Chapter 381

Chapter 381 Ma tribe Nergal =========================================================================


The iron fortress, where weapons hit each other, shook everywhere. It wasn’t just a sound that occurred in one place. The strong vibrations from everywhere echoed throughout, giving us a sense of the intensity of the battle.

And the sound that followed, really, was different.

Roaring screams, pain-soaked screams, abusive shouts, and ferocious cries.

Rising heavy drinking and flames scattered the biting soil sand, and flesh fell and blood spattered through them. It was a completely unpredictable war. Now it is hard to distinguish between the enemy and the allies, and the east and west were intertwined and engaged in battle.

“You bastards! Protect Jin! Don’t run away, keep your seat!”


Oh, my god!

As the island, which was useful in every butcher’s shop, cut through the air, a vagrant broke down with a sad scream. Soon after, the man burst into a violent laugh as the body separated from the neck collapsed on the floor.

“Hahaha! Come on! Come on! I’ll deal with Kim Deok-pil, the slayer of the vagabond!”

The main character of the province was Kim Deok-pil, a “homicide killer.” In front of him was a stack of dead bodies that had all been strangled. Some enemies shuddered as soon as their eyes flashed with blood dripping.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

However, they may have gained strength from the shouts of our troops from behind, and start to move forward again.

The current battlefield was still in favor of the Western Continent and the Warring Union. In fact, it was inevitable because it was overwhelming in many factors such as momentum and numbers. In a way, it was a miracle for eastern users to endure and resist until now.

No. A miracle actually happened.

In the beginning, Kim Soo-hyun bought the maximum amount of time, allowing the East to perform very minimal maintenance. And Ansol’s unique ability, “miracle,” had a huge impact on the battlefield. In addition to raising all the conditions of our troops to the highest level, we erased the remnants of the remaining Matan.

Now, even though they have the upper hand, the coalition forces have had to feel sick over time. At the end of the day, when almost all of them were being pierced, resistance from the east increased.

It’s really out of the blue, too.

In the end, the coalition’s plan to penetrate the preface troops at once was nothing short of a failure.

And it was only a matter of time before the war turned around as soon as the support troops arrived.

Pierce it! Pierce it somehow! If it doesn’t work, let it go!


As soon as he saw the tsunami of enemies again, Kim Deok-pil uttered a low-pitched swear words. Then he looked up for a moment and stared at the other side where the enemies were coming. Most of his eyes were madness, but there was also a slight mixture of earnest eyes wishing for salvation.

Soon after, Kim Deok-pil shouted in a scream, controlling the dripping blood.

“Gather up! And hang in there! Hang in there a little longer and we’ll have reinforcements!”

That was the only hope left for Eastern users, though how much longer they had to endure.

It was not long before the eastern users screamed face to face, and each other’s shouts and shouts met.

And in the meantime, changes that would bring new aspects to the war were approaching.


in a good way

in a good way

In the fierce battlefield, to some extent, there was an immeasurable sound of footsteps.

The sound is too loud. Then thousands of footprints are carved again on the wet land that the enemies have trampled on.


Soon as the amplified voice rang out, the footstep cycle began to get shorter. It was natural that the pace of the march increased further.

It’s working hard!

The number of users marching in step, as seen in succession, reached nearly 6,000.

It was the users who were in charge of the south and north gates who marched in an orderly fashion in line with the oh. The support unit, which has understood the situation and completed maintenance, has finally arrived.

“Phew, the situation is no joke. It’s a total mess.”


A man nodded at a user’s words. Though still vaguely visible in the distance, the situation felt close.

The man sighed quietly.

“I wish you were alive..”

“Clan Lord. I got a call from the alumni unit. He’s said to have settled in.I’m sure a lot of people are waiting.”

“It’s not the Clan Road, it’s the commander.”

The man who uttered a word soon amplified his voice again.

(Before the charge, let us know that we are here, so shout as loudly as you can.)

In a random order, users alternately looked at each other. But soon as the man starts running ahead, he starts to speed up more accordingly.

Soon after, the line, which had been shaped like a straight rectangle, began to rise forward little by little. In-house and other discharges come forward the most, followed by proximity and distance classes.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Gradually, the 6,000-user march begins to turn into a rapid pace.

As the distance decreased, everyone’s faces became tense, and their hearts thumped.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Now, it’s been completely changed to a running pace. In addition, the man pulled out his sword and shouted, as if he thought it was enough.

(From now on, the salvation of the preface unit begins. Everybody ready for battle!)

Along with raising weapons from place to place in line with the voice, the sound of the chanting echoed simultaneously.

And when the battlefield is almost visible. The man struck the sword as it was and shouted in a loud voice that had never been before.


Whoops! Whoops!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

At the same time, the South Gate and the North Gate units began to cross the field with shouts.

It wasn’t long before 6,000 users rushed through the corpses and surfed into the rear of the coalition.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

Whoops! Whoops!

Huge shouts rock the whole field. As soon as he heard the sound, Sung Hyun-min slowly raised his body. As he stepped forward, one quickly followed him.

“Han Rod. I think it’s started.”

“Yes, he must have moved right after he sent the call. I’m glad it’s fast. Haha.”

Looking at Sung Hyun-min smiling brightly, the woman made a strange expression.

“Don’t you regret it?”


But the woman shut up at the very ensuing backlash.

There was a moment of silence, and Sung Hyun-min opened his mouth again.

“I acted according to my beliefs. And I just followed the plan.

“…but still.”

“So the answer is…Yes, I don’t regret it.”

After talking, Sung Hyun-min looked around with a relaxed look.

The number of alumni units now stands at about 3,500. Now they were gathered at one point in a rectangular formation. Like waiting for someone.

In fact, Sung Hyun-min was able to notice something strange right after the unexpected happened. And when the walls were broken down and the enemies all ran out to the preface, the sense turned to conviction.

However, Sung Hyun-min chose a slightly different path than to go straight to salvation with 3,500 people. They sent messengers to the South and North Gate units to inform them of the situation, and they bypassed the battlefield and newly camped on the enemy’s expected retreat.

Of course, it wasn’t very wrong with the operation, but there was room for controversy. However, considering that, Sung Hyun-min acted as he intended. Only he knew what intentions were hidden.

Soon as the earth began to shake little by little, Sung Hyun-min, who had been staring forward for a while, calmly opened his mouth.

“I guess it’s finally coming.”

“Can we win? But I think they’ll have more than us.”

“We can win now.”

Sung Hyun-min’s eyes as he spoke were full of confidence. With unexpected confidence, the woman sighed, and soon quietly demonstrated the magic of amplifying the voice amplification magic.

The faces of the users waiting around were all different. Some users have angry faces, and others tilt their heads.

Although they have not yet had a scuffle with their enemies, they were well aware that the West Gate troops were fighting a tough battle.

Seong Hyun-min quickly searched them and quietly opened his mouth.

(Enemies are approaching.)

At that point, tension begins to rise only in an atmosphere that has subsided endlessly.

(You don’t have to be nervous. Because the preparation is perfect. You’ve all explored it once, haven’t you? You can do the same as you always do.)

Sung Hyun-min sounded like a joke, but no one laughed. In the meantime, the tremors of the earth’s axis were gradually increasing intensity, and signs of movement were detected in the distance.

Finally, the leading unit of the coalition forces, which broke through the battlefield, began to show up little by little.

Despite such circumstances, Sung Hyun-min did not lose his composure. There were two choices. Either the enemies turn left and right and run, or they fall.

In fact, it doesn’t matter which way. From the perspective of the alumni, it was the Allied forces that were in a hurry. They are completely maintained. You can no longer have a wild-style scramble, but a well-organized battle. It is now possible to show the skills of users who are proud of the North Continent. Of course there was a calculation of its own.

Sung Hyun-min, who thought for a moment, smiled coldly.

Here comes the time for revenge. Many of you have endured it. Get ready, everyone.)

Soon as the enemy’s lead slowly began to be confirmed, Sung Hyun-min spread his voice without delay.

Cyrillic, Cyrillic!

“───. ───. ───.”

Then the sound of archers measuring arrows and the sounds of wizards chanting spells begin to ring solemnly.

The hot-tempered users also tried to fire threat shots.

(I’m still waiting.)

However, Sung Hyun-min, who immediately stopped him, watched the front sharply.

The Allies seemed to be aware of the alumni troops who had been forced to retreat. As a result, he stopped moving for a while, but immediately started running straight ahead as if he was being chased by something.

Looking at such enemies, Sung Hyun-min thought he was stupid, but he was not careless. It means that there are quite a few enemies who have broken through where they are not yet be seen.

(Wait, wait.)

Dududududu! Dudududu!

As expected, Sung Hyun-min’s expectation was right, and quite a large number of coalition troops appeared behind the lead. It was one and a half times the number of alumni units at first glance.

Although he came running recklessly, the figure was certainly threatening.

As a result, some users start to shake noticeably. The hand that held the demonstration trembled, and the voice that was chanting the spell was mixed with noise.

(You don’t have to be afraid. We can win. You’re going to be a hero in this war!)

Before long, the enemy’s lead was fully visible.


And as soon as he entered the range, Sung Hyun-min shouted without delay.

(Those who come in won’t miss a single one! Attack everyone!)

Shush! Shush! Shush!

At the same time, a loaded arrow flew in the air first.

Then the shot arrow drew a parabola and poured down to the running enemies.


“What is it?”

In the middle of my run, I questioned the sudden increase in the number of bodies. Arrows and magic swept all over the land, and the bodies that decorated it were almost allied forces.

In fact, when it comes to chasing Simon, I find it most difficult to break through the running area now. It was possible to cross the line as quickly as it broke through the straight line, but as we moved forward, we thought there would be more enemies who passed the battlefield earlier. And we’ll have fewer allies.

But enemies are rarely seen, either. This sound is…


The answer was, the moment it broke through the pile of bodies. This is because I was caught in the sight of a dizzy battle in the distance. A combination of users and coalition forces indicated the arrival of support forces.

It’s time to get there, Hagiya..’

Then, the troops in front of them are not saved but blocked the retreat of the vagabonds.

There was a vague question left, but I shook my head as soon as the sound of the sergeant’s collision approached.

I think it’s good. No, the users of the preface unit might feel bitter, but they were in a situation where I couldn’t help but shout “Nice.”

Simone was running away from the tail, and enemies were blocking him everywhere. However, this creates a place to turn the enemy’s attention. It can break through without any interference.

I thought about what to do for an instant, but I decided to break through the battlefield.

Simone’s Ma’an was constantly watching me, despite being constantly seen. It was as if he knew I was going to kill him.

But in my memory, Simon is not a close family. It’s more like a sorcerer class if I guess. I was confident that I would catch up in 10 minutes if I didn’t get in the way of my enemies rushing like moths of fire.

Rough soil dust rose before my eyes. I can no longer feel the moisture on the ground running on it.

Soon into the dust of fierce fighting, I jumped in without delay.

To buy time for two years.

============================ Review of the work ============================

You don’t have to worry about Simon. There’s a lot of people who’ll come out if it’s not him.

I really want to write the next episode, but I ended up cutting it right before I caught it. I’ve added more content.I’m afraid I’ll be really late. Trust me.)

I think October was a slump for me. There were a lot of difficulties. As I was writing today, I realized that there are signs of a gradual escape.

Perhaps thanks to your consistent support and harsh criticism. Hah, hah, hah.

I have a lot to say, but I’m just grateful to you. I’m shy to say this all of a sudden. What’s wrong with me? LOL

Anyway, thank you. And thank you again.

I’ll work harder until the end of part one!

PS. The next episode can be quite cruel. She’s going crazy again. If you don’t like it, please consider it and watch.

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