Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1283: Downing shocked

Tangning looked up and saw that Lei had hit her that day, and couldn't help cursing, "Damn it!"

As the figure dodges quickly, he saw Lei slashing past her that day, knocking down the ground, leaving a deep hole in the ground below.

"Kacha! Boom!"

Lightning flashed across the dark sky, and the surging sky condensed another sky thunder that struck her down. She immediately dodged and looked for Mo Ye.

"Mo Ye! Where are you?"

However, it was too big inside, and the air's depressive spiritual power aura gradually disappeared, even if he had the safety clasp she gave him, she couldn't sense his presence at this moment.

She looked at the sky thunder condensed in the sky with a solemn expression. The heaven and the earth in this secret realm had already begun to break apart, and the person who came in she was struck by the sky thunder, even if Mo Ye's situation at this time was not much better.


Another sky thunder struck down, Tangning avoided, and flew forward on the gourd. The sky was darkened by dark clouds, and the space inside was still shrinking, which added a lot to her search for people. Hinder.


A dragon roar faintly spread from afar, but Tangning did not hear it because of the thunder of the sky and the sound of the earth cracking and falling.

"Tang Tang, it's the ancient blue dragon!" A ray of light flashed, and Xiao Hei came out of space, falling on Tangning's shoulder and looking into the distance: "I sensed it, it's the ancient blue dragon's dragon chant."

"Long Yin?" Tangning was startled, listening carefully, but heard nothing.

"Yes, over there!" Xiao Hei pointed to the front left.

Seeing this, Tangning flew in the direction that Xiao Hei pointed, but the sky thunder behind was chasing her, as if she wouldn't stop without killing her.


Another dragon chant came out. This time, because of Xiao Hei’s reminder, Tangning heard it. She only felt that the dragon chant seemed to be coming from the ground, long and ancient, but the air was not enough. It seemed to have a weak breath.

Some distance away from that place, she speeded up and flew in that direction. It took about a stick of incense to arrive at the place where the sound of the dragon's roar was heard.

"That voice came from below, but there was a bad breath." Xiao Hei stood on her shoulders, looking at the abyss that was cracked by the ground.

"Mo Ye! Is Mo Ye you? Mo Ye?" Tangning shouted, but there was no Mo Ye's voice from below except for the voice of the Dragon's Yin.

Since he had never seen Mo Ye's contract beast, Tangning didn't know if the Azure Dragon was his contract beast, but the situation at the moment did not allow her to think about it.

"Xiao Hei, show me the way."

Tangning called out and saw Xiao Hei flapping his wings and flying into the abyss. At this moment, the dark figure burst into flames, illuminating the road ahead for Tangning.

Tang Ning flew towards the cracked ground and reached the ground about a kilometer deep. Under the illumination of Xiao Hei's body flame, she could see the scene clearly below.

I saw a huge blue dragon in the pile of rocks, and the dragon head sometimes pushed away the boulder that had fallen down, so the dragon body and dragon head had traces of being smashed, and in the middle of the blue dragon disk protection , A figure lying there has been unconscious.

But what shocked her was that the terrifying black aura surging through Mo Ye who was in a coma, roared like a beast and devil, eating into his body.

"Mo Ye!"

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