Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Make an Offer =========================================================================

As week 9, week 10 and week 11 began training, users seemed to be on track. In the first week, users who had had a hard time running simply for a long time could see them smiling and running more than 20 laps. I smiled pleased to see one person digesting all the training without falling behind.

Currently, the number of people remaining was approximately over 80. It is unusual for a user academy to have more than 80 graduates. As the last 13 weeks of graduation season approached, there was a strange atmosphere inside the academy.

The first thing that changed was the way instructors treated new users. The instructor was not necessarily a golden lion clan member. 70% of the city’s representative clan members will be located, and the remaining 30% will be visited by selected users of ordinary city and small city representative clan.

The instructors, who were initially shouting like death, were becoming more and more friendly. It was almost unusual to sneak out one or two people and buy them a nice meal. In the first place, I could see him making an offer after the training. Of course, it was only for some skilled users.

Even the newly assigned instructor in the name of a life instructor was a sight. A beautiful female instructor has been assigned to male users’ accommodations, and a warm male instructor has been assigned to female users’ accommodations. If anyone with an idea sees it, they will be able to immediately see what intentions this personnel shift has.

As the training ended quickly, the time for the group to meet naturally increased. These days, whenever I met Ahn Hyun, Ahn Sol, and Yoo Jung, I was always looking at what direction they were going to take in the future.

“What are you going to do?”

“What about you? I’m sure you’ve got a lot of offers. Do you have any plans to go in somewhere?”


I thought it was good to follow me, but it wasn’t. At least if they think and speak, they need to hurry up and abandon their blind dependence. Speaking as euphemistically as possible with these intentions, Yoojung replied with a sulky face.

“Who’s not? But I want to hear what you think first.”

“I’m still thinking. What if you and I don’t agree?”

“What do you mean? Of course I’ll follow you.”

“Of course, of course. I trust you, too. Way to go, bro.

Ahn Hyun, who was listening next to him, also shook his head and helped him with a word. Kids seem to think of me as a rice cake these days. When asked why he was doing this, Ahn Sol replied with a smile, “When you hear Su-hyun, you get rice cakes even when you sleep.”

I shook my head with a bitter smile. The dedication to the rite of passage and the reputation of the Academy of Users seem to have caused great synergy in children. On the other hand, I was grateful to believe in him, but I wanted to save my words for now. I will open my mouth before graduation, but I thought it was not the right time yet.

Kim Han-byul was no longer showing her face. I heard that Yoo-jung and I don’t talk to each other even when we see each other’s faces. She also seemed to be salivating in several clans as she showed the potential to rank among female users.

While some of these budding users may be feeling flattered and weighing the Clan that received the offer, on the contrary, many users did not receive no offer. Such people were increasingly anxious as the graduation season approached.

If you go out, you’ll find a clan that can fit into a small town or a regular city, even if it’s too big. However, there were also users who had a lingering attachment to a large clan called the Dahongchima. Rumor has it that there are also female users who do quite bold things. Now that you’ve gotten close to the instructors, you can see how hard they push and pull each other since they sometimes seduce you with their bodies.

Looking at the children who are becoming more relaxed, I nagged them to pay attention to training since it is still the training season. The user academy period was not set for three months for no wonder. The golden period of ability to increase rapidly depends on the user, but it can be viewed between 90 and 100 days.

The kids were grumbling, but when they said they couldn’t post it even if they wanted to, they immediately shut up. I also put more effort into training to take the initiative. I had never missed a single day of training before I reached the stage of the Sod Master.

As time went by, the graduation season was approaching.


The training was also moved on to the 13th week and there was only one day left before graduation. Users were also slowly wrapping up their Academy lives. Even the strict instructors at the time of the training were quite free. During that time, users had personal maintenance or gathered to talk.

The day passed so quickly that the time of night came. As it was the last day, users who used the same accommodation had a simple get-together. Instructors were closing their eyes to a certain extent, saying, “Don’ It wasn’t just the accommodation I used, it was the same for other accommodations.

It wasn’t a big get-together, it was all about dried meat and drinking. Still, users who saw alcohol after a long time turned their eyes upside down and rushed to drink. Me and Ahn stood up with a slight nod, facing each other. With Yoo Jung’s suggestion, each of us will secretly leave the accommodation to celebrate separately.

Me and Hyun sneaked out of the door. They were all drunk anyway, putting their arms around each other’s shoulders and shouting, “We did it.” It was a piece of cake to sneak out of such a fuss.

Habitually searching my pocket, I realized that there was no beginning of the year. I think I left it at the dorm. I told Anhyun to go to the meeting place first and then turned back. Ahn Hyun said, “How about not smoking?” But as I am a smoker, I used to smoke at the beginning of the year when I drink.

After sending Ahn Hyun first, I returned to the accommodation and took care of the beginning of the year, so I went outside again. The place to meet is a corner of the academic intelligence center. It was a bold move, but if it is now, it is highly likely that it will pass without any problems.

The deep night sky was sowing a dark dusk. I was rushing to a building visible across a large playground with no one. And the moment I walked past the bathroom next door….


A strange and warm groan leaked from the bathroom. I guess my sensitive hearing didn’t manage to miss it. Curiosity rose, and I carefully opened the closed bathroom door. I opened it as carefully as I could, but the creaking sound from the door rang around me. But without a moment to worry about the noise, the strange heat from the inside of the open door hit my whole body.


It was a mess inside. The first thing that caught my eye was a user wearing a sprawling clothes and a trainer hat. And a woman groaned under his belly. The pitch-black cut hair was scattered across the floor, and legs with fine thigh lines were floundering in the air in both directions. I think I’ve seen that face once or twice.

The man on her ship was an instructor. Every time he stretched his waist from top to bottom, the woman’s body flashed like a fish and shouted out an unmistakable cry.

“Be quiet… moan…It’s too loud!”

“Oh, yeah, because the instructor is so intense…Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Move your back rhythmically at the end of each verse. The instructor, who had been beating down his cargo mercilessly, stirred his back once and stopped moving. Then the body of the woman who lay down was smiling and hugging him tightly.

The two savoring the afterglow in that state. And the lips of the woman with the enchanting face below were opened.

“Did you promise? I’m sure I’ll let you join your clan..”

“Don’t worry. I’m waiting after the expulsion ceremony tomorrow. I’ll take him.”

They finished talking and started moving their backs again. A lewd chatter filled the bathroom. Having guessed the situation from their conversation, I closed the door again. Nothing is semi-forced like the Western continent, but in the end, it cannot be prevented from happening at all. Even if it is a strictly disciplined northern continent, as long as new female users do so by baiting themselves.

I turned around thinking I should hurry up and go to the intelligence office. And



I ended up screaming without realizing it. Hanbyul was staring at me from behind my back when she came. No matter how unconcerned and relaxed I was, I was surprised that I didn’t feel any movement that came close to me. I felt like I was too focused on the romantic scenes of a man and a woman I hadn’t seen in a while. I cleared my face in an instant and opened my mouth calmly.

“I’m surprised. Since when have you been here.”

“I went to my brother’s house to talk to him, but he wasn’t there. So on my way back home, I saw my brother go back to the dorm and came out.”

“Then inside the bathroom…?”

Did you see that? was omitted, but she seemed to understand roughly. I think I’ve seen it from the beginning to blush slightly and avoid my eyes. I thought I was caught, but I didn’t do anything wrong, so I decided to go out confidently. It was necessary to avoid this position for their fun once.

I walked slowly, killing the sound of footsteps. The direction is academic intelligence. She also often came after me and soon began to step up next to me. So I walked side by side in the cold moonlight. There was silence for a while, perhaps because of the awkwardness a while ago. It was Hanbyeol who opened his mouth first.

“Maybe the female user I just saw in there is Lee Ji-young.”

“Lee Ji-young…I think I’ve seen her once or twice.”

“You don’t know?”

I tilted my head as I saw Han-byul with her eyes wide open and asking back. Then it’s natural not to know. How am I supposed to know when you’re not particularly good or close to me? His face is pretty pretty, but honestly, when I saw Yoo-jung, Sol, and Han-byeol, it was just like that. I answered with a natural face.

“I don’t know. How am I supposed to know. We haven’t said a word.”

Hanbyeol’s face turned into a relieved look at my words. I was more and more curious about the user Lee Ji-young. Who is she to say that I don’t know, and Hanbyeol is like this? I heard Hanbyeol’s voice before I could connect my thoughts.

“You’d better not know. It’s not that popular among us either. As you just saw…There was a rumor going around. I didn’t expect to see it in person. But why were you there?”

“I’m going to have a company dinner in the academic intelligence center to celebrate my graduation. I opened the door because I heard a strange noise in the bathroom on my way there. Anyway, since we met, do you want to go?”

I wanted to say, “You’re going too, right?” But I couldn’t say that because I had been estranged from Hanbyeol. She bowed her head at my words and stared only at the floor. Suddenly, it occurred to me that her ears, sticking out through her pitch-black straight hair, were very cute. While I was thinking for a while, I could see her lips opening up little by little.

“I’d like to talk to you for a moment.”

Come to think of it, you said you had something to say. I nodded gladly because there was no particular reason to be bothered now. Come to think of it, it’s been a long time since I’ve talked to him.

“I got an offer from the Golden Lion Clan.”


“We don’t usually get new users right away, but we’re going to increase the number this time. Especially since you’re a wizard, you can help me grow up. And… he told me that he would recommend me as a candidate for the executive position.”

As soon as I heard that, I heard a strong acupuncture voice. I expected a fastball from the start, but what followed certainly surprised me. I didn’t understand what you meant by the word that the wizard family helped grow. Aside from that, the executive recommendation I mentioned later was beyond my belief. No matter how likely Kim Han-byul had, the recommendation of executives was excessive for new users.

If you have a secret job or a rare job…At the thought of it, I stopped at the thought of hitting my head. Han-byul looked at me with strange eyes as I suddenly stopped walking, but she immediately activated the third eye regardless of him.

사용자 User Status 『

* Name : Kim Hanbyeol (0 years)

* Class: Jewel Mage Beginer]

* Country of origin: -(Unsettled)

* Organization (Clan): -(Unsettled)

* True name and nationality: a person from the stars, a person who deals with beautiful light and gloss, Korea

* Gender (Sex): Women (22)

* Height · Weight: 170.5 cm · 45.0 kg

* Tendency: Order and chaos (Lawful · Chaos)


* [Muscle 44] [Intensity 52] [Intensity 64] [Strength 48] [Magic 82] [Lucky 62]


I was absent-minded and nodded reflexively and indifferently at the sound of Hanbyul’s call. Why? Why? The idea of “how?” was on the tip of my tongue, but I needed to get my head together.

You just told me not to tell anyone about your information.>

Especially since you’re a wizard, you can help me grow up.>

Surely a jewel wizard needs Clan’s help growing up in the early stages. It’s going to cost a lot of money to use jewelry as a magic catalyst. But that’s not what matters now. Kim Han-byul didn’t tell me that she got a jewelry wizard. And the fact that he was recommended as an executive of the Golden Lion Clan meant that he was likely to reveal his job.

At the moment, I clenched my teeth to the sense of betrayal that filled the inside of my body.I soon lost my strength. In fact, I decided to treat her by fate, and I was going to let her go. But seeing that such feelings soared at the moment, I still felt lingering in the corner of my mind.

She could have changed her attitude in the first place if she had known she was a jewel wizard, one of the secret jobs. But I didn’t mean to rationalize my position at this time. It was my least favorite behavior.

Excluding emotions, filling my head with cold reason, I quickly caught my breath and pulled myself together. From now on, I will treat her as a user, not as a brother who acted with her.

“I heard that you put an offer in the Golden Lion Clan as well.”

Looking at Kim Han-byul, who is still speaking with a calm face, I also replied with a calm face.

“I said I’d think about it.”

“Have you made up your mind now.”

“Yes, I’m going to say no. I don’t intend to join the Clan.”


I could feel her body flinch the moment she said no.

I paused for a moment and moved again. Then she also teased me for following her steps. And yet I was staring her in the eye and she was staring at me in the eye. Each other’s eyes contained subtle and complex feelings that could not be said.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Someone asked me a question the other day and posted it in the review, and there are many ways to get a secret and rare job. It’s not uniformized as one. Hallplane is a bunch of variables that you don’t know when, where, or what’s going to happen. Just in case some of you were wondering…. ㅇㅅㅇ


1) Human life: Congratulations on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. The two are similar in setting, but the atmosphere is similar in black. We’re not really sisters. (Laughs)

2) JoWoon : 네! I hope you enjoyed it! I wanted a comment like this! I was so embarrassed before…. 🙂

3) Blami: I thought about it because it was full of 15 and put it in + with Yoo Woon. hehe

4) Yeo Ok Anolja: I was worried because it was my first time using a rapid deployment. ㅜ.ㅠ

5) Golem: I commented on it, but…The former has a stronger meaning. ㅇㅅㅇ

6) GradeRown: You can say that you have enough power to support your strength. For more information, it could be a spoiler, so no comment. 🙂

7) Kriasen: Oh. I see. If I keep using it, I’ll be in the top ranks someday, right? I’ll cheer up until that day. (Also, don’t hate Hanbyul too much.) ㅜ.))

8) hohoka1: Maybe the next episode will solve the problem. Please look forward to it.

9) Toranoanal: Fun is also number one. But I’m much relieved that it’s evolving in a good way. I will try harder in the future.

10) Readers C: Right?! ㅇㅅㅇ Please look forward to it! ㅇㅅㅇ!

11) White Timothy: I’m still very much swayed by my beginner’s feelings. I guess it’s because I got into the habit of writing while listening to the piano.

12) Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tibrusk: The next episode will solve the question. Hah, hah, hah.

Then I’ll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

Preferences, recommendations, comments, criticisms, questions are always welcome.

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