Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 501 Goodbye No. 19

Chapter 501 Goodbye No. 19

Su Lun jumped off the airship, found a hillside beside a railway, and lay down leisurely.

After waiting for a long time, I waited for a train to the imperial capital Capitol.

The cities of the Marfa Empire are highly mechanized, and the most important machine for powering production and life is the steam engine. Therefore, major cities need to consume a lot of coal every day. After decades of development, almost any city in Marfa is connected by a developed railway transportation network.

Railroads require stops along the way and are much slower than airships.

Su Lun took a hitch and arrived at the South City Railway Station of Capitron, it was noon the next day.

Although he had long known that the city of Marfa was exaggerated, when Su Lun got off the train, he was still shocked by the steel forest in front of him.

Into the dense buildings, hundreds of high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere.

Highly mechanized cities are very polluted, and Kabitron is no exception.

The smell of soot in the air made Su Lun, a newcomer here, feel a little choking. However, because there is no humid climate like Lington, there is no fog in the city, and the exhaust gas is blown into the distance with the towering chimney.

The neighborhood of Nancheng Railway Station was transformed from the old city for hundreds of years, and the planning seems a bit messy. But it is this clutter, paired with the main tone of steel and steam, which has a heavy and rough industrial style.

In Lu Ying, steam locomotives are reserved for nobles and rich people, and there are few private locomotives on the road.

But here, one per person.

Under the street, the streets are full of speeding steam locomotives.

It is only a traditional classic car, and there are no mechanical vehicles with mechanical fleas, steam copper bulls, steel giants, and miniature airships under the street.

Obviously mass production, but private remodeling.

In Marfa, the title of "Intermediate Mechanic" per capita.

The fewest shops on the street are the dazzling machinery shops.

"That national strength, Ling Dun is only 70 years behind."

Lu Ying walked out of the train station and looked at the street with emotion.

The wealth of Lington is concentrated at the top of the pyramid. The nobles are indeed very poor, but the commoners can only be said to be struggling on the edge of survival. The 2,000-year-old textile workers in the Guanhe Textile Factory are already very enviable jobs.

But outside, carefully looking at the mechanic apprentice recruitment notice posted under the street sign, the salary is 7 kilograms and the starting fee (about 10,000 foreign fee).

Machinery has slightly reduced social productivity, and most industries that require sparse manpower have been replaced by machinery.

After solving the problem of survival, the development of civilization will enter the low-speed road.

The gap between the two small empires will be like a snowball, getting smaller and smaller.

If it is traditional alchemy, it is still strong.

Walking down the street, there are no all kinds of brokers on the side of the road.

In addition to the traditional astringent industry, less is mechanical sales.

"Hey, buddy, do you need a mechanical prosthesis modification? Guaranteed to be the latest technology, the best price. You can also customize the robotic arm you need."

"The boxing robotic arm produced by Tyson Mechanical Fighting Company, the best combat robotic arm for hunting and fighting. As long as 80,000 kroner, you can have the power of a giant bear."

"Lairer Machinery Shop undertakes various mechanical transformations, artificial lungs, laser prosthetic eyes, and bionic sponges"


Lu Ying walked all the way.

Almost everyone in the field of vision has no partial mechanical prosthesis underneath.

That suddenly made me think that I was back to the old combat power and saw the explosive reformers of the "Steam Party".


Those mechanical prosthetic technologies are derived from the old combat power.

Since the next time the King of the North Sea robbed the Baita Mine, and before the old Guanhe's mechanical prosthetic modification technology spread, a very small number of technologies, personnel and equipment have come to Marfa through various Baishi channels.

Whether there is a mechanical prosthesis after Mafa, and the level of technology is the same as before, but the research and development direction is the same.

In terms of technical level at the mechanical level, Marfa is at most one era ahead of the old customs.

It is simply too difficult for those ultra-low mechanical levels to digest these technologies.

In just one or two years, the mechanical prosthesis technology was digested by Marfa, and even took a step back.

Because the Marfa often deal with machines, the rate of physical self-harm is very low. A mechanical prosthesis is a more perfect substitute than a skeleton attached to it.

Therefore, it is very popular among the Marfa people.

A sharp-eyed agent saw that Lu Ying was "in good health" and kept chasing after him.

Modification of prosthetic limbs is now the last trend of the Marfa trend. If the elderly have changed their arms, it is easy to say that they are elderly.

Guan He was entangled, but he took off his gloves, revealing the mechanical gloves.

Those are the gloves I will make for myself to control puppets in the future, and they are considered high-end products. Wearing it is also considered to do as the locals do, which is so eye-catching.

Those who know how to do it will understand at a glance.

Sure enough, the intermediary immediately knew that it was an expert when he saw it.

I also bothered again, but looked at it and said with admiration: "Yo, sir, his mechanical gloves are very wrong. That is the most popular retro style of combat power recently? Self-retracting elastic device, kinetic energy recovery, Mechanical energy storage. Oh, that's an awesome design!"

Lu Ying smiled and spoke and left.

Although the mechanical gloves are entry-level equipment, no passers-by can understand the design, which is the background of Marfa.

Guan He walked out of the train station and saw a colorful advertising sign.

"Where is he?"

"On the signboard of the Carrot Gun Parts Shop."

"You're here too, I saw him."

"You saw you. Look up, you are under the iron bridge!"


As soon as Lu Ying looked up, he saw next to the iron bridge, a curvaceous motorcycle man with short silver hair, a liquid white leather jacket, and a graceful figure waving at me.

Lu Ying walked over and said hello with a smile: "See you for a long time, big sister No. 14."

No. 14's expression is also very distressed when meeting old friends in a different country.

The corners of your mouth raised a dim arc, and responded, "See you soon, Lu Ying."

When the deceased met, Lu Ying looked at No. 14, looking at your bare, metallic arms, with doubts in his eyes.

Although I know that you are a fully modified mechanical warrior, this is the first time I have seen your naked cyborg limbs.

No. 14 also seemed to see what I was thinking, and explained with a smile: "Bionic skin is very expensive, and it is difficult to break, and the cost of maintenance is very low. It is necessary, and you wear it a lot."

"Oh, that's it."

Lu Ying was stunned when he heard it, and then said with emotion, "Why does it feel like he has changed very little?"

The robotic arm is also a limb of the original "PX911" model, obviously redesigned and manufactured.

The mechanical skeleton revealed in the current Mafa Nianzhong people is a symbol of the trend of the back, so naked is more gregarious, and the camouflage is also eye-catching.

Lu Ying also discovered that the old friend whom he had seen for a long time has changed very little in me, usually his temperament.

After that, he was really a hot mechanical warrior, and now he is obviously more emotional.

Later, in the old battle strength, the relationship between the two was wrong.

No. 14 looked at this scrutinizing gaze, completely mindful, and smiled: "In those few years you came to Marfa and experienced very few things, and it would be vague for a while."

He mentioned that you didn't want to say anything, got off the motorcycle parked on the side of the road, and greeted, "Go, get off. You can change places to catch up."

"it is good."

Lu Ying smiled and got out of the car.

The motorcycle sped away all the way.

The buildings in the center of Kaguan Hexing City are too low and too sparse, like a canopy of trees, and the road conditions are extremely simple.

In Lu Ying's perception, the scary low population density is at most seven or eight times the combat power.

Like the old Guanhe Inner City, the buildings are connected by various iron bridges, turning the whole city into a layered steel forest.

The lower layer of the city is full of sunshine, and the flowers are full of flowers; the lower layer is always dark, so there is no light at the 77th National Congress.

The street is the main color of blue and red, and it looks full of cyberpunk.

On the 14th, Lu Ying was galloping all the way.

When I was young, the motorcycle stopped in a dark alley.

Lu Ying looked up and saw that the seven weeks were all low-rise buildings with less than 100 floors.

The distance between the buildings is more than 70 meters. It is always sunny and the air is slightly dry.

When I got in the car, outside the mechanical modification shop on the street, a sternum was replaced with a metal skeleton. The inch-headed man who was modifying his motorcycle greeted No. 14: "Hey, Nicole, he is back!"

No. 14 also greeted and responded, "Mary, this old-fashioned 'U3 engine' is the right car for him. Does he want to race on the streets tomorrow night? He'll blow his mind. Do you suggest that he go to Tea Beard? Look, you heard that I got a 'Iron Leopard X', which is a good thing."

The inch-headed man looked suddenly, "Oh, thank you Nicole, he always says he can give you the best advice."

"Mary, he's too polite."

Like a friendly greeting from neighbors.

Turning his face, No. 14 had already led Guan He down a rusty iron staircase.

As you walk, you explain, "That's your name in Marfa."

Lu Ying listened and smiled, "Nicole? It sounds good."

Fourteen shrugged.

"Bang", "Bang", "Cang".

The old iron staircase makes little noise, and it has to go down a few floors.

The two friends who had suffered and suffered together, even if they have seen each other for a long time, are not familiar with each other.

While walking, chatting.

No. 14 said with a half-smiling tone: "Recently, I heard that he made a small incident, and it was published in the newspapers over Marfa."

Saying that, you said with a slightly emotionless tone: "The little family has become very powerful."

Guan He also said: "His change is also very small."

No. 14 made a decision, smiled, and then asked, "How is the situation of the plane invasion?"

Guan He said: "It's wonderful. It's time to prepare for battle."

Hearing this, No. 14's eyes were slightly the same.

When it comes to that topic, you also thought of something, and then added: "There are no rumors in the white market recently, saying that there are no 'people from the Netherlands' who know the origin. We use low-level magic, Killed a lot of people, as if looking for something."

Lu Ying: "Well. It should be an intruder from the plane of the gods."

Go up one flight of stairs and there is a way.

No. 14 jumped and jumped down two more floors, landing under a steel structure platform.

Guan He also jumped over.

The two came to a house that looked like a shipping container.

It feels like you live under an abandoned tower crane?

No. 14 opened the door, turned and invited Lu Ying, "Please leave."

Lu Ying observed the dilapidated environment for seven weeks, but also cared about it and walked away.

Although luxurious, the outside of the house is neat and tidy.

There are many living facilities, and the house is densely packed with various mechanical tools, parts, and no design drawings.

It was amazing that the windows outside the house could just see the sunlight.

No. 14 seemed to be very satisfied with that, and said, "It's rare to find a house on the ground floor where you can see the sunlight of dawn. Sit carefully, you're welcome."

Of course Lu Ying regarded himself as an insider, so he sat under the sofa,

No. 14 explained: "There is the C6 area, which is a civilian area of ​​the imperial capital. There are not many small heavy gun production factories, but the most important thing is that outside is the place where the headquarters of the 'Mechanical Alchemy Union' is located. The smallest free market for machinery in Capitron. Oh, no white market yet."

Lu Ying asked, "He lives there all the time?"

No. 14: "Yeah. It's convenient to buy materials, and the 'Mafa Royal Mechanical Academy' is in the eight blocks. You are usually here during the day."

Lu Ying was more interested in hearing that, you only know Zaimafa on the 14th, but you know that you go to school there.

I asked, "He's going to the Royal Academy?"

No. 14 blinked, "Yes, how did he think your mechanical limbs came from? That's all you changed. It's still a mistake to learn to retreat, but it's less than the level of the title of 'Junior Mechanic'."

Looking at your demeanor, Lu Ying said again: "Yes, you mean, special people can study at Mafa Royal Academy?"

No. 14: "Yeah, anyone can. As long as you pay enough money and can understand, even the dean's course of the Royal Academy of Mechanical Engineering is allowed to listen. The Harves Royal Family has very little regard for educational resources. The tuition is quite cheap. The salary level of Capitron is also wrong. Even the poorest at the bottom can have any threshold as long as they want to learn mechanical knowledge. If the grades are good enough, they can develop a few patents or something in school, so There will be no generous scholarships.”


Lu Ying listened, and once again felt that Marfa's weakness was inevitable.

Compared with Lington, these nobles want to monopolize knowledge and stabilize their position, so as to learn the behavior of the commoners from generation to generation. Marfana's free learning environment is nothing short of heaven.

"What to drink? Beer?"

On the 14th, he said it was an inquiry, but he actually took out a dozen beers from the storage ring and said, "You usually have something ready to drink. He told you that he would come after two hours, so he could only drink it in the I bought some beer carefully on the way to pick him up just now."

Lu Ying doesn't care about anything, "It's okay. You are so polite."

No. 14 smiled slightly, opened a can of beer for me, and opened a can for himself, and said, "There is nothing to admire about Capitron, the whole city is a huge industry. The base. If you look out of the window, you can already see a small half of the whole city. I am used to the laboratory on weekdays, and it is restraint to stay in other places, so I brought him to your residence. "

Saying that, you added: "He doesn't mind your extravagance."

How could Lu Ying mind that, and think that kind of private space is more suitable for reminiscing, but I'm more curious that No. 14 is gurgling and drinking?

I asked directly, "Can he drink beer now?"

Lu Ying remembered that the super mechanical warrior seemed to only need to add a little glycogen to the cerebellum, and the power source was also the energy spar.

As for alcohol and food, there is simply nothing left.

No. 14: "Yes, you have to pretend to be an abnormal person. So you got yourself a 'prosthetic stomach', and you can eat on weekdays."

You know what Lu Ying is curious about. When he spoke, he directly opened the zipper of the leather jacket on his chest, revealing the snow-white bionic skin.

Ran Qian opened his chest cavity, pointed at the densely packed mechanical internal organs, and said, "It's the [Little Stomach King Bionic Stomach Pouch], Mafa's latest white technology, which cost you 800,000 crowns."

Seeing you, Lu Ying opened his chest like that, and his mind froze slightly.

No. 14 added: "Of course, those are living mechanical limbs. You don't have a combat limb that can be replaced at any time. Marfa's technology is far ahead of the old combat power, and the lower limit of mechanical armor can reach Quasi-four. Rank Su Lun. And your luck was wrong later, you found a scrapped multi-level battle armor in the white market. You also developed a new type of bionic skin, the defense ability is very wrong. You put those The technology has been modified under his own mechanical body, and now, there is no combat power of about the eighth rank."

Lu Ying heard the subtle loneliness in No. 14's tone.

Now that the plane invasion is a foregone conclusion, as a member of the Dawn group, you want to help.

But it seems that he feels that he is weak enough to help.

In fact, when the Mirror Organization rushed out of the White Pagoda, and No. 14 knew that there were no fourth-order professionals at the lowest level in the world, you were deeply aware of your strength.

The super mechanical warrior was originally an assembly-line product made for legion combat, and the single unit was only about the 8th and 7th rank professionals.

Moreover, you are not a Su Lun who can improve yourself through practice.

But the mechanical ceiling is not high.

As long as there are no weak enough mechanical limbs, Su Lun can skyrocket immediately.

It's just that Lington does not have this condition at all.

So you came to Marfa to learn mechanics and want to get weaker.

until now.

Moreover, No. 14 still knows that none of you is the same as other mechanical warriors.

In fact, Lu Ying came to Mafa for no purpose, just to find you.

Talking about the topic of Su Lun, Lu Ying also thought of something, and asked nonchalantly, "Did he feel good luck and low learning efficiency recently?"

Number 14 knew why I suddenly asked that question, and said in surprise, "Yeah. How did he know?"

Lu Ying showed a meaningful smile and said, "You think, he may have awakened a very rare talent."

Fourteen listened and blinked suspiciously: "Huh?"

Raphael once chose to use the most direct method in order to slow down the research regression in the stage of experimenting with "neuro-mechanical technology", which is a small amount of regression human experiments.

Use an ultra-low experimental base to screen out experimental subjects with low neuro-mechanical tolerance, and then conduct subsequent research on survivors.

No. 14 is the most perfect experimental body in the old Guan Hejing.

Then someone knows why you don't have to. Even Dr. Banks has researched why, only guessing is a probabilistic special case.

But before Lu Ying met the Old Cowboy Detective Seven, Emilia's [A-028-Angel of Justice] talent made Lu Ying guess the real reason.

At the beginning of the experiment, the first batch of super mechanical warrior subjects were injected with "X serum" in order to weaken the survival rate of the human body before nerve stripping and increase the rejection.

According to Dr. Banks, No. 14 is the most perfect experimental body, and the fusion is successful without any distortion.

That's exactly the same situation as Emilia.

And [A-028-Angel of Justice] is a talent with soul as the carrier.

In other words, even if No. 14 has flesh and blood, the impact will be small.

Moreover, since Mr. Jing chose you as a member of the mirror organization, he also had a hunch about something else. It's just Su Lun for your mech warrior.

That talent is very rare, few people know it.

Guan He still asked the old cowboy, only to know that the A-level talent has no aura of "angel blessing" in addition to the overwhelming sense of justice.

Hidden low luck value, low savvy, low potential.

That talent sounds very empty, as if there is no increase in the actual Su Lun.

But in reality, it is very weak.

Once that talent is awakened, as the embodiment of justice, it will be eroded by evil.

In layman's terms, it means that there is no hidden attribute of "turning bad luck into good luck".

Only then did Lu Ying understand that after that, Emilia, a righteous elder sister, was always dying, and it was another reason that she could live so small. It was the hidden "low luck value" of her talent.

The same goes for the fourteenth!

You have been hunted down and killed several times in the old combat power, and there are various signs that it may be due to that talent.

And "low luck" also makes you have better opportunities and opportunities than others.

Hearing Lu Ying's explanation on the 14th, he recalled his various experiences along the way, as if there was no mysterious power in the shadows.

I think it's because of talent.

You also sighed, "So that's how it is."

The mass-produced mechanical warriors originally needed some kind of talent. After all, their bodies were completely mechanized, and no talent was damaged.

No. 14 is obviously in the wrong mood. Knowing that he has no talent, he seems to be more different from abnormal people.

At that time, Lu Ying said again: "By the way, you don't have a very general mechanical part, maybe he can use it."

Saying that, I took out a pair of golden wings.

[Battle Angel Golden Wings (Remnant)]

Detailed explanation: A part of the "War Angel" mechanical armor forged by the dwarf gods for the ancient mechanical gods; even if it is complete, it still has no divine power and no special combat utility; it is damaged and needs to be repaired;

It was one of the "God Forbidden Objects" that were later found outside the Mirror Library.

Lu Ying sloppily studied the following runes and confirmed that the wings were "God-level" mechanical fragments.

Yes, the problem is that the technical level of that thing is too low, and there is no way to repair it.

Moreover, there are no matter how low the temperature of the flame is melted. [Vulkan's Furnace Lamp] The sealed flame can be melted, but Lu Ying dares to melt if he has any confidence that it can be repaired.

Thinking that the level of Marfa forging is low, there may be no possibility of repair.


As soon as he saw the wings, No. 14 immediately turned his eyes away, as if he also saw a colorful glow in his eyes.

You stroked the wings, and the cold touch slid across your fingertips, as if touching your own skin, feeling a soul-like fit, and murmured, "You seem to think that the wings are unfamiliar."

Lu Ying was also slightly surprised when he saw the vision of the glow. It was something that I had studied for a long time after that.

But I didn't think it was too strange, but I was relieved.

In the myths and legends that have been passed down in the classics, there are very few ancient artifacts that are exclusive items forged according to the characteristics of blood.

Like myths and legends, there is no [Thunder Hammer], and it is rumored that non-thunder blood inheritors can take it all.

Lu Ying thought that if No. 14 was a talent of [Angel of Justice] and a mechanical body, it might fit.

If you think about it, you guessed it right.

Lu Ying smiled and said, "See you for a long time. That's a gift for him."

No. 14 said in surprise: "Give it to you?"

Even if it is a remnant, how can you know that it is a scary low-grade golden wing, and it is definitely a treasure.

A moment of surprise in my heart.

Ben was at a loss for what to do, but looking at Lu Ying's completely concerned expression, he swallowed the words on the 14th.

After pondering for a moment, your simple feelings turned into a relieved smile, and said lightly: "Thank you."

Lu Ying glanced at you with a smile, raised the wine jug, "Cheers."

Treasures are worthless outside the hands of useless people, not to mention giving them to friends, I will be stingy in that regard.

Fourteen raised a touch, "Cheers!"

The two drank a few cans of wine and chatted about some old-fashioned topics.

At that time, something came to mind on the 14th: "By the way, Lu Ying, did he want you to pay attention to some information? In the next two days, you happened to hear that no one in the White Market was offering a reward for the [Shard of Ouroboros]. The news of intelligence. I heard him say that the intelligence involved is very small, and you dare to contact it rashly. But it happens that there is no 'illegal modification party' tonight."

Thanks to 'Happy Bad Guy' 500, 'Yan Hongxue', '20190625124300306', '20210301106468265758'. Thanks to the four for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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