Chapter 475
Chapter 475 Come to think of it, I’m short of words and I think I’ll have to take it in stone. =========================================================================
Monica, a small town in the south. First established by the Military Clan, the city managed by the Istanbul Low Clan.
The MERIARY has made a lot of progress so far, but Eastantel Low was not just playing. As Monica’s representative clan, she worked harder than any other clan and worked on internal management and external stabilization.
As a result, Monica was considered to be more like a normal city than any other small city.
There are two main criteria by which users choose their residential cities.
First, it must be safe for now. If the city is so monstrous that it cannot be operated outside, it will be reluctant unless it is a user.
And second, there should be no inconvenience living inside the city.
In other words, it was self-evident that the safer the city was, the better the city was, the more users would follow.
Han So-young was too aware of such standards. As such, the larger the city, the more concerned it was with internal management, one of which was security.
For example, as good rumors spread about Monica and users flocked, the streets of the night were activated accordingly.
It was natural, but it wasn’t just So-young who would watch it.
Han So-young’s stance on the night street is simple.
Don’t let ’em get caught.’
In other words, Monica does not tolerate the distance of the night, except when it is unavoidable (such as prostitution for livelihood), and is prepared for the moment they are caught.
At first, street users of the night snorted. In the meantime, there have been no sanctions on the streets of the night. However, as we have done so far, we thought that we could turn over some of our profits in the form of payouts, and if we went to another city, it would have been fine.
However, Han So-young immediately went into action the day after the warning. He suddenly raided the streets of the night and captured about 20 people as an example. And the 20 users were all, publicly executed in Monica’s Square.
In a way, it was a big case, but the public execution case went on more smoothly than expected. In the first place, the authority to manage the city was solely in the hands of the representative Clan, not without warnings. It also played a part in the fact that the executed users were just users with little connection.
Han So-young will respond the same way if this happens next time. A stern warning was issued, and the night streets held their breath, ending the case.
Of course, there were often people who couldn’t give up the good market called Monica, but Han So-young grabbed it every time and cut her throat without exception.
As a result, the night market was rarely found in Monica until now. Han So-young’s persistent users eventually chose to leave for another city.
It was around this time that the term “Queen of Iron Blood” changed beyond the real name.
The users who left criticized Han So-young for being a woman without blood or tears, saying that she used Istanbul Low’s force to shed unnecessary blood.
There is nothing to say because city management is subjective, but Han So-young was such a woman. He grows up in what he thinks is right, and does not hesitate to see blood if necessary. Perhaps this determination made the future Istanbul Lowe.
Thinking so, I suddenly lifted my eyes and stared at the other side.
On the opposite side, Han So-young was sitting down and eating quietly, so to speak, noodles.
The place where I am now was the restaurant in Istanbul Low Clan. When I visited Istanbul Lowe at the promised time, I said yes when asked if it was still before the meal, and I was advised to eat by Han So-young.
In the first place, I felt embarrassed by the sudden request because the appointment itself was made suddenly, but I was not the one to refuse. I was willing to accept the recommendation.
In fact, I felt curious for a moment that Han So-young guided me to the cafeteria, but I could understand when I took a bite of the food. The chef of Eastantel Low was almost as good as our Clan.
Anyway. It was amazing that I didn’t make a face without a facial expression or make a little noise while eating, but there was a separate reason why I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.
Han So-young is now 30 years old, a plate of eggs. But on the outside, he doesn’t look 30 at all. No. As I got older, my original charm became more seductive.
The black crystal-like eyes shed a strange spell that engulfs the viewer. Chewy lips move slowly whether they chew noodles or not, and the light red color cannot look so rich and colorful.
I sighed deeply. I’m telling you, a woman named Han So-young…What the hell should I say?
I feel it every time I meet him, but every time I see him, he reminds me that I’m a man.
Perhaps it is because of her unique ability charisma that captivates people like this, but Han So-young’s charm was also terrifying.
The appearance was literally a woman full of cold charisma worthy of an iron-blooded queen, but she sprays and spills subtle colors on every little gesture or action.
The synergy that these conflicting charms create in harmony with each other was simply enormous. I was influenced by myself who raised my mind to the highest level.
Anyway, I forced my eyes down because I couldn’t keep looking at them. But of all things, the gaze I got off was my chest. At that moment, I thought of a heart that was bigger than I thought, and when I looked up at Han So-young on the road, I automatically got a signal. I closed my legs and sighed deeply again. I thought it was the worst.
After a while, Han So-young put chopsticks and I followed her. Han So-young was completely emptied, while I wasn’t even half empty.
Han So-young, who swept through my bowl for a moment, blinked twice quickly. That was a sign of a little embarrassment. Do you think you ate too fast?
Han So-young, who was still looking at the bowl, soon looked at me gently. I laughed awkwardly, pulling the chair forward as far as I could. Han So-young’s head tilted slightly.
“Mercury Road? Don’t you like the food?”
“No, I’m fine. It’s very delicious.”
“You don’t have to force yourself to eat.I’m fine. Would you like a cup of tea in the Oval Office?”
“What? Oh, no. It’s really okay. Hahaha.”
You’ll be in trouble if you wake up now. There’s no way that Han So-young won’t notice. Thinking so, I desperately listened to the chopsticks I had put down. At the same time, he tried to change the subject, one of his organs.
“Oh, come to think of it, I think you have something to say…I don’t think I’ve heard it yet.”
Yes, all the stories I’ve talked about with Han So-young were small. The dragon’s attack on the mountain range, the investigation team departed yesterday, etc.
Since we were busy with each other and Han So-young’s personality would not have called us to talk about such trivial things, there may be other stories.
“I see. Actually, I saw the records released in the Journal yesterday.”
As if she was right, Han So-young immediately got to the point. I was nodding my head because I was guessing something similar would come out.
“You mean work with the Union. Yes. But?”
“There’s nothing bad about it.I can’t get rid of the idea that this choice is a little unexpected.”
“Unexpectedly, I don’t mean anything else. I don’t want to move to the Koran, just look at it as it is.”
“No, I’m not. I’m a mechanical road. That’s not what I’m saying. What I want to tell you is….”
Han So-young shook her head calmly, saying, “You don’t have to worry.” And he continued, facing me straight.
“As I said, I’d like to say, the movement of the Union is a little strange.”
“I won’t beat around the bush. If you happen to have an incident with the Union, you can tell me. Because Eastantel Lowe and the Meritaries are the Dortrune Alliance.”
Han So-young, as expected? Or did he just say it because he didn’t see it coming? I don’t know, but it was a thank-you thing for me anyway.
Eastantel Lowe was on a similar line of independence to ours, but it was definitely a union in the South, like the Koran Union. But he’s saying he’ll help us, not even his clan.
Anyway, I feel good. The Koran Union is also quite a clan, but saying this was proof that Han So-young was hitting the machine even higher.
But I decided to say no. Han So-young didn’t want to be involved in this kind of thing, and I think it’s enough just for a fashion statement.
“No, I’m fine. It’s not like there’s anything else going on with the Union, it’s just a good intention. Of course, I’m looking for other effects.”
“…is that so?”
“Yes, but thank you for saying that. Just in case, if something is too much, I’ll definitely ask Istanbul Low.”
“Yes, please. I’ve received a lot of this and that from the Commercial Clan so far.If the noodles are not too sour, have a cup of tea….”
“Slurp, slurp.”
“…Enjoy your meal.”
I’m told to enjoy it, but I don’t know what it tastes like anymore because it keeps bothering me. But who am I to blame?
Resenting my brother who still hasn’t sunk, I inhaled the noodles in a sullen mood.
As I was eating noodles as slowly as I could, I suddenly saw Han So-young stirring the soup with chopsticks. I don’t think he’s bored, but he seems to have something to say.
Then Han So-young lifted her eyes and shed tears on me. It seems that the foresight has improved today.
“The mechanical load is…It’s always like that.”
“Is that how it is? I like to give…But I don’t take it…I’m curious sometimes. Why are you so nice to me and to Istanbul Low?”
I sucked the noodles in my mouth.
A while ago, considering Han So-young’s position, it was enough to come out. He leaked a lot of quality information without really wanting it, which became the driving force behind Istanbul’s high growth.
Come to think of it, I think I’ve been asked a similar question in the past….
I didn’t expect it then, but now I’m different.
I opened my mouth with a smile. It is best to answer vague questions vaguely.
“That’s simple.”
“When we first settled in Monica, Eastantel Low Road was very nice to us. Give me some work, give me a cheap Clan House.”
“It was.”
“Yes, of course it won’t be exactly the same…You can think of it as similar to that.”
Han So-young calmly replied, then shook the bowl again with her eyes slightly lowered. And I had to feel a little dazed.
Han So-young is so good at facial care that she can be called the queen of poker face. However, as a human being, I can’t have no emotions at all, and I could read emotions in every little action as I had been with Han So-young for a long time.
That’s true. Han So-young’s behavior just now was a habit or habit that comes out when she doesn’t like something very much.
Did I make any mistake?
…No matter how hard I think about it, I can’t get the answer. In the end, I showed my organs once again. On second thought, I had one question. I put down my chopsticks and took out the sword I had taken from the Clan warehouse. It was the sword of oath, one of the greatest achievements this time.
“Oh, my. Eastantel Low Road. I have a question.”
“What are you curious about?”
“Would you like to see this sword for a moment? It’s a piece of equipment called the Sword of the Swear, the achievement of the dragon in the sleeping mountains.”
“The Sword of Oath…”
I couldn’t bring the Goose Apparel. It doesn’t need to be true. This is because Han So-young has a very wide-ranging ability of super-sensitivity, so she can measure by herself whether the sword of the oath is good or bad.
Pretty black crystal moves down as you grab the handle so that you can see it well. Soon as I was about to hand it over, I could see a strong flicker in my eyes.
I flinched for a moment. And slightly shifted left by the sword and WRITE, will soon see. Then Han So-young’s eyes followed her to the left side.
어라 …
Move to the right and follow to the right. Move back to the left and follow again to the left. Just like such a pendulum movement, Han So-young’s eyes constantly followed as I led the sword of the oath.
Han So-young seemed to have recognized the value of an oath’s sword as expected. It seems to be greedy by itself. He rolled his eyes so hard with a blank face, and it was very fresh and funny.
But I couldn’t hold it in, so I burst into a weak smile without realizing it.
It was then.
Han So-young’s eyes opened wide as if she heard laughter.
Soon after, Han So-young slowly raised her head.
And the face was as expressionless as ever, but I could see for sure. His face hardened in no time and his cold eyes.
I became a honeyed mute at the same time as I felt like a baby.
After such a cold silence for a while, Han So-young lifted herself up a little harder at the desk. Then he said in an icy voice.
“I’m going to go.
“What, what? Where….”
“I’m leaving. I’m busy with my work. You don’t have to see me off.”
“What do you mean…? What do you mean, see you off? This is the Istanbul Low Clan..”
I explained calmly. Han So-young seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. And a second later, he looked blank and stared at me and bit my lips so hard that I could see clearly. It was almost impossible to show such emotions, so I thought it was something for a moment.
“…Today’s meeting was very refreshing. It was great to see the new side of the Commercial Road. All right, bye.”
“Now, wait a minute.”
Although she got up late, Han So-young turned to the point where she could hear the wind and walked away. I stared at the back of Han So-young, who was blowing the cold wind. I was curious, but I thought of the past for a moment, so I played a joke, and I thought I made a big mistake even if I made a mistake.
Soon as Han So-young was about to open the door, the door suddenly opened and someone came inside first. It was Yeon Hye Rim.
Yeon Hye-rim alternately looked at me and Han So-young and grabbed her arm with a curious face.
“Huh? Han So-young? Where are you going?
“Get out of the way.”
“No, there’s still a mechanical road..”
“I told you to get out of the way. Can’t you hear me?”
Han So-young shook her arms lightly and opened the door and left. The disgruntled Yeon Hye-rim stepped back a step or two and groaned strangely. And he approached me and asked me with a face mixed with curiosity and resentment.
“Hey. The Commercial Road. What’s wrong with him? Why are you so upset?”
“…You’re upset? You’re not mad?”
“Uh. Her eyebrows don’t go up like that when she’s angry. It’s rather calm. When you ripen your face and bite your lips, you’re obviously sulking. What do you think? Good information, huh?”
“…was it?”
Come to think of it, I couldn’t check the color of my face.
Looking at Hye-rim smiling, I smiled face to face.
============================ Review of the work ============================
I once said that I would drop Han So-young’s vote.
Many of you opposed it then, but I finally pushed ahead. To lose Han So-young’s vote.
To do that, I drew Han So-young on purpose.
Okay. How is it?
Despite your opposition, I dropped Han So-young’s vote.
Well, I’m such a scary person.
PS. It’s amazing who can guess which parody it is.
PS2. J.F., can I love you? >3<
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