Mercenary Black Mamba
432 Chapter 41 Episode 25: Ampadombe Fist of Justice
"Tsk tsk, you're doing too many things."
Samdi bit his tongue and felt a little pathetic There were only two types of humans imprinted on his consciousness: those who were friendly to their owners and those who were unfriendly. If he did not like them, he would kill them. Samdi could not understand complex human relationships, so to him, the event of his master was not frustrating.
Anyway, things would become more difficult if the human being that his master needed were to die. He took out a water bottle containing Hibitor sap from his backpack. Hibitor sap was good for quenching thirst and was excellent for waking a person up. The effects of caffeine was incomparable to Hibitor sap.
"Wait! Wait a minute. Something is blocking his blood flow."
Black Mamba stopped Samdi. He placed his palms on Lee Chang Kul's body, using his experience and knowledge as a guide. Woow- The Korean man's internal organs trembled like a ship in full swing. Black Mamba shook his hands and then slapped Lee Chang Kul's body. Almost immediately, Lee Chang Kul threw up a ball of blood. He looked relieved.
"Oh! Tha.. Thank you."
"Let's keep going!"
Black Mamba was cold-hearted. Lee Kang Chul had almost died. When emotional ups and downs became extreme, the neurotransmission system would not be able to accept electrical signals. When the nerves became silent, the brain and lungs would stop operating. Of course, he was out of breath.
Human emotions were still an unknown area in the field of brain science. Does brain activity influence the mind? Was brain activity a chemical interaction? This was not a hypothesis that could be easily summarized within this century.
There were two ways in which the five human senses acquire information and transmit it to the hippocampus. The path through the amygdala was accompanied by emotions such as taste and smell, and the path through the posterior cortex conveys objective materials such as color, shape, and mass.
Emotional information was blocked if there was an abnormality in the amygdala. The likelihood of developing an affective disorder and Urbach-Bite syndrome increases. Conversely, when emotional information overflows without objective substances, the brain went down due to excessive secretion of cortisol, dopamine, and serotonin. This was why when emotions such as joy or sorrow become excessive, humans can die out of the blue.
Lee Kang Chul recovered from his sense of shock. He looked at Black Mamba as if he was standing far away.
"You are a person who needs a lot of care."
Samdi tilted his cup towards Lee Kang Chul's mouth and poured Hibitor sap into it. The focus was on Lee Kang Chul's eyes.
"That day, there was a casualty in area 12. It was hard to die from the most common death accident. I came home late at night to fix it. I wanted to cry because it was difficult and I was lonely. The manager had left and placed all the responsibility on me. When I walked through the gate, Kim Mal Soon was sitting on the Daecheongmaru. I said, "Mal Soon, I am so tired." Her expression changed into anger. 'I told you five times not to call me that. There is no one in the world who can call my name.' Then she turned coldly and went into the kitchen. I wanted to be comforted, but I was in despair. She was such a terrible woman. She was known as Mrs. Beak The Mistress by the workers. A year passed and we still have not had a private conversation. It is not normal to forget what was in your mind if you hadn't seen each other anymore. It was a pity for her, who was so obsessed with her husband who had already died. Those who live should not live. When she put down the table, in front of the jeogori slightly opened and I could see the breastbone. Looking at the secret part of the woman I love, I turned my eyes away. You are young, so you will understand. The pity of when the treasure you reach with your hands is not mine."
Lee Kang Chul was out of breath, so he stopped talking and looked expectantly at Black Mamba. It was like looking at the rising sun. Lee Kang Chul suddenly felt a shudder. Can an incredibly strong human be so lonely?
"Lee Kang Chul, you have lived in vain. There is a feeling in the world that never changes. Novels, movies, poems, and paintings will have no meaning as long as they are blunt in absolute love, absolute loyalty, absolute friendship, and the world is good. Keep talking."
Black Mamba murmured as if talking to herself. The love of the mother and the father was absolute. Hye Young, who he loved, left for the United States in search of ambition. Are Jinsun and Ethel in absolute love? He still did not fully understand love.
The master, Kkamdoongi, and Samdi were the only beings that have touched his heart ever since he became an adult. Ironically, not all of them were humans. The master was already a good man, and the black person was Adras and Samdi was a zombie. He was hurt so much by the humans around him. There was neither distrust nor confidence in humans.
Lee Kang Chul continued his story.
"I couldn't sleep. I watched as her chest rose up and down as she breathed. I counted thousands of sheep and chain smoked to help me fall asleep, but I still couldn't. So I went out to the village well outside and washed myself in cold water. The passion that exploded in me was indescribable. I wouldn't have gone crazy if she had given me a sign, or if she had told me to wait or said that she needed time. I could not stand it at dawn and went into my bedroom. My eyes were flipped over. Hhhhh (Laughs)"
Lee Kang Chul smiled. Humans seemed smart but they committed absurdly foolish things. In many cases, colleagues who used to live in a clean public office often take bribes and ruin their lives. There was something they had in common. He said he did not understand why he did that. It was not a foresight, but a precaution. Only afterwards did he realize his foolishness.
"I knelt down and begged her to accept my heart. She was cold and lived up to her nickname, Mrs. Beak. I was lucky that she was weak-minded and didn't yell for help."
"She begged me to stop and and go away, but I was almost hypnotized. It didn't make sense to me that a young woman with beauty and dignity was still so obsessed with her dead husband. I lost my mind and I tore off her clothes. I thought I was doing her a favor and freeing her from the memory of her dead husband. I thought it would be different if I forced her to be in a relationship with me. I was crazy. She resisted desperately. She bit my hands and I would show you the marks if I still had my hands! Ha ha ha! But suddenly, someone opened the door and turned on the lights. I don't know who it was but he started shouting. In the confusion, I hit him with my lamp and ran away. I only returned when I left the neighborhood."
"Why did you come back? When was that?"
"She was wearing a jeogori and sleeping with a body pillow, and I had torn it off. So I was worried that her body would be exposed in the cold, so I went back. I have no idea what time it was because I was already going crazy. But it was probably very late, past midnight."
"Past midnight huh? I see. Keep going."
Black Mamba reached a state in which he could barely hold his tongue. But he managed to compose himself and urged Lee Chang Kul to continue. If he wanted to know the exact details of the incident, he had no choice but to endure the suffering.
"I was looking for sympathy near the boarding house, and the mysterious man came back from the back wall. I hid myself in fear."
"How long has it been since you ran away and the mysterious man came out?"
"It wasn't even five minutes. I ran to the road and came back right away. The unidentified man got out to the road and walked along the riverside to the bridge. That was all that happened. I was timid, so I had no chance to see Kim Mal Soon's face. I gave up and ran away after that. That's the whole story."
"Did you manage to see the mystery man's face?"
"I did not see it. I was busy hiding my face for fear of being caught by the unidentified man. Ever since that day, I've been cursing myself. I was stupid and acted without thinking. And now I can't forget about her and I've been living in regret. I wish I could apologize to her... I was so foolish..."
Tears flowed down Lee Kang Chul's face. If he spent the time to persuade her gently, he probably could have convinced her to be with him. Instead, he had forced himself on her and did what she should never do. He dug his own hole.
This was often the case with crimes of shameless offenders such as murder, theft, robbery, arson, fraud, blackmail, embezzlement, and rape. After the primary damage, serious secondary damage occurs. There were common incidents such as a grandmother who pocketed the tuition of her grandchildren who was pocketed, jumping into a train, and a female college student who was raped committed suicide because she could not overcome shame. The case of Kim Mal Soon was of a similar type.
Black Mamba looked up at the sky silently. Lee Kang Chul was calm, and his blood flow and breathing were normal. He wasn't lying, and Black Mamba could tell that without using his spatial perception. If he had wanted to lie, he would have said it from the beginning. The price of the lie would have been his death.
Samdi was in a good mood. Finally, his master's business was over. The old man in front of them was just an evil man who had done evil things to his master's mother. Samdi took a step toward Lee Chang Kul. He could just reach out his hand and snap the man's neck...
"Stop it!"
The voice was angry and sad. Samdi retracted his hand as if nothing had happened. He went to stand behind Black Mamba and looked down at the groound.
"Who are you?" How do you know everything about that time? Was it a coincidence?"
Lee Kang Chul had no idea he had just escaped certain death. Instead, he was asking a vague question.
Fit Fit Fit- The sword shone brightly. Several Schiffari flies, led by the rotting smell of the dull wound, were sliced in two. A sword was pushed before Lee Kang Chul's eyes. Three heads of chiffari, the size of a red bean egg, are placed on the drawing. Lee Kang Chul looked at Samdi with tired eyes.
"Lee Kang Chul, my master is merciful, but I am a demon from hell. You are capable of being stuck in hell whenever and wherever you are. Lee Kang Chul, you know what three heads of Schiffari are, right? It is your family. I hope there is no lie in your words. You know that, right?"
Lee Kang Chul shivered with fear. When Hongan's Dueoksini pushed his wide, ugly face and growled, his mind became confused. The man was scary, but his words were scarier. If he was lying, this strange man threatened to kill his wife and two children. Lee Kang Chul, an ordinary public official, was distracted by the rush of life. He could not think of anything.
"I'm telling you the truth. I attempted to rape her. And I've been living in guilt for the past 16 years. I will take the debt I have to pay for my wrongdoing. I don't know how I will ever pay for my my wrongdoing..."
Lee Kang Chul's gaze remained on his blunt wrist that was missing his hand. The wrist, which was not properly treated, was rotted to the elbow. If he did not cut it off quickly, he would die of sepsis.
"Wow Samdi, your control is improving day by day."
Black Mamba was impressed. Samdi had his back. He was using his size to threaten the man, and had even lowered his voice when threatening Lee Kang Chul.
Lee Kang Chul even hurt his organs due to long-term nutritional deficiencies and bacterial infections. In other words, he was on the verge of death. Even if he received treatment, he would never live a normal life. Would he even live to be 56?
Although Black Mamba had heard the confession of Lee Kang Chul, nothing new had been revealed. Lee Kang Chul was innocent and he still could not help her mother.
"What misery!"
Lee Kang Chul had also a poor life that has been harassed by fate. What was this? The attempted rape led to him losing both his hands. There was no word for revenge against dying humans. What kind of fate was this?
The inside story of the day was roughly revealed, but the important question remained the same. The question was: what had happened in the master bedroom within that five-minute period of time?
In the meantime, Lee Kang Chul still remained suspicious. If it was not Lee Kang Chul, was it the man who disappeared beyond the back wall at dawn? It was unclear to conclude that he was an uncle. Lee Kang Chul said he returned in less than five minutes.
Humans were neither rabbits nor chimpanzees. The intersection of animals ends tremendously quickly except in some unusual cases, such as snakes. Perhaps the mating moment evolved toward ending quickly as it became the most vulnerable in the wild.
Humans feel anxious and threatened during sex only by men entering motels with women secretly. Human males who enjoy sex have made bloody efforts to increase mating time and evolutionarily fail to finish the situation within five minutes. This means that the mystery man also did not rape Lee Kang Chul's mother.
'I see. That person entered the master bedroom. My poor mother, that is why you are crazy.'
Black Mamba had his doubt. Five minutes was not enough time to do terrible things to the woman. The problem was that a man named Baekbu stayed in his master bedroom for five minutes. When it came to her father, she was a mother with mynosis. Whether he did something terrible or not, it was a mess for her mother.
The ruined human being smashed her mother and her happiness, and her family was also destroyed by the karma of Paeryun. In addition, it had become a time-limited life. Was is amazing that she was in a position to commit another atrocity, even as she was about to die. Black Mamba's anger boiled up.
"Ha ha ha".
Black Mamba raised his head and laughed out loud. Boom boom- His head drummed. The magic of Epidium, which had been sleeping for a long time, raised its head. It was wild, similar to acute Urbach-Bite syndrome.
"Mother!" he shouted.
The angry cry shook the atmosphere. It was so loud that it would have drowned out the roars of a dozen lions. His eyes turned blood red.
"In a world where you can not believe it, wow."
Kurrr- amplified sound waves pushed the bushes. Shrubs and weeds lay down as if they were being swept away by a storm, and huge trees shook. Kkirug- Quack-Ken-Ken-Ken- The forest was a mess. A flock of birds flew, a herd of monkeys went wild, and all kinds of animals were busy running away. The hostages at the back twisted their bodies and covered their ears. Samdi jumped up and hugged Black Mamba.
Black Mamba tried to shake him off, but Samdi's strong forearms did not budge. Samdi's physique and pure muscle strength were stronger than Black Mamba.
"How dare you!"
Samdi put a lot of strength in his lower abdomen and imitated the voice of the loud master.
"Oh, Master!"
Surprised by the master's gang, Black Mamba's struggle stopped. The moment passed like a daze. Black Mamba turned her head and looked back at Samdi. Her hair calmed down and her eyes looked for the original black and white.
"Wakir, I do not mean to." The big master ordered it."
The defective Samdi quickly stepped down after loosening his arm.
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