Chapter 493

Su Lun started a new retreat after successfully merging the colony, trying to digest the soul fragments he had obtained before.

This flash, it took ten days.

Since he awakened the [Death Reaper] talent, he has never spent such a long time digesting soul fragments.

It's not that it is difficult to peel off, but it is a process that requires too much energy to digest too much cognition and knowledge beyond his current rank.

"You peeled off the shard of the soul of 'Pierre Ray Polnareff'"

"You have obtained a small amount of 'Ninth-Order Strength Law Fragments' and 'Ninth-Order Fire Law Fragments'."

"You have comprehended some 'fighting skills comprehension', 'advanced rune language technique comprehension', 'earth, fire, and thunder elemental law fragments', 'high-level alchemy knowledge'."

"You have acquired some experience in using the 'Isaac Giant's Power Equipment'"


"You ripped off the soul fragment of 'Sea Giant Clarence'"

"You have glimpsed some of the essence of 'famine', 'plague' and 'death'."

"You have acquired a small amount of ancient gods' techniques, a trace of incomprehensible 'ultra-order Calamity Law' perception"


Master Pierre is proficient in the law of power and the law of fire, but it does not mean that he only understands these two laws.

Most top alchemists are very knowledgeable.

When it really reaches a certain height, the understanding of the low-level laws is all-in-one.

Even if you don't major, it's not bad.

Pierre's comprehension level of other collateral laws, such as the law of the elements of land, wind, and water, is at least the eighth-order level, and the rare light, darkness, and thunder also have a seventh-order understanding.

Almost all of them are much higher than Su Lun's current rank.

Although very few, very fragmentary.

But very crucial!

Because of the [Death Reaper], Su Lun's own foundation is very solid, and it can be said that he is proficient in all systems below the seventh rank.

A little bit of adjustment may lead to qualitative changes.

The soul fragments of Master Pierre made Su Lun stand at the height of the ninth order to take a look, and he suddenly became enlightened.

Those who could not understand before, suddenly understand.

The most direct is the change of the two laws of "power" and "fire". On the previous panel, Su Lun's current level understanding evaluation was S and B+, and now it is double S+.

Almost all other systems have made a qualitative leap.

As for the Soul Fragment of the Outer God, it was much simpler and cruder.

Said to be a god, he is actually a collection of beliefs of believers.

It is the manifestation of "calamity", and the whole existence is the condensation of the laws of heaven and earth.

Su Lun learned a lot after harvesting, and also obtained some scattered fragments of the ancient Shinto system.

All in all, a great harvest.

This saved him years, if not decades, of penance.

Su Lun is also fortunate that he first fused the breeding equipment to increase the strength of his body, otherwise it would have been a lot of waste.

After digesting those soul fragments, Su Lun's mental power has skyrocketed again, and it has almost reached the limit that his current body can bear.

Too much water is poured into the jar, and it will overflow and waste.

In the practice room.

The process of meditation is like the mind wandering in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The innumerable thoughts in Su Lun's mind were like cobwebs.

When it was gathered back, the whole person's consciousness gradually became clear.

He opened his eyes from the meditation, his eyes gradually became clear, and he said to himself: "If you are a seventh-order advanced material, why not merge with [Breaching Crown]?"

Now he needs to advance to the seventh step, and the upper limit of the body's mental strength will be raised again.

[Desecrated Crown] is indeed an ideal advanced material.

This is a curse of the mysterious system, and it is just that fusion can greatly improve the endurance of physical and mental power.

More importantly, you can permanently obtain the ability to comprehend the laws of a part of the crown.

You can also touch the two cosmic rules thresholds of [kingship] and [dominant] that can condense the godhead, which will qualitatively improve the control of the puppet army.

In general, several attributes of the crown are highly compatible with Su Lun's current need for advanced abilities.

Before, because the conditions were too harsh, they could not be integrated at all.

But after absorbing the soul fragments of Master Pierre, all kinds of law perceptions almost reached the fusion conditions, which made him have this idea.

However, don't worry.

Su Lun thought of something, and stood up: "The field is not perfect, and the understanding of elements is also poor, so you have to slow down."

The "death field" that I comprehend is very strong, but because of its strength, it is more difficult than ordinary fields to form an impeccable logical closed loop.

The most important thing in the seventh-order advanced is the field. If it is not perfect, it will be fatal to encounter real masters in the future to expose flaws.

And the foundation is not solid, and the follow-up and rank will also be congenitally insufficient.

Su Lun felt that he still lacked a little chance for insight.

And he also needs to take time to adapt to the skyrocketing strength.

Don't be in a hurry to advance to the seventh level.

After retreating for more than half a month, Su Lun hardly ever walked out of the practice room.

Opening the door, he came to the captain's room next door.

There was no one in the room.

At this time, Qianjo should still be practicing on the deck.

Recently, everyone in the Dawn Group has been very enthusiastic about their practice, and they can always hear the sound of fighting.

And Mr. Mirror left the day after he fused the cloak.

Ling Dun fought the Outer God, and everyone knew the leader of this dawn organization.

The Dawn Organization base camp in Xenodia Province needs her to preside over the overall situation.

What's more, he broke the Son's arm before, and now Mr. Jing must be the focus of the Celestials. Instead, she might put Su Lun and the others in danger by staying on the boat.

The captain's room was empty, which was fine.

Su Lun looked at the large bath in the captain's room, and smelled his already smelling clothes. After thinking about it, he walked over and turned on the hot water valve of the boiler, intending to take a bath first.

Qianjo has never been vague about soaking in soup. She replaced the small bathtub before and got the current 4*4 meter large bathtub. It's almost like a bathtub.

However, after Su Lun tried it once before, it also felt pretty good.

After incorporating the [Isaac Giant's Power], he has grown a lot stronger, and the spacious bath is just right.

The water was rushing, he rinsed his body, and the water was almost done.

No one was there anyway, so Su Lun went into the water with her bare bottom.

The warm water soaked the whole body, and the pores were relaxed.

But as soon as I entered the water, I heard the sound of twisting the doorknob beside my ear.

Only those few people will come to the captain's room, and you don't need to feel to know who is coming.

Qianjo walked in and looked at the steaming bathroom, "Hey, have you put the water in? Tsk tsk, just wanted to take a bath."

As she spoke, she walked into the room and heard "keng kang" twice, as if she had put a knife on the table.

Then there was the rustling sound of undressing.

Looks like they're going to have a dip together.

Su Lun was used to it for a long time and didn't care.

He lay comfortably by the bathtub, closed his eyes slightly, and asked casually, "Sister Qianjo, have you completed your practice today?"

A few meters away, the water in the shower clattered again. Just listening to the sound of the water, I could imagine that when I opened my eyes, I would definitely see a charming picture.

Qianjo said while rinsing his body, "Yeah. Isn't it that the laws of planes have become more intense recently, and many high-level laws that were difficult to perceive before have become easier to understand, and the efficiency of practice is very high. And I found three solutions. [Rakshasa Girl] seems to have some special insights and blessings on the high-level laws of the different planes, and unconsciously there is a breakthrough in the field. Now it is almost perfect, and I am ready to find an opportunity to advance to the seventh order."


Hearing this, Su Lun couldn't help but cry.

He himself is still worried about how to improve the Death Field, but Qianjo is already confident that he can advance?

I carefully sensed her breath, and it was obviously different from before.

However, Su Lun captured another key piece of information in that passage, and asked back, "The laws of planes are strong?"

"Yeah, don't you feel it?"

Qianjo responded, "It's getting richer every day. Recently, many people on board have advanced."


Only then did Su Lun remember what Mr. Jing said before, that after the connection between the plane channels is established, the high-level laws of the Celestial Plane will spill into the alchemy surface.

But these days he has been digesting the soul fragments of Master Pierre, and he is always in a state of concentration and perception, and he really does not notice the change.

But this is also a blessing in disguise.

The laws are rich and perfect, and it is easy for professionals in the alchemy plane to advance, which seems to be a good thing.

But that means the plane channel has been successfully established.

Perhaps, someone from the plane of the gods has already come over.

The water in the bathtub was already full, and at this time, there was a sound of "crashing".

When the water swayed, Su Lun knew that Chijo had entered.

The bath is huge, but the two of them are used to bathing side by side on weekdays.

Chijo didn't shy away, so he put a towel on the edge of the bath and lay down not far from Su Lun.

The water was rippling, and the two of them touched skin from time to time.

Su Lun closed his eyes and thought about it carefully, but the two of them didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, Su Lun thought of something and asked, "Sister Qianjo, is there any news recently?"

Qianjo closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort, and replied, "Yes. After the Bona royal family stepped down, Lu Ying fought every day, and there were big news in the newspapers every day. Archduke Raphael is now the head of the Lu Yinghui Society. The momentum is on the rise. That guy is not too ambitious. He probably knows that the lord system will have endless troubles. He doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of the royal family, so he wants to take the opportunity to take the power away from the lord. Now his mechanical army is fighting everywhere, almost sweeping away The major lords of the previous political enemy factions”

Su Lun was not surprised at all.

Although he was not interested in Lu Ying's political situation, he suddenly thought of Yekaterina. Compared to Archduke Raphael's limelight, this one seems to be a little too low-key.

Qianjo continued: "And there is also unfortunate news. Archduke Raphael announced that the spread of the belief in outer gods is prohibited across the country, and our 'Dawn' is now also banned from entering the country."

Su Lun was slightly surprised, but after thinking about it, he guessed something, "Because of Pandora?"


Qianjo hummed and said again: "The Lu Yinghui Society sent a letter asking Filo to hand over Pandora for investigation. It was said that it was to control the risk of belief. Naturally, Filo did not agree. Therefore, our 'Dawn' was rejected by the Lu Yingying Society. It has been classified as an Outer God sect. Although we were not wanted and hanged because of the opposition of the Lance family, members are not allowed to enter the territory of Lu Ying.”


Su Lun frowned.

The last time when the cataclysm of Lingdon, Pandora's belief stealing played a crucial role.

But in the eyes of outsiders, isn't this another "outer god"?

As long as the power is not in his hands, this is a potential threat, and it is not surprising that such an ambitious Raphael will respond to this.

Qianjo picked up a few more important sentences and said, "Also, Marfa has announced a temporary truce. I don't know if it's because of the plane passage or something else. Anyway, it just didn't fight."


Su Lun doesn't care about politics, so he just listens.

Chijo wasn't interested either.

At this time, she thought of some news that she was interested in, and her tone was obviously brisk, "And then there is the information from the Rhaegardi family. The newspaper has already published the matter of William who Fick killed, saying it was a love murder. . Now Rhaegarland has announced that 'Fick' is Rhaegarland's first-in-line heir."

Speaking of which, she suddenly touched Su Lun with her elbow and said meaningfully: "Su Lun, you really don't want to go back to be a prince? The newspaper reported that Regaldi XI is not in good health, you might go back soon. To be king. Tsk tsk, king!"

Su Lun listened and rolled his eyes, "Not interested."

He listened to Qianjo's ridicule, and the two were very close again, so he put his hand on it.

This is the action of hooking one's shoulders on one's back, and Qianjo didn't care.

But after a moment, the gambling addict young woman suddenly noticed something, pursed her lips, and muttered, "Hey, hey, boy. Your hand."

Su Lun pretended to smirk, but didn't mean to withdraw his hand.

But not an inch.

I just put it there, enjoying the heavy and warm touch.

Qianjo looked at this cheeky guy with a helpless expression.

She glanced at it with disgust, as if she had remembered something, and then whispered, "Don't think of me again."

Hearing this, Su Lun's face instantly showed a half-smile expression, not knowing what she was referring to.

I didn't have any arrogant thoughts at all, just listening to what she said, some charming pictures unconsciously came to my mind. I didn't realize that my eyebrows moved slightly, and I was quite high-spirited.

He really liked the way the two of them got along.

Neither thick nor light.

Occasionally a little thicker, but also really good.

Qianjo rolled his eyes, didn't feel unhappy, and had no choice but to let him go.

After taking a bath, I feel refreshed.

Su Lun rarely rests.

The two were slept together, speechless all night.

Over the next few days, Su Lun continued to practice controlling his "death field" in the cabin.

Just as Qianjo said, Su Lun gradually felt the strong plane laws that day.

It was like someone sprinkled a spoonful of salt in clear water soup, and the taste gradually became richer.

Especially in the state of the second solution Death Reaper, Su Lun clearly felt that the illusory high-level laws before were becoming easier to grasp.

With the blessing of [Desecrated Crown], he has a new understanding of his death field every day.

This greatly reduces the step-up time.

Qianjo also rarely goes out. She is just on the threshold of the seventh-order advance and needs a stable state.

And Su Lun's death field will condense the law of death, which is also of great benefit to her kendo perception.

The two of them were in the cabin, each comprehend and practiced, and they also helped each other.

During this process, Su Lun also discovered that the talent of the three solutions may involve some super-level fields that only gods can reach.

Qianjo's [Rakshasa Girl] obviously has extraordinary efficiency in capturing those high-level laws.

Getting along day and night these days, under the blessing of the crown, Su Lun often felt some very dangerous aura emanating from her from time to time. It's not an ordinary law, but it seems to be a super-order law that he still can't understand when he stripped the Outer God.

In short, very strong.

The people of the Yongye sailed all the way to the west, and their destination was "Nugget Island", which was the secret base of Archduke Raphael.

The island was in a dangerous desolate sea where no merchant ships would pass, and it should have hardly encountered any ships in the first place.

Tani also deliberately planned a route that was not easy to find.

But on this day, Su Lun and Chijo were meditating in the room, and suddenly the communicator rang: "Captain Chijo, Mr. Su Lun, a pirate ship is following us. It seems to be Moloch, the "King of the West Sea". Poppin's squad! "

PS. I have been sorting out the outline of this volume in the past two days, and I haven't finished it yet. Sorry for the short word count.

Thank you for the 1500 coins of 'Moonlight Sunshine the Heart', 'It's hard to come up with a broken name', 'Flame Red Snow', 'The Unknown Soldier of Gensokyo', and 'Poison Knife'. Thank you for your support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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