Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1244: Rainy night baby


Another lightning fell, as if chasing something, heading forward. Tangning glanced at the direction where the thunderbolt fell that day, and smelled a faint smell of blood in the air that seemed to be floating in the wind from a distance, immediately jumped up and chased in that direction.

Seeing this, everyone behind him quickly followed.

In the rainy night, Tangning's figure passed by as light as a ghost, even if it was wind and rain outside, she did not get a drop of rain on her body, her feet seemed to have been stepped on in the mud, but in fact, her feet were off the ground without touching the ground.

When she smelled the **** smell in the air getting heavier and heavier, and even the heavy rain couldn't cover it, she halted and looked towards the ground with a lightning bolt from the sky.

I saw that the muddy ground rainwater was mixed with red blood water. The rain and blood water were mixed and flowed to the lower place. Then I lifted my breath and swept forward. I saw the messy corpses lying on the ground. Look at those corpses. Females, there are old and young, and there are dozens of people, to say nothing, and these people have no sword wounds, but they are all killed by beasts, leaving only the traces of beast claws.

She checked it and saw that these people had just died, but there were no beasts around here, but there was a monster in the air.

How can there be evil spirits?

She was surprised, and at this moment, she faintly heard the voice of a baby in the wind and rain, and her figure moved in that direction.

In the wind and rain, a destroyed carriage was parked on a slope, and there was the cry of a baby. Around the carriage, several humanoid claws turned to the carriage when they heard the sound, one of them Pounced towards the carriage, one end of the carriage leaned heavily, and the crying baby in the carriage also rolled out of the carriage due to the tilt.

Seeing that the baby was about to roll to the ground, the half-monster beast pounced on its front claws and was about to grab the baby. At this moment, a clever figure turned over and caught the baby's toes and dropped it on the ground again. Leap forward.


The thunder and lightning that was chasing the figure from behind shot down again, but it missed a bit, letting the smart figure avoid it.

Listening to the voice, Tang Ning happened to see this scene, her eyes moved slightly, and her eyes fell on the dexterous figure. In the wind and rain, the dexterous figure was a little girl.

But, if it were a little girl, how could the thunder and lightning chase her?

Just thinking about it, she saw the little girl holding the baby while avoiding the thunder and lightning, while avoiding the attacks of the half-monster beasts. Seeing this, she knocked out the bamboo stick in her hand and attacked the half-monster beasts. .

"call out!"

In the sound of wind and rain, I could still hear the stern sound of Zhuguai flying out. The half-monster beasts had been killed by Zhuguai before they could react.

The little girl with the baby turned her head and saw an old man in the wind and rain was coming here, seeing that the half-demon beasts had been killed, and the thunder and lightning of the rainy night struck her again, she was about to be the baby in her arms Throw it, throw it at the old man.


The little girl shouted, and at the same time threw the baby at Tangning. Tangning saw the heart-cracking baby straddling an arc in mid-air and falling to the ground. She immediately jumped forward and reached out to catch the baby.



Thunder and lightning hit the little girl, and amid the loud bang, only her screams were heard spreading...

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