Chapter 306 What is reverse tourism? ==============================================================

Flames that never go out, chloride that burns forever.

A flower garden that can burn everything that exists in the world.

He wanted to strike in all directions, including the Warp Gate. And there is enough capacity for that. Hwajeong is the power of the mythical class, and I can designate destructible objects according to my will.

But it didn't. After confirming that the Warp Gate had been occupied, I had a hunch that the plan had gone awry. In the worst case scenario, there was a possibility that it had already been damaged.

In other words, the Warp Gate could be occupied, but users who identified the damage could have turned the blame. So I wanted to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, so I deliberately aimed at tearing up the shields and the vagrants at the front as far as I could.

The situation has been boiling with the current vagabonds consistent in their defense, but this is enough to recapture as users are in the position of attacking.

The sword was shot through the air without delay. The blazing flower quickly passed the users' heads, spraying a clear tone. And as soon as the vagabonds reached a massive barrier, the surge attempted to descend like an eagle seeking food.

Assuming the same 100 missiles are fired, the narrower the bombing range, the more firepower it can put into it.

But aside from that, the power of harmony was absolute.

Fire! Fire!

"What the hell is this? Shield, shield!

"Argh, argh!"

There was no massive explosion, nor was there a spectacular effect. The compassion just moved faithfully to my will.

Dozens of deterioration swords were all hit at the target point. The translucent shield, which had been laid down on a large scale, tears like a sheet of paper. The vagabonds, who were blocking users' access under the arc of wizards, quickly rolled around the ground. The flames caused by Hwajeong brightened the area around the Warp Gate, and the screams of those who put the pyroblast in their bodies resonated sadly.

"What, what? What happened? Who suddenly....”

"It's your chance! Hit it! Let's recapture the Warp Gate!"

The shield, which has been holding out so far, has been broken. The vagabonds who were interfering with users' entry have been neutralized. I can see how the shield was broken, and some of the wizards behind it are stumbling. The entrance, which used to be like an iron wall, is completely open.

Some of the users voiced bewildered voices at the sudden situation, but the tenacity of being threatened with their lives was frightening. I fell into a lull for a while. They soon began to stampede in like waves, shouting angrily.

I also followed in the rear, closely monitoring the vagabonds.

'You can leave the rest to the users.’

Warp Gate was not to that extent, if it was a situation where people were slaughtered unilaterally like in the central square. I could see some who were out of scope and barely came to their senses. But users were already bursting in like a flood. It was a random charge with no tactics or order, but it was a good idea in this situation.

"Don't push me! Don't push me, you son of a bitch!"

"Be on your turn! Let's go in the order we get in, please!"

"Die, you dogs!"


The Warp Gate was crowded with hundreds of users all over the place.

In fact, it wasn't just congestion. Users running straight to the Warp Gate, users running to the fallen vagrants, and those who desperately resist, but are beleaguered. In this situation, all the shouts and screams that could come out were mixed and the Warp Gate was ringing.

Looking at them, I decided to make the most of my Orosrosros boots. Looking ahead, soon there was a hint of being packed with users. It was necessary to check the situation at Warp Gate as soon as possible, so it rushed up the ground without delay.

"Who stepped on my head?"

I'm sorry.

When I looked down, I saw a user sitting down with his head wrapped around him. One leap was a bit lacking, so I threw my foot out anywhere, but it seemed like I got caught. After a brief apology inside, I looked forward again.

Warp Gate was getting closer by the minute. However, although there are already a few users attached, there is no sign of a portal opening.

One cry that came as soon as I landed near the Warp Gate embodied the anxiety I had felt before.

"Whoa, the Warp Gate isn't working!"

"Oh, my God.'

I bit my lips and ran to the warp gate. Warp Gate itself was intact. I couldn't see any damage and the joints were properly. Nevertheless, it does not work. Then the answer was one. The vagabonds would have touched the magic gin that operated the Warp Gate.

"What do you mean? Why isn't it working?!"

"What's the point of not opening the portal?”

"Mo, I don't know…Why…? Why….”

"Get out of the way! I'll try.”

The inside was quickly thrown into confusion. And it wasn't just chaos when the user's clamor at the back, relatively unaware of the warp gate's not working yet. It was then. As I approached the magic camp to see if it was recoverable, a low laugh flowed into my ears.


The epicenter of the sound was the bottom. As I looked down slightly and looked through the floor, I could see a vagabond stepped on by the users' feet. The equipment he was wearing had been ragged for a long time, and seeing it on a pool of blood, he looked like he wouldn't die soon.

"That's perfect, you bastards.... Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!"

"You guys, what the hell did you do to the Warp Gate?"

"What are you doing? You touched the magic gin, you idiot. Stay here for as long as you want. Soon all the people running from the outside will die.!”

"You son of a...!"

"If you want to live, why don't you run away now? Kill!"


Whether someone hit the weapon without beating you, the vagabond's head dented and the fountain of blood rose. Looking at the guy who flipped his eyes, I immediately activated a third eye.

If it's not total destruction, but damage, maybe it can be recovered in the near future. Then it was necessary to check the extent of the damage, so I turned to where the magic camp was.

'...let's give up.

And as soon as I checked the information about the warp gate displayed in the air and the damage rate, I decided to leave right here. There must have been an expert on the Warp Gate that had been devastated. Technically, it's recoverable, but it's not possible here. The magic jeans were neatly destroyed to the point where they had to stick to the repairs for at least two days.

The roar from the three directions was now approaching. One o'clock was urgent. We have confirmed that it is impossible to use the Warp Gate, so you don't have to feel sorry for it any more. Pushing through the crowd of people filling the inside, I leaped back towards the entrance. There's only one way left. There was only a way out through the gates.

'Then which door is the question..’



When I reached the entrance, I heard a familiar voice. When I turned my head to the place where I heard the sound, I could see that Clan members including Ko Yeon-joo were gathered to see if they hadn't entered the Warp Gate yet. Thinking it was a good thing, I moved quickly.


Deep night. The dark sky cast dark over the city. But the city is not dark. Flames rising from all sides drove out darkness and lit the city up.

The streets of the city, lit by lights, were creating a horrible scene that resembled a view of hell. Cold bodies hung around the wreckage of the shattered building. The blood from the bodies came down the wall to form a puddle, gradually expanding the stem into the city.

The slaughter was now progressive, although a small hill could be built by collecting bodies scattered all over the place. One side is massacred, the other side is sad and helpless. Some users were seen trying to resist from time to time, but soon they laid themselves down relentlessly at the ruthless attacks of the vagabonds

a city rife with genocide Streets full of screams, madness, bodies and blood. A woman in a tight black tights crosses the street's center of the street. The identity of the woman was Baek Seo-yeon.

Baek Seo-yeon, who was walking along the street with the same steps as the model, closed her eyes and took a big breath. Then he breathed out calmly again with a satisfied smile around his mouth. Soon the eyes that had opened again were shining brightly. The situation now seemed very pleasant to her.

"Wow, you're a real madwoman, too. Do you think of that in this situation?"

"Who's crazy? Who's crazy about who's crazy? Then what's that in your hand?"

Baek Seo-yeon, who had been walking around the streets for a while, stopped walking at a certain point. At the roar of the street away, the face of joy and reluctance is gently frowned upon.

Sooner or later, Baek Seo-yeon's face, looking in one direction, began to show signs of regret for not sleeping. She pulled out the dagger hanging around her waist with a thin sigh. And holding it firmly in one hand, he began to move again.

Where Baek Seo-yeon's footsteps were headed, two men and women were arguing. It is certainly out of place to argue peacefully in this hellish situation. However, if you look at the number of bodies lying around them and what they each have in their hands, it is not very strange.

"Hey, how old do you think he is now? No matter how many times I play, I'm an elementary school student. No, you're actually the right user in the first place? Kill him. Kill him."

"What does that matter? And what's that in your hand?"

"She's obviously an adult. And I don't do such a perv like you. Anyway, stop talking and kill him."

"Darn it. Do you know how easy it is to save such a cute little boy? Anyway, I'm going to keep this one, so you take care of yourself."

"Well, well, well."

Baek Seo-yeon voiced disapproval of whether the conversation between the two was amazing. The two looked back at her in surprise. Soon, the despair on the faces of men and women who were looking at Baek Seo-yeon was young. In each grasp, a boy who looked young and a woman who showed off her mature beauty were grabbed as if her hair would be pulled out.

"Oh, sister."

"My sister is here!"

"The others are on a mission to die, and the executives are doing well. What?"

"Well, that's not it..”

As soon as the woman hesitated, Baek Seo-yeon's new brother shot like an arrow. She narrowed the distance in an instant and soon swung a dagger in her right hand like a flash.

You're lying!

Soon as the intense light seemed to have swept through the street, the sound of a balloon bursting strongly rang the street. The boy's head exploded like a mashed watermelon, and a pink thunderstorm popped out everywhere.

The woman holding the boy's head raised her hand blankly. Before I knew it, there was only a handful of hair left in the woman's grasp. The woman who looked at it for a moment soon distorted her face and became irritated.

"Oh, sister!"

"Shut up."

"Oh, come on... I only found one out of 30 people....”

I could hear her moaning next to her, but Baek Seo-yeon turned to the man this time, completely indifferent. The man shook his head like crazy as soon as he received her gaze.

"No, no! No!"

However, Baek Seo-yeon's smooth legs cut the air without hesitation, and the back of her foot touched the jaw of the woman who had been held.



A mature woman's neck was deformed with a single scream.

Soon after, the man said in a sad voice, looking at the limp woman.

"Oh, my sister. You're so mean."

"You guys are so mean. How long has it been since the raid? Are you looting?"

Baek Seo-yeon turned her ankle once or twice in the air and folded her legs again. The man briefly lost his attention to the angular beauty and immediately answered whether he felt the pouring gaze in front of him.

"Hyun said you could plunder as much as you want."

"That meant we could do it after the raid.”

"My sister tells me to kill only 20 people per person. Look, Haeyeon and I have killed more than a hundred people so far....”

The man pointed to a street with a tone of "really unfair." Come to think of it, the other streets were filled with screams and footsteps, but it was unusually quiet here.

Baek Seo-yeon glanced in the direction pointed by the man. Indeed, as he said, the number of bodies lying on the street was clearly over 100.

"Phew, don't mess with me anyway, where's Gain?”

Come to think of it, where'd it go? He was kneeling down in front of the body and looking at it."

When the woman answered with her head looking around, Baek Seo-yeon shook her head with a look of wonder.

"How come all the kids below me are weird. Don't you think it's been a while since you attacked the body?. Whoo."

"Hey, you said the square was successful, and you heard from Warp Gate that it was successful. It looks like it's already over...Please take a look. I can't stand it."

Baek Seo-yeon stared at the man who intervened like a hunch and opened his mouth with a slightly softened tone.

"Whatever you say, you're a smooth talker. Didn't you throw a few people a while ago? Yeah, you caught the clan kids, didn't you? Then, the priest said it was your cup of tea and ran away."

"Oh, I certainly did. But I couldn't. No, I didn't."


"I've been waiting for my turn, and I've been exactly 200 times. But as soon as I saw it, I didn't want to do it. The holes are open, the bodies are covered in white...I feel like I'm looking at a doll with loose threads....”

The man who was talking like a woodpecker suddenly shut up.

"What's wrong?"

"Sister. Back."

As the man pointed lightly with his chin, Baek Seo-yeon slowly looked back. Behind her came a woman with a blank face as to when she appeared. In a good way, he was an idiot, and in a way, he looked as if he were out of his mind.

Baek Seo-yeon checked the woman's face and turned completely.

"Ga-in, where have you been again?"

"Hey, big trouble."

"Where have you gone... What?"

"Square. Warp Gate. Contact me. No."

The moment I heard that, the three faces hardened sharply. Baek Seo-yeon asked back, narrowing her forehead slightly.

"What are you talking about? Until I came in....”

"Square. Warp Gate. Contact me. No."

When asked by Baek Seo-yeon, the woman repeated the same thing, lifting the crystal ball. She looked at the woman for a moment, then opened her mouth in a cold voice.

Park Dong-soo. Lee Hae-yeon. Let's stop chatting. And it's a little early, but get the kids together right now. As soon as we gather, we run to the square and to the Warp Gate."

"Now? It's not completely occupied yet.Aren't you supposed to clean up this area and go in? Why don't you just leave the left and right looters behind?"

"Do it."


The man, called Dongsu, nodded at once and immediately sounded the signal.

Then, shadows scattered all over the place began to converge in one direction.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

Haha, Mul's escape consists of a gate, not a warp gate. As I said in the review yesterday, I think Seongmunseong will be on the next episode. Which gate will Suhyun and her group escape through? Those of you who are quick-witted may already have noticed. Of course, you'd be impatient to leave like this, right? :D

Oh, and I think there are people who don't worry too much these days. Please worry about the vagabonds. The vagabonds are upset. ㅜ.(?)(?

리 Ripple 『

1. Miwol Night: Congratulations on winning first place. Haha. First place is easy. That easy one, I want to try it. ㅜ.ㅠ

2. Ahn Sol: No. It's 98 points if you put all your strength in. The remaining points are 6 points. :)

3. Sizprere: That's right. Honestly, there are less than five users who can compete with Suhyun in 1:1 of the "now" users. If you use the flower garden....

4. Smoked Snail: Oh no. Suhyun is going to escape through the gate. But you have to worry about this. Not Soohyun, but the vagabonds.

5. MERLIWI: Ho, aren't you an acquaintance of Yurikenne last time? Nice to meet You!

6. SEEDL: Joe, that's a good foresight. Ha, but I still have a few more spleen left!

7. Pinero: Yes. Baek Hangyeol will definitely be strong. However, assuming that Su-hyun is physically 101, Baek Hang-yul will be devastated no matter how much he awakens with his final weapon. Of course, there should be an assumption that Su-hyun does her best.

8. LOVE Autumn: Corrections completed. Thank you. _(__)_

9. :: Please look forward to the next episode. I'll show you Soohyun's secret breakthrough. Whoo.

10. Ersirina: Yes! I'd like to dedicate my riffle to you! If it weren't for the word Roy X, I would have offered a riffle with more joy. ( --)

11. Lea: Whoo. Luck is an ability that you don't know where to go. Especially after upgrading to Luck 101, it became more subtle. I'll leave it to Lea's imagination to see what she thinks. (You're right about number one.) However, you just need to remember. Luck is not omnipotent. Haha. :)

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