Dr. Bruce Banner, who also participated in the construction of the spacecraft, then Stark said: “The performance of this spacecraft is extremely strong, it can not only travel faster than light in space, but also has an anti-gravity engine, shield generator, food synthesis device, gravity simulation, oxygen generation, positive electron cannon, and also do not have to worry about its energy problems, when the energy of the spacecraft is below a range, the spacecraft will automatically locate the nearest star, fly into the star and charge the spacecraft with the energy of the star.” ”

Hearing that this spaceship had so many functions, everyone’s eyes were extremely bright.

Stark and Dr. Banner led everyone aboard the ship.

The interior of the spacecraft is divided into two floors, the movable area is comparable to the football field, and the spacecraft is divided into different areas, including bridge, cockpit, canteen area, dormitory area, equipment room, leisure area and so on.

Everyone visited the spaceship while chatting about the spaceship.

“How fast is it actually flying, and does it trigger relativistic effects when traveling faster than light?” Wanda asked.

“It can cross the entire galaxy in 10 minutes, and even if you want to go to the Andromeda galaxy next door, it will take less than 1 day.” Relativistic effects also do not exist, and there are time anchor stabilizers inside the spacecraft. ”

“It’s just amazing.” Pietro’s eyes lit up.

After visiting the various areas of the spacecraft, everyone came to the cockpit of the spacecraft.

The cockpit is connected to the bridge, and there are ten seats here.

“Find a place to sit yourself, next we will conduct the first test flight of the spacecraft.” As Stark spoke, he took the lead in the driver’s seat.

The rest took their seats.

“Where are we going to fly?” Natasha asked.

“Kepler 186F, which is about 490 light-years from Earth, is a rocky planet, and scientists have found through astronomical observations that it is likely to be a habitable planet, and we are going to go there to see if it actually migrates.” Bruce Banner said excitedly.

“What if it’s suitable for relocation?” Steve Rogers asked curiously.

“Suitable is suitable, anyway, we don’t really want to move to the past, this is at most a scientific expedition.” Tony Stark shrugged, he currently has no plans to develop an alien planet, the main purpose of this trip is to test the spaceship: “Okay everyone, sit down, the spaceship is about to set sail.” ”

“Don’t you have a seat belt on the seat?” Steve Rogers felt that this was not very safe.

“Rest assured, there is a space stable anchor in the spacecraft, no matter how the spacecraft accelerates and decelerates, or hits something, we who stay inside will not be affected.”

“I think we should give the spacecraft a name before we officially set off, which will be more ceremonial.” Hawkeye Clint Patton said that because of the first flight of the spacecraft today, Barton did not stay at Karma Taj, he did not want to miss this space trip, so he was also present.

Among the Avengers, only Thor is not there, and it is said that he is dating a female doctor named Jane Foster on the other side of the earth, which may be the so-called scumbag and the schoolboy’s date.

Everyone discussed the naming of the spacecraft, and finally decided to name the spaceship – the Avenger.

The spacecraft set sail.

Silently, it floated up from the Martian ground without the slightest movement, and flew out of the Martian atmosphere in less than 1 minute.

The Avenger reversed direction and entered faster-than-light mode.

In less than 30 seconds, the spacecraft exited faster-than-light mode because its destination had arrived.

In front of the spacecraft, a blue-green planet appeared.

“Guys, we’ve reached our destination, which is Kepler-186F, 490 light-years from the solar system.” Stark said.

“I felt like a dream, not very real.” Steve Rogers was a little uncomfortable with this feeling, obviously 30 seconds ago they were still on Mars, who could have imagined that 30 seconds later they would now appear 490 light-years away.

“It’s normal for you to feel that the technology applied by this spacecraft far exceeds the current level of human science and technology, and even I dare to say that the vast majority of civilizations in the universe do not have such technology, it is far beyond imagination.” Tony Stark said.

“Let’s take a look at the planet in front of you first.” Bruce Banner said.

“Visually it is a little larger than Earth, gravity is about 1.1 times that of Earth, it has an atmosphere but not suitable for human breathing, the planet is just the right distance from the star, there are plants, oceans, animals, insects, bacteria and viruses on it, but I don’t see any trace of intelligent life.” If we want to land on this planet, it is easy to get infected with the virus here, and our human bodies do not have antibodies to these viruses, and some minor infections can be fatal. Wanda’s eyes burst with scarlet light, which is her unique way of seeing, and her vision in this state is comparable to that of Superman.

“Your eyes are better than detectors.” Natasha complained.

“I just see more.” Wanda said calmly.

“Maybe we can build a portal on this planet.” Bruce Banner proposed that looking at him like this, it was clear that he wanted to land on the planet to explore.

“I have a better idea, wouldn’t it be better if the portal was built on this ship.” Stark said.

Bruce Banner was stunned, he really didn’t expect to be able to do this.

If the spacecraft can build a portal to the solar system, then the spacecraft will not have to fly back to the solar system, and can be left to explore everywhere in the universe.

For example, they can live on Earth on weekdays, and then come to the spaceship through the portal when needed to continue exploring the universe.

Bruce Banner asked Wanda, “Can you fix the portal on the ship?” ”

“Yes, it’s simple.”

“So what are you waiting for, let’s go build the portal.”

Everyone came out of the cockpit and came to a room on the second floor of the spaceship that had not yet been assigned a function, which was quite spacious and suitable for building a portal.

The construction of the portal could not be intervened, and Wanda could only come by herself.

Wanda spent a few minutes building a permanent portal here to connect the Avengers Mars base.

From this newly built portal, everyone can see the Martian base on the other end.

Natasha thought of something, she said: “Wanda has a magic called the ‘Traceless Extension Charm’, if you use this magic to extend the internal space of the spaceship, how much can it be extended?” ”

“Very, very big.” Wanda affirmed.

“If it goes on like this, this spaceship will become a migrant ship.” Barton spat out.

Stark and Dr. Banner’s eyes lit up, and they both thought the idea was good.

Wanda was speechless, “You guys don’t really plan to do this.” ”

(Asking for votes is a kind of technical work, and if you are not thick-skinned, you must not ask for it.) )

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