Vespa had absolutely no idea that things would turn out so twists and turns.

Yesterday afternoon, when his messenger arrived at the plain of Shibari, the allied forces of the Lucanian tribes had already retreated, and they had to retreat to the city for fear of being attacked by the Greek army. Today, Vespa is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Lucanian coalition forces on the Sybari Plain. Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, the spies hurriedly reported that the Greek mercenaries had completely wiped out the Lucanian coalition on the big beach of the Tino River!

Weisba was stunned, he felt terrified, and wished he could leave this terrifying mercenary army immediately, the farther the better!

The alliance of these powerful tribes in Lucania has suffered heavy losses, and their control over the surrounding tribes will inevitably weaken. The tribe of Vespas returned to the mountains of Lucania and should not be oppressed for the time being. However, let him leave empty-handed like this, and he can't bear the mountains of materials seized in the city, and his clansmen are afraid.

At this time, another sentence from the spies made him calm down: the Greeks suffered a lot, at least thousands of casualties.

Yes, after a war, don't the Greeks need to rest? Vespa cursed himself for being confused, and he ordered the tribesmen to start packing their luggage, loading supplies, and transporting them away in batches, depending on the situation.

After a busy afternoon, in the evening, the clansmen were so tired that they fell asleep.

Vespa's delay became a small regret in his life. But decades later, when talking about this day, his family and descendants are all glad that they didn't leave right away...


In the middle of the night, a full moon hangs on the sky, bringing a touch of light to the dark night.

The moonlight was like water, and it was quietly scattered on the Xubari Plain. I saw a long dragon quietly advancing towards the north of the coast, crossing the Subari River, passing the abandoned vineyard, and crossing the Saraceno River. Not only did the speed not decrease, but instead It was getting faster and faster, and the whole team didn't stop until they crossed the Cisino River.

Every soldier looked at the shadowy city of Amendolara under the moonlight from afar, and his mood was very excited.

Davos took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then waved hard to Hiros.

The attack has begun!


That night, Vespa had a good dream, dreaming that he did not leave Amendolara, but lived here for many years, inspecting his herds of cattle and sheep every day, and wandering in the olive groves covered with fruit, Drinking sweet wine...

Boss, it's not good! The Greeks have entered the city! The guards rushed in in panic.

What did you say?!! Vespa woke up.


The next morning, Achieta, who had just woken up from her sleep, got a strange news from the guards: the mercenaries who lived next to them had disappeared!

He immediately went to check, and it turned out to be empty.

Archita immediately felt wrong. And rushed to the Davos camp next to it: there were people in the camp, but they were all Davos's baggage camp, medical camp, wounded soldiers, women, and a large number of slaves (mainly from Turii), and they were all in Loaded and ready to leave...

Achieta strode forward and grabbed Mersis, who was yelling and commanding the slaves: Mercis, where did Davos and his soldiers go?

Mersis faltered and didn't respond, making him even more suspicious.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind: Achita, I'm so sorry, I'm late and made you worry.

Archita turned around and saw Davos smiling, looking tired but in a good mood: Where have all your soldiers gone?

Tell you good news. Davos got off his horse, handed the reins to Asisters, and said calmly, We have recaptured Amendolara!

When? Archita was taken aback.

last night.

Win a mountain city in one night? ! Judging from Davos's expression, it doesn't look like a fake, you must know that siege is a big problem for any city-state army. Yesterday's battle had already made Archita amazed by Davos's grand spirit, creative battle planning, strong command ability, and ability to mix different troops. And the fact of conquering a mountain city in one night made Achita, who had many combat experience, completely convinced. He smiled bitterly: Davers, you have completed another difficult task, which really makes me jealous!

Archita's straightforwardness made Davos laugh: In fact, we are also blessed by the goddess of fate. The Lucanians are lax in defense and completely defenseless.

Oh, that's right. Archita curiously wanted to listen to him, but Davos changed the conversation and said solemnly, There is something I want to get your support and Tarantum's support.

What's the matter? Archita looked at Davos' serious expression and was stunned for a moment.

Davos stared at him and said word by word: Our mercenaries want to become citizens of Amendolara!

Archita was stunned again, and he asked uncertainly: All mercenaries?! Are you serious?

This is the will of all mercenaries! Davos said loudly in an unquestionable tone.

Archita's expression became serious, and he looked around. Whether it was Mersis, Asistes, or the busy guards, they stopped their work and looked at him with expectant eyes. Archita hurriedly turned his head, looked at Davos, and said in a deep voice, It seems that capturing Amendolara is not your whim.

The doctor did not answer directly, but said emotionally: Achita, you were born into a noble Tarantum and lived a prosperous life. You can't understand the situation where our mercenaries are wandering around and can't decide their own life and death. They have a family that is their biggest. eager!

Archita was silent for a while, then asked, Does Marcellis, the consul of Amendolara, agree?

The day the Lucanians occupied Amendolara, he was badly wounded and died within a few days. Another consul, Grata Bavlo...Last night, we attacked Amendolara. , the people of Amendolara who were imprisoned at the Temple of Zeus on the top of the mountain, before we reached the top of the mountain, they launched an attack on the guards of Lucania under the leadership of Glaterpaflo, and the two sides fought fiercely. , by the time we arrived, Glater Buffalo had already died, including some members of the Senate... Davos said in a heavy tone.

Archita stared at Davos, and Davos continued calmly: According to our statistics, there are about 1,000 people who have survived in Amendolara, and their physical condition is not good. Among them Nearly half of them are old people, and many people are still injured, even if we leave, I am afraid that they will not be able to maintain the normal management and work of the city of Amendolara, let alone protect this mountain city.

Archita understood, Davos not only wanted to make the mercenary a citizen of Amendolara, but also wanted to be the master there. He was surprised by Davos' ambition and said evasively: You should Seek Turii's opinion first, after all Amendolara is its ally.

Achita, let's be honest, Turiyi has suffered two heavy defeats now, and its strength has been greatly damaged. I am afraid it is unable to take care of Amendolara. Although the weak Amendolara is not rich, its position It's still very important, and I'm afraid it will also attract other forces. At least in our hands, we can hold it and are willing to form an ally with Tarantum to maintain the security of this area and ensure that Heraklia will not Threatened by the indigenous people again! Davos solemnly made a promise.

Archita was a little moved. After all, Turii's performance in this war with Lucania was too bad and almost caused disaster to this area, so he cautiously but confessed: I have no right To decide whether you can own Amendolara, this requires the consent of the Tarantum Senate! I will immediately send someone back to Tarantum by boat, and I hope you will send someone to go with you to tell the elders of Tarantum. Express your wishes!

Thank you very much, Archita! Davers said excitedly.

My only regret is that you can no longer be a citizen of Tarantum. Archita said sincerely.

Davers was greatly moved and said quickly: But we will be allies, maybe one day we will fight side by side again!

Without the consent of the people of Amendolara, nor the opinion of its ally Turii, in the chat and laughter of the two, the ownership of a city was decided.

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