Chapter 373

Chapter 373 For new use =========================================================================

“Simon, what’s wrong with you? Do you have a problem?”

Yurina’s voice calling Simon was calm. However, the eyes of a young man standing with his back turned, mixed with a slight but indisputable nervousness.

It wasn’t just about Yuri. In the midst of running through the field, Simone suddenly stopped walking, so the entire group of users also stopped running. Their eyes were also on Simon, a young man.


“Kushan Thor is dead?”

It was then. The moment Yurina opened her mouth one more time, I heard Simon’s soft voice.

“And the spirits are gone.”

Soon after, Simon, who turned slowly, gently revealed his face. Yurina shut her mouth reflexively. The devilish red eyes that appear through the crevice of the slightly opened eyes. And the smiling mouth tail. He had a big smile on his face as always, but somehow he felt a bit close call.

Choi has been as close to a relatively long, glass or was can feel an instinctive. That Simon Grimes is in a very grumpy state.

“Oh, shit, that’s annoying.”

Then, a word that you just said. In the light of his usual words and actions, the last swear word was a very unusual one for Simone.

“Why do we have to be beaten up by just one guy?”

“Simon, Simon….”

“Why is the one thing that I’ve made a deal with?”


Yurina managed to put back the words she was trying to bring up. And I decided not to open my mouth any more. The moment Simone gives up her reason, she shows a 180-degree different attitude from her original self. Having seen it once or twice, she thought it best not to offend him anymore.

After that, some time passed.

It was a precious time that could be a lifeline for someone, although only a few minutes. And it was a precious time for someone to let go.

Simone, who had been breathing heavily, soon began to move on with a thin ice smile.

Simon’s walk was directed at the vagabonds, especially the leaders.


Racing through an open field. Stomping across the charred bodies, even the area where spirits and masu were fighting can be easily passed. As a result, I also felt my heart cool. It felt like a lie that I had barely taken a step after going through a lot of trouble earlier.

With the momentum, I sprinted even more recklessly and was soon able to reach the beginning of the battlefield. And as soon as he arrived, he began to look at the battlefield.

After a quick glance, the situation was better than I thought. I don’t see many enemies, maybe because all the people who were supposed to fill this place are out. Of course, it was only within my reach, but…Anyway, the situation was better than I thought.

But that doesn’t mean you can just be happy. It is because the destination was only the beginning, and the fact that the enemies are not visible means that they have flocked to other places.

I sighed for a moment, then looked up and scoured far away.

‘There is.’

Then, at one point, at first glance, I found Vivien’ Although it looked like a dot, I could tell that the giant Satirus had carried out my orders properly when I saw him running wild.

Suddenly, I thought I wanted to go to Bangreong, but unlike my mind, my body was already running in a different direction.

“You can’t waste a single step.’

It was like that before and it is like that. I don’t have time to rest now. If I delay even a little, I might not be able to save anyone who can.

The battlefield was such a place.

Passing those who seem to be so infrequent, they only ran for 10 minutes.

As I went inside from the entrance of the battlefield, I began to accept the information given by the Battlefield Guardian. At that moment, thousands of location information flowed at a time, and I felt dizzy in my head.

You don’t think… you’ve decided that all of us here are allies?

Running constantly, I spit out insults. But as soon as I thought of the users I wanted, the information that came in quickly diminished. It was unfortunate that I couldn’t find a location close by, but it was fortunate.

From now on, they should reflect on their positions one by one and calculate the route they are going to take. Rather than going with the Jung-gu heating system, the minimum route should be used to achieve maximum effectiveness. But there was no guarantee that they would stay in one place, so there was a sense of where to start.

Splash! Splash!

A little later.

I could feel a slight tremor on the ground with a slight explosion. I looked up right away. Then we could see that the number of users in front of us was gradually increasing. It has finally begun to enter a place where enemies have gathered. As proof of that, a weak-sounding scream was now even more clearly heard.

Die, you sons of bitches!

“Argh, argh!”

Then he turned his head to a scream that exploded from one side, and saw dozens of seemingly deadly enemies stirring with their faces.

And starting with that, it’s only at a glance that you can see a battlefield-like scene.


That was not just happening in one place.

This is why I felt like a child’s mischief in the defense area that I saw at the beginning.

A sword-cutter who groans in pain.

The one who rolls the floor under the magic of flying.

The one who breaks himself down by the shot arrow.

The one who cries out for the priest in tears.

The situation was truly a mess, unlike the beginning. In all directions, there were riots going on here and everywhere. One is frantic and the other is frantic and rebellious.

It was literally a blood festival by crazy people. It was even difficult to measure anything, let alone identify our enemies.

In the meantime, I quickly looked around with my eyes full of mana. The person I know….


There was no one I knew around, either by sight or by “protecting the battlefield.”

Then let’s just pass here. I walked right past the enemy-stricken users, turning a blind eye to themselves away.

Ping! Peeping!

But as soon as I passed, a blind arrow came in from somewhere, and I avoided it by turning my head lightly. Then, as the enemy who just happened to be in front of him ran in a row, this time, almost a hundred enemies were spotted. I stepped up the ground with all my might without delay.


At the same time as the navel was leaning, the body flew into the air like a parabola. Then they simply jump over their enemies and descend directly to the ground. Just as my feet were about to touch the ground, I leaned a little, not immediately. And just as it is, he slips his body like a sliding tackle.



As I pushed the earth with the power of inertia, I heard something coming from behind. But the arrow that was shot at me was not even as fast as a thug.

The battlefield is wide. As such, the enemy is also widely distributed. Moreover, the target was not a single target, but also a wide-ranging eastern user.

It was me who broke through thousands of enemies and endured intensive shooting. So it was at least much easier to break through this distracted battlefield.

When I felt like I’d opened up some distance in time, I sprung myself up and ran straight back.

No. It was a moment to run.

사용자 Update location information for user Im Hanna.』


For an instant, the information given by the Battlefield Guardian was updated.

45 degrees northeast. The distance is about 90 meters.

I was questioned about the self-judgment of the Battlefield, but I was only able to decide where to start the first rescue. First of all, rescue Im Han-na, who is the closest distance away, and select the overlapping route starting from there.

After organizing my thoughts like that, I immediately turned and started running.

Running with all his might, the distance of 90 meters began to diminish in an instant. I can feel Im Han-na’s energy gradually getting closer in the direction she goes. Soon after, Han-na and a group of people were caught in the heightened vision.


There were quite a few users there who looked more than twenty. I think I took advantage of the time I earned. They were moving slowly and gathering users, but they were fiercely rebelling against enemies who were rushing at them.

Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!

Among them, Lim Han-na was the most powerful. Every time she lets go of her hand, a flash flashes, and accordingly, one enemy breaks down.

It wasn’t just him. The occasional large stream of light was steadily shooting at the distant lines being supported from the rear. Even with the help of the “Brilliant Flash, Laura Phyllis,” Im Han-na was showing a balanced presence against three times as many enemies.

I made fun of my feet more quickly because I thought I could rescue them without any problems if I went like this.

However, it was then.

Flap! Flap!

Shoosh! Shooshush!

For an instant, magic and arrows that flew from the opposite direction swept Hanna and its users. It seems that support from enemies in other directions came in.

Boom, boom, boom!



Somehow the crowd fell apart in one fell apart. Only users who fell and groaned remained in the place where magic swept away. It was a difficult situation to deal with the enemies in the front, but he gave an instant of time to the sudden support.

The battle line, which had barely been maintained, collapses in an instant, and the enemies who rush burst into a roar and begin to occupy. Im Hanna was no exception. Whether she was fascinated by beauty or because she had something to do with her, she was seen particularly flocking enemies around her.

Then one person showed a mean smile, and soon he lifts his foot with a whistle and tramples on Im Han-na’s chest. She bit her lip with an angry face. And as soon as I had a tear in my eyes, I managed to capture Im Han-na within range.

“Lim Hanna!”

After shouting out loud to prevent possible suicide, I immediately curled up and jumped out to the Gungshin Tomb. The enemies turned their heads in wonder as if they heard me shouting. But the moment I met my eyes, I immediately lowered Victoria’s glory. The first target was the one who trampled on Im Han-na.


The top of the black head was split and his mouth was wide open. As he tore himself down, I rose to the ground and struck the empty air with all my might.

You’re lying!


At the moment, the air was wide open. Then immediately, the air turned into a wave of mana and indiscriminately attacked the vagrants around.


Perhaps because my attack was also a form of surprise, the waves broke through several bodies without hesitatingly. After one round of the enemy, the power remains, and flows out of the range that it has captured. Soon there was a burst of blood everywhere and a late scream.

I quickly got rid of the two lucky survivors and raised Im Han-na, who looked up blankly.

“User Im Hanna. Are you all right?”


Lim Han-na slightly frowned to see if the trampled part hurt. Fortunately, however, there are no serious injuries. She soon put one hand on her chest and looked at me with fond eyes.

“Oh, how…Soohyun… Oh, no. Commercial Road!”

Im Han-na was very grateful and happy to see her. I was also glad but the situation was urgent. I pointed right in one direction, with no time to share the sun’s

“I’ll explain later. You know what’s going on, don’t you?”

But I felt my urgency, and I straightened my face and nodded.

“User Im Hanna. There are enemies in front of us right now. So, move diagonally to the left here, and when you can’t see your enemy to some extent, run back to the right. There’s a defense team there. You can go over there and join us.”

“What? The defense?”

“It’s defense built by Vivien and my brother. I’m sure there are quite a few people around you by now. It’s the safest place right now.”

“Yes, I got it’s fine. So we can go that way, right?”

I liked it because I understood the situation or was quick to judge. If the woman in front of her was Ahn Sol, not Im Han-na, she would have cried and gone crazy.


“Yes, then go ahead.”

“Yes, yes? Wait a minute! You’re not coming with me?”

“I’m sorry, but I have to look for other Clan One.”


If it were Jung Ha-yeon, Shin Sang-yong, Ahn Hyun, Ahn Sol, and Lee Yoo-jung, I would have taken her there. However, since Im Han-na is an archer user, she can reach it by herself with just a direction. She was a user with the ability to do so.


“Mercury Road!”

I heard Im Han-na holding me. But in the wake of the children’s worries, I greeted them with a nod and turned away. Then I started running again.

‘Next target is….’

Knock, knock, knock knock!

However, I had to stop running for a while. Because I could feel Im Han-na following me behind my back.

I looked back feeling dumbfounded.

“User Im Hanna. What are you doing?”

“I want to go, too. Let’s go together.”


“I’m also a mechanical road…I’ll go with Soohyun!”

At Im Hanna’s unexpected words, I frowned greatly.

“Don’t be ridiculous.!”

“No! You want me to just wait and see again?”


“Rather than losing again and again, than watching again.I’ll follow you. I’ll catch up with you this time!”

Lim Han-na’s screaming face was filled with a sentimental feeling. At the same time, he shows his will that he can never yield.

In an atmosphere completely different from her usual sweetness, she kept her mouth shut.

Suddenly, Lim Han-na’s words crossed my mind.

Please speak comfortably. Oh, can I use honorifics?’

I want to carve out my destiny.’



Soon after, for a very short time, I stared at Im Han-

Im Han-na’s eyes, which were seen above her biting lips, were clearly trembling.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Originally, I was going to include Shin Sang-yong’s point of view following Kim Soo-hyun, but I changed some of the contents of the next episode.

I have a lot to say later, but I have a project.

I’m alone. Rainy today. Kim Taewoo’s words. I love the song.

Hehe. Hehe.

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