Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 860: Sangji

After finishing her mood, she threw the green bamboo forward, leaped onto the green bamboo, and flew to the other side of the sea with Xiao Hei...

Two days later, early morning.

Among the lush leaves, the towering branches are entwined with vines. In this lush forest, on top of a towering tree, a small figure is sleeping among the branches.

She was covered with a cloak, her small body shrank inside, only revealing a bald head on the outside, her delicate little face was pink and tender, with a trace of baby fat, which looked very cute.

When the morning dew dripped with the sunlight slanting, a drop of water fell on her head. The coolness of the dew made her instinctively stretched out her hand and opened her eyes.

"It's dawn? Xiao Hei, it's dawn." The soft voice was accompanied by a small milky voice, because he had just woke up, there was a trace of sleepiness.

And as soon as her voice came out, not far from the branch, a dark crow flapped its wings and flew over and landed next to her, staring at her with black eyes.

"Dumb! It's dawn, are you going to get up?"

Tangning yawned, sat up with her cloak in her arms, rubbed her arms, and said, "Why is it so cold in the forest this morning?"

"The trees are lush, the sun can't come in, and there is a little bit of coolness." Xiao Hei said, turning his head and looking around: "Didn't you say that there will be a panacea in it? We will look for it when we get up."


Tangning replied, put her cloak away, and jumped off the tree with her toes. After washing her face and gargle at the water source she found last night, she ate with dry food while walking in the forest, looking around. With available drugs.

Perhaps it was because she was in the realm of the Immortal Land, in a place full of spiritual power, where some first-order elixir can be seen everywhere. Although the elixir is not of high grade, she is very happy to pick it.

You know, these refined medicines are all good things!

She spent a day in the forest, picking every medicine and getting some space. When she came to a big tree, she saw a mulberry elixir growing on the tree, and her eyes lit up.

"It's actually a Tier 5 Sangji elixir! This is a good thing!"

She said happily. When she pulled out the weeds and stepped forward, she saw a four to five hundred catties black-toothed iron pig lying under the tree. The pair of black slick and fierce pig eyes just met her. Gaze.

"The pig beast at the peak of the spirit beast!" she said with a smile, and said hello to it: "Pig, you look delicious!"

The black-toothed iron pig stood up. It was half a meter tall and huge, especially the two long black teeth that grew out of its mouth. It was more ferocious, let alone its body. It looks like iron fur.

Of course, in Tangning's eyes, such a big pig beast is delicious all over, and it can be eaten inside and out. The taste is definitely first-rate whether it is steamed or grilled.

"Xiao Hei? Xiao Hei?"

Tangning called out and looked around. She didn't know where Xiao Hei had gone. She was shouting when she saw the big pig beast roaring and rushing towards her.

"Get down!"

Tangning saw the big pig beast pounced, and immediately shouted, the ancient coercion in his body immediately followed the loud shout and attacked the big pig beast.

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