Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1251: This my master

In the inn, everyone was eating early, and when Qi Baihe came back, they asked him to come and eat together.

"Master, it's done." Qi Baihe stepped forward and said.

"Okay, sit down!" Tangning nodded, and said to Situ and the others: "You will go to the mercenary guild in the city to see if there are any tasks. I will take Xiaohe and Xiaoyou around later."

"Okay." Situ and several people responded, and after eating early, they left the inn.

Soon after, the three of Tangning and the others also left the inn. Qi Baihe and Song Tianyou followed behind, watching their master dangling around, not knowing where he was going?

"Master, where are we going?" Song Tianyou asked, raising his head.

"I didn't go there, I went around." Tangning said, seeing a very elegant and quaint medicine store not far in front, and walked over there.

Seeing this, the two behind him had no choice but to follow.

"Treasurer, are there any elixir of the year?" Tang Ning asked, looking at the shopkeeper in the medicine store.

The shopkeeper stepped forward, looked at the people calmly, and then asked with a smile: "I wonder what kind of panacea the master wants? Or as long as it is a vintage? How many years is it for this year? "

Hearing this, Tangning smiled and said, "Any kind of elixir that is more than five hundred years old can be used. It would be even better if it is one thousand years old."

"Hehe, master, please."

The shopkeeper invited him in with a smile, and said: "Our medicine store just arrived yesterday with a batch of elixir, among them there are ten 500-year-old ones, one thousand-year-old spirit... Young Master?" The shopkeeper who invited them in. Seeing the bald young man coming in behind, he was shocked.

Hearing the name, Tangning turned her head slightly to look at Qi Bohe.

Qi Baihe stepped forward and said, "Master, this is one of the properties of my Qi family. If Master wants a panacea for the year, Baihe can have someone prepare it."

Tangning raised her eyebrows and looked at Qi Baihe, "It seems that your Qi family is really a big family!"

At this moment, a few people walked in the backyard. The middle-aged man in the lead was accompanied by a 15-year-old girl, and there were a few guards who followed him. The middle-aged man was walking and talking to the girl beside him.

"The medicine has already been delivered. I will give you at most one day to play in this city today, and I have to come back with me tomorrow..." The middle-aged man was shocked by seeing the bald-headed youth standing in front of him before he finished his words. live.

"Uncle San."

Qi Bohe nodded at him slightly, and when he went out last night to confess his master's traces to be erased, he heard from the people below that Sanshu came to this city, but he didn't expect to encounter him.

"Bohe, why are you, your hair gone?"

The middle-aged man quickly stepped forward and came to him and said: "I heard my father say that you have gone to learn art from a teacher, but I can't ask where you went to become a teacher. Looking at you like this, did you enter Buddhism? Can you become a Buddhist disciple? Does your father know this?"


When the girl saw him, she was shocked and covered her mouth, and she was about to cry: "Cousin, how can you shave your head? How can you become a monk?"

Qi Baihe looked at them calmly, his eyes fell on the middle-aged man, and said: "Uncle San, this is my master." He looked at Tangning sitting at the table drinking tea and introduced: "Master, This is my third uncle."

When Qi Baihe said that this was his master, the middle-aged man looked at Tang Ning calmly. He saw that the other party was calm and introverted, and he looked like an expert from outside the world, making it difficult to see the depths, and the moment is slightly different. Thinking about it, he bowed his hand and saluted him.

"Qi has seen seniors."

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