If you want to rank the classic female characters of Hong Kong films,

Little Jews are bound to occupy a rather important place in it

Its influence even overshadows the actors themselves

The head of the first generation of jade women,

A beauty haunted by countless men

“What’s it called?”

“Ruan Mei.”

Lu Jiugong was taken aback by Lu Wendong’s eyes

There was a faint guess in his heart

The bamboo tube poured beans like a clean


Ruan Mei’s father is an inverted door

He died at a young


Now there are only two people left at home, she and her mother-in-law

I usually

live at home

Lu Wendong said in addition to the venue changed

There is no difference in the rest

She should still have had a heart attack in her memory

It seems that you will not live to be 30 years old?

Lu Wendong’s first meeting with the little Jew was in the bright sun

A face that makes people jealous

The black and dense black long straight hangs naturally on the shoulders

Qi bangs added a cute feeling to her

It’s not a peerless stunner, but it’s fascinating

At this moment, this beautiful person is busy collecting paper flowers with Grandma in the yard

They have to pack and seal it

They can earn about 3 bucks a box

Two people can earn 100 yuan a busy day

There are ancestral houses to live in

Grow a la carte in the backyard,

That’s enough money for them to live

Lu Wendong waited for the little Jew to seal the box before signaling Lu Jiugong to step forward and introduce

“Auntie, little Jew, don’t be busy.”

Lu Jiugong was taught a lot after being taught once

He stepped forward and waved his hand with a big grin

“I didn’t see the village chief coming.”

Little Jews don’t care

She muttered as she folded paper flowers

“The village chief is amazing, and he has no money


She’s a girl

Unable to inherit Ding rights,

The only thing that has in Lujia Village is a mother-in-law and an ancestral house


It is indeed difficult for her to have any sense of belonging to Lujia Village

“6,000 yuan a month, please go to work in the Lu Group


The little Jew jumped up: “Beautiful boy, thirsty or not? Is it good to boil a bowl of tea for you? ”

Lu Jiugong wanted to laugh

But he didn’t dare

I can only twist my head to the side and desperately hold back

At present, the income of the middle and low-income of Hong Kong Island is about 3,000 to 6,000

Little Jews have fields and land,

6,000 yuan is 10,000 yuan for her people in the city

Lu Wendong is definitely sincere

That’s why she kindly wanted to invite him to tea

“Going to work now, is there a problem?”

“冇, definitely 冇.”

The little Jews are very sharp as long as they have money to earn

“Mother-in-law, wait for me to fold it together after work in the evening, you can bask in the sun and rest.”

“It’s almost finished, what are you resting on?”

The mother-in-law stood up and thanked her for her kindness: “Village chief, you are a kind person, I thank you for your ancestors


Lu Jiugong must stand up

“Auntie, how can you thank people so much? Scary ghosts.”

Lu Wendong smiled

“It doesn’t hurt.”

“Little Jew, let’s make it clear first, you and grandma have three meals, but you have to work overtime often


The little Jew muttered, “Then you can’t fold paper flowers.”

After all, she folded her feelings

Zhong was a little reluctant


Grandma quickly pulled the corner of her clothes

“Eye-catching, 6,000 yuan a month, what other paper flowers are folded?”

“I can also grow some vegetables to make up for it.”

“No, you don’t have a good waist, you can’t do heavy work.”

“Oh, okay, okay.”

The little Jew closed his eyes and made up his mind

“Go to work, go to work, don’t fold it.”

Lu Wendong asked a dead man to accompany the little Jew to the company

He himself took Lu Jiugong to comfort the few people who did white things

The first one, of course, was Lu Taigong

Lu Wendong couldn’t help but sigh after putting on the incense: “Duke Taigong has worked hard for Lujia Village in this life, Jiugong, remember to invite Taigong’s divine card into the ancestral hall.”

In all fairness,

Without Lu Taigong, there would be no Lu Group

He is completely stepping on the shoulders of giants

So there is indeed some respect for Prince Lu

After all, there are really not many good people in the world who sacrifice themselves so


“It should.”

Lu Jiugong followed Shangxiang: “Taigong, Wen Dong, he has a methodical way of doing things, Lu Family Village will definitely be prosperous under his leadership, and you must bless Lu Family Village if you have a spirit in the sky


“A son-in-law and a half.”

Lu Wendong shook hands with Wan Shan

“You’ve worked hard these two days.”

“It should.”

Wan Shan shook Lu Wendong’s hand vigorously

“Lu Dong, I have already spoken to the company through the cross-ocean phone, and the money will arrive tomorrow at the latest


“Hard work.”

Lu Wendong nodded to the expressionless Lu Yongyu

He took Lu Jiugong and left directly

“Jia shovel.”

Lu Yongyu cried bitterly

“This bastard takes advantage of the yin and yang weirdness, old bean, you died so unjustly.”

“Stinky poppy out of stinky grass, none of these bastards can see the light.”

Wan Shan lifted her up

“Convergence point, the conditions are already very OK.”

“Mrs. Wan, be a rich person first and then think about these things or not?”

Lu Yongyu gritted his teeth: “Sooner or later, he will have to pay the price!” ”

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