Medical Martial God

Chapter 1369: Heroes die!

On the battlefield, Gu Bena, showing the true body of the ancient god, took Ye Xuan on the battlefield at a super fast speed.

Gu Bena, who reveals the true body of the ancient god, is like a stunning goddess of war, with a strong momentum, and the terrible blood of the ancient **** is revealed at this moment.

No enemy can hinder her pace, whether it is the attacks of the Hengyunfu monks, or the various artillery attacks of the Star Wars, falling on her body will cause no harm to her.

She punched out with a punch, and she was as powerful as a mountain. She was in a state of collapse. The D-class warships that were attacked side by side by several D-class warships in the front were directly smashed by her fist and burst in mid-air.

Even the C-class battleship could not withstand a blow in front of her, and was directly destroyed by a punch, which was extremely brutal and brave.

No one can resist what she has been through, just relying on the power of the powerful body to crush the enemies she encountered.

The cavalry on fiery horses and heavy armor of Hengyun House stabbed her with a long spear. Not only did she not cause any slight damage to her, but she was spit out of the blood and was flew out by the terrifying power, and then was The ancient god's power released by the ancient **** of Gubena shattered and shattered.

Ye Xuan stood on Gu Beina's shoulders, without any slight fluctuations on his face, waving a dragon blade mercilessly and slashing out a blade of gas attacking the life of a famous Hengyun Man.

Why is it remote?

Because there is a huge ancient **** Gubena here, there is no enemy at all within 100 meters.

The war circle between the two of them is the invincible existence.

With the Dragon Nest and Hengyun Mansion completely fighting, the entire battlefield can be described as huge. Ye Xuan and Gu Bena's battle circle is only the tip of the iceberg in this battlefield.

With the help of Gu Bena, the speed of Ye Xuan's slaughter was almost extreme. It only took a moment to destroy an enemy's cavalry with huge lethality.

Ye Xuan glanced around the battlefield, with a dim light flashing in his eyes.

Although his war circle is almost an overwhelming advantage, other war circles are not optimistic.

Ye Xuan saw that in a distant battle circle, a dragon-scale dragonscale mech team was fighting against a C-class battleship, but the dragonscale mech team was completely at a disadvantage.

After all, this is a very powerful C-class battleship. They advance and retreat in an orderly manner, can be attacked and accepted, and the firepower carried is particularly powerful and fierce.

Although the dragon scale mech has strong defense and attack power, it can't be compared with the C-class battle fleet. In front of the C-class battle fleet, the dragon scale mech team is as small as a group of ants.

From a distance, it looks like a group of ants are siege to a group of giant elephants, each action of the giant elephant is enough to lift the ants.

If it were n’t for the Dragonscale mech team that was tenacious, and even entangled them in a self-destructive manner, I am afraid that this C-class fleet with 50 ships would have rushed into another battlefield against the dragon. The nest warriors caused devastating blows, which may cause countless casualties among the dragon nest warriors.

"Bena, go to that battlefield!"

At the moment, Ye Xuan pointed to the battlefield in the distance and said without hesitation.

"Okay, sir!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Gu Bena nodded gently, rushing toward the distant battlefield with a violent momentum.

"Stop them, I have to stop them at all costs! They can never be allowed to break through our defense line and rush into the battlefield behind, otherwise it will cause irreparable huge losses and casualties ..."

Zhang Lin, the captain of the Dragonscale Mech Team, looked at the C-Class fleet that formed the perfect defense line in front of him. The eyes flashed fiercely, and there was a decisive roar in his mouth.


As his words fell, he was the first to control the damage to 60%, and the nearly out-of-control Dragonscale mech rushed towards the largest C-class battleship in front.

At the moment of rushing out, a large amount of flame was sprayed from the body of the mech, and a huge dragon scale energy sword was called out, held in the hand of the dragon scale mech, and slashed fiercely toward the front A C-class battleship.

Upon seeing this, the controller in the C-class battleship could not help but show a cold and disdainful voice, and there was a playful word in his mouth: "Dare ants also dare to compete with us, it is simply to death!"

"Destroy the cannon, launch!"

At the moment when the controller's words fell, he quietly pressed the launch button of the destruction gun.


A beam of burning endless fire hit the dragon-scale mecha driven by Zhang Lin at a super-fast speed, colliding with the dragon-scale sword he had cut off.

A huge explosion sounded, and the terrifying energy was poured into the dragon scale mecha like wild waves, making the dragon scale mecha's amazing defensive armor surface have a lot of heat coming out, pushing it The mecha driven by Lin kept retreating.

"Warning, warning ... The armor is severely damaged, the armor body is being melted and decomposed by thermal energy, please leave the driver immediately!"

"Warning, warn, the armor is badly damaged, the armor is damaged ... please leave the driver immediately."

At the same time, the system sound inside the mech sounded at this moment.

"Damn, Dragon Scale 1, turn on the backup hidden energy device!"

Listening to the sound of the system prompt, looking at the interior of the collapsed mech, looking at the battleship like a shark with open teeth and claws, Zhang Lin's eyes flashed fiercely, and an angry roar came from his mouth.


As his words fell, the dragon scale mech back hidden energy device was fully activated, and a large amount of flames were ejected from the mech back, which made his power soar and his momentum was great.

"Ah ... rush, break the turtle shell for me!"

Zhang Lin let out a roar in his mouth, maneuvering the dragon-scale mech against the terrifying destructive power of the destroying cannon and rushing toward the C-class battleship, narrowing the distance between them.

"How dare you try to resist?"

Upon seeing this, the pilot of the C-class battleship smiled coldly, and said with a look on his face: "Lao Tzu increases the power to see how you resist!"

During the talk, this guy directly increased the power of the destruction gun to the maximum.

"Warning, warning ... The damage of the armor is serious, the kinetic energy device is damaged, the external armor is melting, the hidden energy device is about to run out, please detach as soon as possible."

Zhang Lin only felt that a burst of gravity had forced him to retreat again and again, and the system sound inside the mech sounded at this moment.

"Help the captain!"

"Help the captain!"

Looking at Zhang Lin, who was forced to retreat again and again, the other members of the Dragonscale Mecha team could not help changing their faces, and with a loud sigh in their mouths, they all flew towards the Dragonscale Mecha driven by Zhang Lin.


Zhang Lin, who was forced to retreat again and again, only felt that a huge amount of energy came from his back, which suddenly reduced his pressure.

Not only that, his figure no longer receded, but approached the C-class battleship in front of him with the terrifying power of the destruction gun.

He turned his head to look and found that he didn't know when several members had rushed to his side, helping him resist the attack of the destruction cannon fired by the C-class battleship and pushing him forward.

"Captain, we will help you together!"

"Yes, Captain, we did him together!"

"Mine is already facing disintegration and disintegration, Captain, let me help you get rid of it together!"

Zhang Lin was about to speak, and the decisive words of the team members came from the intercom.

When the words fell, several other mechas also used backup hidden energy devices at this moment, and a more powerful force exploded, pushing the mecha driven by Zhang Lin to rush forward at a faster speed.

From a distance, five damaged mechas are pushing a mecha that is melting on the surface, rushing forward in the face of a terrible beam of destruction.

Under the devastating beam, the six armored mechs are hard to maintain!

"Tiger! Xiaokai ..."

"team leader!"

This scene made the members of the Dragonscale Mech Squad who were fighting with other battleships all around change their faces, and anxiously shouted.

Without thinking about them, Zhang Lin and his group planned to die with the warship ahead.

"Brothers, live alive! Punch!"

Zhang Lin turned his head to show a beautiful smile to his comrades, and then a roar in his mouth launched the final charge!

"Chong! Chong! Chong!"

The team members who died with Zhang Lin also roared, and turned their power to the maximum.

They rushed out faster, ignoring the attack from the warship, and gradually enlarged directly in the pilot ’s pupil, waving the dragon-scale war sword at his cab.

"Crazy, these guys are crazy ..."

"Quickly, start destruction protection!"

The battleship pilot's face changed dramatically, and he quickly pressed the defense button.

"Wow ..."

The protective heavy armor under the front windshield quietly rises, and the entire cab is wrapped in heavy armor, just like a shark wearing an alloy helmet.

The dragon-scale mech that Zhang Lin drives was lifted, and the dragon-scale war sword was cut on the heavy armor of the battleship, and a dull sound broke out.

It is very regrettable that because they consumed too much energy when they charged, this sword's slashing power was greatly reduced. Although it directly broke through the protection of the heavy armor, it did not slash the battleship. The windshield did not hurt the driver inside.

"Haha ... really help me, let me die."

Looking at the Dragonscale War Sword less than three feet away from him, the battleship pilot took a long sigh of relief, a maddening color appeared on his face, and there was a laughter in his mouth.

As his words fell, he quickly pressed the omnidirectional missile launcher, and the hull of the battleship shone with dazzling light, and a strong life-and-death crisis permeated each of Zhang Lin's hearts.

"Damn ... it's only a slight difference ... Dragon Scale 1, ready to explode!"

At the moment, Zhang Lin did not hesitate to start the self-explosive program.

"Ready to explode!"

At the moment Zhang Lin started the self-explosive program, the other five players also made such a choice.

"Self-explosion countdown, 10, 9, 8 ..."

The mechanical system prompt sounded quietly.

Covered with blood, Zhang Lin, who was seriously injured, lit the last cigarette left in the cigarette case at the last time and took a quiet breath. There was a muttering word in his mouth: "Brothers, I will take a step first. "

"Do not……"

Looking at the six warships shining brightly, Ye Xuan, who was standing on Gu Bena's shoulder, changed his face, and shouted with all his strength.

At the same time, he jumped out of Gu Bena's shoulder and rushed towards Zhang Lin in front of them.

"Captain, Xiaohu ..."

The other members of the Dragonscale Mech Team also rushed out frantically at this moment, shouting diligently.

"Dawn of War, brothers, goodbye, you have to cheer. Dragon Nest, win!"

Looking at Ye Xuan, who was struggling and rushing to support him, a smile appeared on Zhang Lin's face, and he waved at him.

"God of war, come on! Brothers, come on!"

"God of war, come on! Brothers, come on!"

"Dragon Nest, will win!"

Zhang Lin's teammates looked at Ye Xuan, waved at him, and said with a smile at this moment.


The next moment, a huge explosion suddenly rang through the sky, and the six brilliant sparks merged together to become more brilliant and magnificent.

The energy of terror spread out from the center of the explosion like a storm.

"Do not……"

Desperate screams blew loudly, and more than 20 C-class battleships were directly destroyed by the energy of the explosion.

"Poof ..."

Ye Xuan, who came to support it, was also propelled by the spread of energy, away from the center of the explosion.

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