Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 843: Three-legged Golden Crow

The voice was low, like thunder, coming from between the clouds, and between the violent winds, it stirred the world.

The night sky is surging, and the black whirlwind that is submerged in the clouds is like the tail of a dragon swinging. The other end of the whirlwind whirls madly on the ground, and even thirty students are dealing with those demonic students and the darkness of the Tang family. Wei and the others were also unable to stand firmly under the strong wind of this crazy swing and rotation, and there was a faint feeling of being involved in the whirlwind.

"No! Can't stand it, pull me quickly..."

"First avoid it! This force is too powerful!"

"Hold over there..."


A messy voice sounded, and seeing a guard being swept away into the black whirlwind, Tangning immediately moved her palm, and a force of strength gathered and grabbed it, grabbing the guard and pushing to the safe side, while thinking about it. Taking back the holy heaven bowl that was too strong to be approached because the black whirlwind was too strong, the next moment, he bit his finger, smeared blood to the center of her eyebrows, and whispered from her mouth.

"With my blood, unlock your seal!"

"In my name, I order you to show your true body! Three-legged Golden Crow, come out!"

As soon as her voice fell, the blood on the center of her eyebrows came alive like a burning flame, and in the crimson flame, there seemed to be a golden crow that only spread its wings and raised its head and screamed.

The next moment, as the light flashed, the dazzling light burst out from the center of her eyebrows and headed towards the night sky. At the same time, the sound of a golden crow's chirping rose up into the sky and echoed in the entire night sky. .


It was a sharp and powerful piercing sound, as if it came from a far away place. The long and ancient sound contained the pressure of a powerful ancient beast. Almost when the sound came out, the whole Qingyun City was full of hearts and minds. It was a shock. At that moment, everyone felt a powerful pressure from the world.

They instinctively looked up, and saw that at the moment a flame soared into the sky, they spread their wings in the dark night sky, and a three-legged golden crow full of gold and flames screamed towards the huge black whirlpool. .

In an instant, two forces and two colors collided, and the raging flame seemed to merge with the black vortex, but at the next moment, they clearly heard a screaming scream from the vortex. The black aura was burned without a trace under the raging flame.


It was the screams of Venerable Chengyang, and it was also like the screams of the demon cultivator. The two voices mixed together and echoed in the sky. The flames grew stronger and stronger, and the figure of the three-legged golden crow almost gradually occupied The entire whirlwind, and at this moment, a trace of unwillingness came from that scream.

"How can this deity stop here! Tangning! This deity will swallow you alive!"

When the stern voice came with a terrifying killing intent, from the flames, a cloud of black smoke turned into a big mouth and rushed towards Tangning at an unpredictable speed. The big mouth opened as if Want to swallow it in one bite.


"Master Tang!"


When everyone saw that scene, they couldn't help exclaiming, they only felt that the big dark mouth contained powerful power, like a bottomless abyss, trying to swallow Tangning.

When Tangning saw that dark breath turned into a big mouth and rushed towards her, her heart was anxious, but she couldn't move her whole body because of calling out Xiao Hei's body.

Seeing that dark mouth was about to swallow her, the next moment, she was taken away...

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