Davos and his party returned to Menon Barracks, and the soldiers had long been looking forward to them, eagerly welcoming them into the camp, and then asking about the situation.

Clearcus, Menon and the others have been killed by the Persians. The Persians still want us to surrender, but they were rejected by the team officers. Our war with the Persians is inevitable! Antonios deliberately exaggerated the situation.

The soldiers were in an uproar. Although they had been informed by Hiros and the others before, and they were prepared, they still held a trace of peace. Now, this last fantasy has also been shattered. They were panicked, confused, and overwhelmed.

Now, we must immediately elect a new leader to replace Menon and lead us back to Greece! Felixius shouted loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, Antonios' nephew, the young man who was saved by Davos, Asistes, raised his right hand in the crowd and couldn't wait to shout: Brothers, who foretelled little Cyrus? die?!

...It's Davos. Hiros and the others took the lead in responding.

Who invented bacon so we didn't starve?! Asistes continued to shout.

It's Davos. The soldiers responded.

Who created the medical camp so that we no longer worry about injuries?!

Davers! The soldiers began to answer in unison.

Who foreshadowed today's meeting with the Persians as a conspiracy and tried to stop Menon and the others?!

Davers!! The soldiers shouted in unison.

Who is Hades' favored one?! Who can bless us back to Greece?!

Davers!!! The soldiers shouted in unison.

Who— Asisters pointed at Davos and roared in a hoarse voice: It's our new leader?!!

Davos! Davos!! Davos!!!... The soldiers in the entire barracks shouted excitedly for a long time.

When Felixius and the squadron leaders suddenly faced such a scene, they were all at a loss. They all looked at Davos, while Davos was surprised and seemed to know nothing about it, but his eyes were quiet. Glancing at Matonis, Georgris and the others dancing in the crowd, he didn't expect that it would be Asistes who would lead the soldiers, but the effect was obviously beyond his expectations.

The shouts of the soldiers were getting louder and louder, and the team officers had to respond to it. After an urgent consultation, Felixius came out. He glanced at Davos next to him with a complicated expression, and then turned to the gathering. The soldiers shouted: Brothers, are you sure you want to choose Davos as your new leader?!

Yes!!! The soldiers shouted in unison, led by Asisters.

Are there any other candidates?!


We need the guidance of God's favored ones!!

Felixius turned around, Antonios, Capps nodded, and then Amyntas, Alexis... and other squadron captains also nodded helplessly one after another.

Felixius shouted solemnly: The gods testify, after being recommended by the soldiers and the officers agreed, Davos becomes our new leader!

Cheers rang out.

Davers loosened his clenched fists, his palms already wet with sweat. He breathed a sigh of relief and was very excited: the hard work and efforts during this period of time were not in vain! He, a traveler, an ordinary young soldier, directly crossed the ranks of squad leader, division leader, and squadron leader, and became the leader of more than a thousand soldiers. Although only a mercenary, his dream was finally realized in a short period of time, from a pawn to a chess player. Of course, this also means that he will have a great responsibility, but compared to being a cannon fodder to die, what is there to fear no matter how great the responsibility is!

Facing the excited faces, he raised his right arm.


Compared with other barracks, Menon Barracks suffered the least losses.

Due to everyone's uncooperative efforts, there were only three officers who followed Menon to the Persian barracks, and the soldiers quickly elected a successor.

Then the soldiers withdrew, and the new leader Davos and the squadron leaders held their first meeting in the tent. Felixius was only attached to Menon's adjutant, and had no right to lead the army. When the new leader came to power, his duties were naturally relieved, so he could only stay outside.

Davos looked at the thirteen squadron captains, some he was familiar with, such as Antonios, Capps, etc., and more unfamiliar ones... The squadron captains also looked at the new leader who was too young , Some are looking forward to it, some are just curious, and some simply ignore it and talk to themselves...

It's not that he never was a leader in his previous life, and Davos was not at all timid. He met their eyes with a serious expression and remained silent for a long time, which made the noise in the tent gradually become quiet. The invisible pressure that this young man exuded in the silence made the squadron leaders start to look at him.

At this time, he said unhurriedly: Thank you soldiers for your trust in me! And thank you for your support for me! I will use my actions to prove that your choice is correct!

This young new leader is not humble at all! Alexis and the others opened their mouths slightly in surprise. Antonios and Capps were infected by his confidence and showed a smile.

Now, I have decided to let Felixius continue to serve as an adjutant to assist me in managing military affairs. This proposal temporarily relieved several squadron leaders who were worried about Davos' inexperience.

Felixius was invited in, he thanked Davos with a smile, and sat next to Davos.

I have decided to set up a medical camp, with Helpus as the medical officer. He must also attend important meetings! The field hospital in the Menon Barracks has already operated independently, and now it is only officially put on the table.

Amintas raised an objection: The doctor can heal the wounds of the brothers. They don't understand what military conference they are participating in, and there has never been such a thing before!

It's a special time now! Davos looked at the burly man with a ferocious appearance and said in a serious tone: In the next trip, we may encounter a lot of battles, we must protect us At the same time, we also need to know how many wounded soldiers the medical battalion can treat? Is there a shortage of labor? Is there a shortage of medical supplies? … These all need to be discussed with Helps!”

Amyntas was stunned, scratched his head, and stopped talking. No one wanted to let their wounded soldiers go untreated, and Davos' proposal was easily passed.

I hope Mersis from the baggage camp will also attend the military meeting. Because we need to know at any time whether the food is sufficient? Are the pack animals enough?... Davos' second proposal was accepted by everyone again. After all, the food It is everyone's biggest concern, not to mention that there are still their salaries and looted money in the baggage camp, of course, they need to be understood and protected at all times.

After successfully passing three personnel appointments, Davos stopped the proposal.

At this time, Felixius next to him touched Davos lightly and opened his mouth to him.

Davos suddenly realized from the mouth of the other party: he also forgot a key position-herald. Don't underestimate this position, it's up to him to upload and distribute military orders and government orders. If you don't make decisions in front of everyone now, mistakes are easy to make. Still inexperienced!

Davers thought for a moment and said calmly, Furthermore, I appointed Asisters as herald! Not only to repay the merit of the election just now, but also to assist his uncle Antonio before. Si did some trivial military work and was familiar with the Menon Barracks. Besides, Davos has been in contact with this young man many times. He is cheerful and energetic, and the team officials have a good impression of him. Moreover, he was very grateful to Davos, and he didn't need anyone!

Sure enough, this candidate was successfully recognized by everyone.

Antonios went out and called for Asisters.

After expressing his gratitude to everyone excitedly, Asisters immediately began to perform his duties. He quickly called Helps and Mersis.

At this point, the new high-level officers of the Menon Barracks have all arrived.

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