Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1242: Unexpected situation

Hearing this, Yin Qianze looked at the sun above his head and said, "Master Tang, the sun is violent now! Why is it raining?"

"The sky is unpredictable, how can it not rain?" Tangning chuckled lightly.

"Master, I remember that there is a ruined temple in front of me, or where shall we go to rest?" Qi Baihe said, pointing in a direction ahead.

"Since you want to rest, I and Gao Chen will go to the forest over there to see if there is any game." Niu Dali said.

Seeing this, Tangning said: "It's true to pick up some branches and firewood. I guess the rain will be a bit heavy. We will all have to spend the night in the ruined temple tonight."

"No problem." The two responded and walked to the woods.

"I'm going to help too." Chen Dao also said, hurriedly following them.

"Let's go! Let's go to the ruined temple first." Tangning said, letting Qi Bohe lead the way to the ruined temple.

When he came to the ruined temple, Su Yanqing took a look and saw that the roof was ragged everywhere, and there were still a few big holes missing, so he said: "Let's fix this roof! It won't stop the wind and rain when it really rains."

"Also." Situ responded and said to Tangning, "Master Tang, you can go first and rest! Let's repair the roof."

Tang Ning nodded, and went inside with Song Tianyou and Qi Baihe, found a place to sit down, and listened to them banging and nailing the wooden boards after they jumped onto the roof.

It was only about a stick of incense, the sky changed suddenly, the sky was surging, dark clouds covered the sun, the wind was blowing, and there were a few muffled thunders.

Seeing that the sky darkened, Ye Feibai couldn't help but said, "I didn't expect it would really rain!" Turning his head to look at the sitting Master Tang, he curiously said: "Master Tang, you are a real god, what is going on? See it?"

"Learn slowly!"

Tangning smiled and said, looking at the sky outside, her eyes moved slightly, and said: "It's just that the day has become too fast, the wind is surging, the dark clouds are shading, and the murderous intent appears!"


Everyone looked at each other, their expressions became serious, and Situ asked: "Master Tang, this murderous intent shouldn't be directed at us?"

"No." She got up and walked to the temple gate, looking at the wind and clouds outside, listening to the roaring wind, her expression condensed slightly.

The wind blew, and the leaves were cut like a sharp blade, and they were flying and rolling along with the wind and sand. The thunder rang loudly, and the heavy rain fell down...

"Ah, it's raining. Why haven't Niu and the others come back?" Yin Qianze said, and saw three figures running back in the wind and rain. Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile and said, "I'll be there."

"Huh! I didn't expect it really rained, and it's still so heavy." Niu Dali ran in, and because of the spiritual protection, there was no rain on his body, but the branches he was holding were dripping with water.

"Leave it first, then light a fire at night." Ye Feibai said, looking at them and asking: "Did you see any movement around you when you came back?"

"Movement?" The three of them looked at each other and shook their heads: "No! Nothing happened, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, sit down!" Tangning gestured, walked to the side to sit down, and confessed: "If you are outside, call my teacher!"


A few people responded, and as soon as they got to the side and sat down, they saw a white cloud drifting in and stopped on top of Tangning's head. Just as they looked at them in surprise, they saw that a cloud of white clouds suddenly appeared. Smiley faces come.

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