technique.

This is why he instinctively thought of aiming the glass mirror of the church at the battlefield before, just to make it easier for Mr. Jing to come.

A sixth-order, at least Su Lun who didn't understand the field just now, is absolutely impossible to stop.

But it was because of her "stand-by" that she grasped the rare near-death feeling because she walked on the edge of death again and again.

But now that his godhead is threatened, he has to work hard.

Before you know it, fish-white cyan clouds have already lit up in the sky, and the first rays of sunshine in the dark night shine into the city.

The legendary hunter knew there were masters nearby, but no matter how he sensed it, he couldn't find it.

Su Lun was surprised and delighted.

Even though they were so far apart, an evil aura that made people feel sick to the chest was blowing towards them.

Now that he looks back, he can already spy on the appearance of the truth, and he praises the miracle of the Creator more and more.

The strange thing is that the legendary hunter Maria's cold eyes searched around, but she didn't seem to see her.

With an elemental wax figure with a seventh-order combat power, he is more confident.

Su Lun's eyes twitched slightly.

Seeing that these people were about to sing, he grabbed the void with one hand and five fingers, and a transparent silk thread lingered around his fingertips, instantly spreading across the entire sanctuary.

The process of seeking truth is like uncovering the veil of the world layer by layer. He is really beautiful and beautiful.

No matter how far you are, as long as you reflect in the mirror, you can directly transmit people from the mirror.

"The outer god is also abnormal, it seems to be desperate!"

Fortunately, I worked hard to keep the Outer God, but I didn't think it would be easy.

This ghost lady has been floating by her side since she destroyed the teleportation array just now, and never made another move.

Seeing this, Su Lun frowned.

At that time, he already felt that alchemy was infinitely attractive.

This ability is more evil than mind reading, a bit like the ability of gods to listen to the hearts of believers?


Alchemists never needed any magic spells to cast spells.

But now is the time, not the time to listen to music.

There seemed to be a scream in the ear, and the indescribable whisper of the god.

But where would Su Lun give her a chance?

He thinks, Pestoya has merged with Shenhuo, and it may be normal that others can't see it.

Without the control of the evil god's will, the believers and aberrations in the city lost their lives in an instant and fell in pieces.

And Pestoia and Pandora, one to restrain the soul, and the other to absorb the faith, are all means of targeting the gods.

The ghost lady just swaggered into the alchemy sanctuary without being stopped at all.

Su Lun was not surprised.

These are ordinary people, and the silk thread can easily pierce their skin, like silver needles, piercing the nervous system and depriving the nerves of their control over the body.

Originally, I just wanted to test the shortcomings of the puppet in fighting against such professionals, and wanted to inscribe relevant runes in a targeted manner in the future.

Believers can kill without hesitation.

He put the space gem into the storage space first.

It's easy to get, making Su Lun feel that he just tried his best to stop the teleportation a few times, as if the clown was actually me?

When the puppet is summoned, the beautiful melody can be heard.

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